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There are ten playable races in The Elder Scrolls Legends. Each race corresponds to two attributes. Players can choose an avatar to represent a specific race and gain a bonus to collecting specific types of cards.


Race choice does not affect matches or the types of decks or cards that can be played. Instead, it influences card collection: each race is themed around a different play style, and the player will more quickly collect cards that fit their race's theme.

Race Description Bonus Attributes Theme
Argonian Born in the treacherous swamps of the Black Marsh, this reptilian race is known for its natural endurance. As an Argonian, you will more quickly collect cards that reward you for playing a long game.   Agility &   Endurance Increasing Magicka
Breton The men and women of High Rock are known for their clever spellcraft, which often lets them avoid harm. As a Breton, you will more quickly collect cards that can deflect damage.   Intelligence &   Endurance Wards
Dark Elf Dunmer are renowned for both their magical prowess and their stealth. As a Dark Elf, you will more quickly collect cards that harness the power of the fallen.   Intelligence &   Agility Last Gasp
High Elf The Altmer are one of the longest-lived and most intelligent races in Tamriel. They have a natural affinity for spells. As a High Elf, you will more quickly collect spell-related cards.   Intelligence &   Willpower Actions
Imperial The natives of Cyrodiil have proven to be shrewd tacticians and diplomats. As an Imperial, you will more quickly collect cards that build large armies.   Willpower &   Endurance Board Presence
Khajiit Khajiit are quick and agile, making them some of the most adept thieves in Tamriel. As a Khajiit, you will more quickly collect cards rewarding you for nimbly attacking your opponent.   Willpower &   Agility Pilfer
Nord Hailing from the inhospitable mountains of Skyrim, Nords are fearsome and hardy warriors. As a Nord, you will more quickly collect cards rewarding you for relentlessly attacking your foes.   Strength &   Willpower Breaking Runes
Orc The people of the Wrothgarian and Dragontail Mountains are renowned as both craftsmen and berserkers. You'll collect Orc cards more quickly, reflecting your ability to lead other Orcs into battle.   Strength &   Endurance Orc Creatures
Redguard The people of Hammerfell are Tamriel's most talented and resourceful warriors. As a Redguard, you will more quickly collect weapon-related cards.   Strength &   Intelligence Items
Wood Elf The clanfolk of the Valenwood are the finest archers in Tamriel, excelling at hunting and dispatching the unwary. As a Wood Elf, you will more quickly collect cards that prey on weakened foes.   Strength &   Agility Wounded Creatures


Each race offers four portraits, two male and two female. You must choose a portrait at the beginning of the game but can later change it at any point from the main menu.

Female 1 Female 2 Male 1 Male 2
Dark Elf        
High Elf        
Wood Elf