Rajhin the Purring Liar, also known as the Trickster God, the Footpad, Cat Who Walks, and the Cat-King of Thieves is the Thief god of the Khajiiti people.[1] Tales of Rajhin are an integral part of Khajiiti culture and is popular among their storytellers,[2][3] but he also finds worship among thieves and deceivers.[4] Though he is the most famous burglar in Elsweyr's history, he also targeted many other lands, even venturing to the realms of Oblivion to add other's possessions to his collection.[5] He was also very successful in wooing his lovers with his great treasures.[6] It is said that every idol of Rajhin ever made will find its way into a pouch of a thief,[7] but his idols are also popular as a ward against thieves.[8][9] Rajhin himself was described as being "the very embodiment of speed, agility, and slyness".[5] He has Seven Shadows that each represent different aspects of his being and carry out his bidding.[1]
Rajhin's date of birth is unknown, but he was around since before the Khajiiti people recognized a Mane, and before the city of Rim'kha would become known as Rimmen.[10] He grew up in the slums of Black Kiergo in Senchal.[11]
Rajhin stole the Ring of Khajiiti from Mafala prior to his ascension to godhood. The moons were new on the night of the crime, thus shined no light upon Nirn. The darkness gave Rajhin access to Oblivion, where he found Mafala, Azurah, and a third Daedric Prince arguing over who claimed dominion over the night. Rajhin listened to their argument for a while before revealing his presence. He offered to settle their debate, as there is no one more familiar with the night than a thief. At first, Mephala regarded Rajhin with malice, and sought to eat him. However, Azurah stopped her. Each Prince told Rajhin why they deserved to be chosen, and the thief caught sight of the Ring of Khajiiti on Mephala's eighth arm. He seduced Mafala by appealing to her vanity, and stole the ring off her arm while they made love.[12] He spotted the Ebony Blade as he was leaving, and made off with both artifacts.[5] Rajhin used the Ring of Khajiiti's powers to make himself as invisible, silent, and quick as a breath of wind. Using the Ring, he became the most successful burglar in the history of Elsweyr, eventually being elevated to the Thief God of the Khajiit.[5]
His companion during his misadventures was his legendary mount, a Black Senche-Lion named Umbrage,[13] more commonly known as Southpaw.[14] He could both fly for brief periods, as well as talk.[13] Additionally, he would keep watch while his master was breaking and entering.[15] Thanks to their reverence towards Rajhin, thieves today prefer to ride Senche-Cats of Southpaw's breed.[13] The Dark Moons Lynx is said to be a worldly incarnation of Southpaw.[15] Another breed of Senche-Cats associated with Rajhin is the Black Senche-Panther, a breed said to have been created when some of Rajhin's Shadows took a life on their own.[16]
A story about one of Rajhin's most legendary heists claims he had stolen the Amulet of Kings from Alessia for a time.[17] Another of the notable feats he performed when he was alive was when he visited Apocrypha seeking treasure, which led to him stealing the Oghma Infinium from Hermaeus Mora. Rajhin kept the book hidden in his possession, and occasionally the Daedric Prince managed to find it, but only because Rajhin chose to give it back to him on his own whim.[5][18] It is also said that Rajhin pilfered enchanted purple horses and ponies from the realm of Noweyr.[19][20]
Rajhin's eventual fate is a mystery, but according to legend, the Ring rebelled against such constant use and disappeared, leaving Rajhin helpless before his enemies.[21] After his death, his spirit was bound to the land until the ring was retrieved by the Eternal Champion from a dank abyss in Black Marsh where it had been hidden by the Underking.[22] "Rajhin's Final Cups" are the alleged cups used in a drinking contest between him and the Daedric Prince Sanguine, which have since then been found in circulation in various shady markets and sold for a hefty sum.[23]
Rajhin's Shadows still roam Nirn after his death, causing various forms of mischief. He is said to have stolen a tattoo from the neck of Empress Kintyra as she slept.[11]
