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User talk:Cheats-Like-Crazy

Lol, I like your agronian-like name xD Tell me, if you 'cheat' a lot, then why not dupe a few poisoned apples for your Skingrad house;) Oh yeah, I'm addicted, but only to the game. I don't have an Xbox or ps3, and my computer (laptop actually) can't run Oblivion. Not until I upgrade it for so much money that I am better off bying me a new PC or laptop. Luckily my father has a 'good' computer so I get to play a little.. If not playing I'm trying to saturise my needs by going on the UESP ^^

I do by the way always choose Agronian's because the Water Breathing ability is a good way to get rid of enemies in the beginning of the game. - Korunox 07:07, 22 February 2008 (EST)

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