Well, I guess the time has come for me as it comes for many. I just haven't been hanging around the site anymore. That isn't to say I'm retiring, but I'm not in the ranks of active editors anymore. Don't worry, of course I'll still be dropping by from time to time, and maybe someday return as an active member of the UESP.
This UESPWikian is 30 years, 1 month, and 23 days old.
A hobby I don't have a lot of time for anymore is video games. My favorite games are definitely the Elder Scrolls (obviously), but I also enjoy the Assassins' Creed, Halo, and Fallout series. My other main hobby is music. I enjoy listening to music, making music, going to concerts, all that good stuff. Talk to me sometime and I'll be sure to bore you, haha.
Okay, I think I've ranted enough...If you'd like to know anything more about me and/or have any questions, feel free to ask! :)
2017: I've still been lurking about the site on occasion and I've been playing some Skyrim as well. Although I doubt I'll be playing much in a couple of months because I'll be living and studying abroad in Germany for the spring and summer. I'm really stoked about this and hope to still make a couple of contributions to the site while in Europe.
November 2021: I just wanted to drop in, say hi, and thanks to all of my friends in this community for the memories. Happy birthday Skyrim
I've been playing TES games starting with Oblivion at a friends house back in 2006. I soon bought myself Morrowind, then Oblivion, and now Skyrim. I found UESP by accident several years ago when I needed help with a quest for Morrowind, and I've been coming back ever since. This is my go-to site for TES information, so it's been great to finally be apart of the community!