One story tells of a bard wanting the power to seduce any person he wished with his music. One of Rajhin's Shadows granted this wish, giving him an enchanted lyre, and the bard enjoyed inspiring lustful passion among his fans. Unfortunately, the lyre was a double-edged sword, as it bred jealously among his rivals, which eventually led to him being slain out of frustration. The lyre would pass many hands, and those who used it would also share the same fate. The lyre would eventually make its way into the Bards College, where it would be warded and kept safe, and any members of the college would be warned to play it at their own risk. The lyre would become known as the Shadow of Rajhin, after the trickster gods' shadows.[24]
Another tale of mischief involves the city of Falinesti. In seeking to punish an Altmer woman named Nairume for not returning his love, Rajhin's Shadow representing his desires trapped her in an icy prison, seeking to steal her love away from her husband. She would be freed of her prison if she were to touch Rajhin's Mantle, which would then steal her love from her husband, and replace it for love for the Trickster God. Refusing to betray her husband's trust, she refused to give in to the Shadow's desires, and remained trapped there since the First Era, until 2E 582. Queen Ayrenn sought to prove herself as a worthy leader using the Orrery of Elden Root, and one of the pieces required to do so was Rajhin's Mantle. This search led to the liberation of Nairume from her containment, as well as the acquisition of the Mantle for Ayrenn's trial by the Orrery. Rajhin's Shadow claimed to have stolen the city, but it is unknown if this was a bluff.[25] Other evidence points to Mephala, who claims the city is under her web.[26] Regardless, various theories have sprouted on how the city went missing.[27]
The story of Rajhin and the Stone Maiden tells of the Trickster God preventing a young maiden from committing suicide. Concerned, Rajhin asked her what would drive her to do such a thing, and she explained that her greedy step-father demanded an insane bride-price, and caused the village he ran to seethe with corruption. Seeking to teach the step-father a lesson, Rajhin aided the maiden in a plan that would allow her to be with her beloved. And so the couple met with the step-father to arrange a deal, and offered something greater than the bride-price. It was a great land that can be seen from their village that has no ruler. One that "shines like a pearl in the darkness", can be claimed, but cannot be reached without their agent. The greedy step-father agreed to the terms, which then prompted Rajhin to manifest behind him. As per their agreement, Rajhin quickly seized him and took him to the moon of Jode, far from where he could interfere with the couple's relationship. The villagers were initially shocked, but celebrated that their home was freed of the tyrant, and held a wedding ceremony for the couple. During the night, Rajhin manifested once more, for he traveled too fast which caused the step-father to be separated from his shadow, which threatened the newly-weds. Because they could not see it, from their perspective it appeared like Rajhin was reaching for air, and upon the Thief God's explanation, they were relieved and their laughter echoed across the riverbank.[28]
During the Witches Festival, cat masks depicting Rajhin's visage are a staple.[29] The Khajiit of Rawl'kha celebrate the New Life Festival by finding true wealth in their actions. They honor Rajhin with the Trial of the Five-Clawed Guile. The challenge involves stealing coins from either locked boxes, or the pockets of a previous winner. This shows the participant has such little regard for barriers as Rajhin did.[30]
One of the pieces of the Tales of Tribute, a popular card game originating from the Systres Archipelago played continent-wide during the Interregnum in Second Era[31] bore the image of Rajhin. A deck themed after him was part of the game.[17]
See AlsoEdit
- For game-specific information on Rajhin, see the ESO article.
- How Rajhin Stole the Book that Knows — Rajhin's exploits in the Library of Hermorah
- ^ a b The Seven Shadows of Rajhin, Pt. 1
- ^ Pocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: Sugar and Blood: the Cats of the South — Imperial Geographical Society, 3E 432
- ^ Falinesti Winter Site loading screen in ESO
- ^ Brelor's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b c d e The Thief God's Treasures — Wafaruz the Veracious Spitter
- ^ Shaashuz's dialogue in ESO: Elsweyr
- ^ Idol of Rajhin item description in ESO
- ^ Rajhin Desk Idol item description in ESO
- ^ Rajhin's Shadow Pocket Idol item description in ESO
- ^ Rajhin's Shadow's dialogue in ESO: Elsweyr
- ^ a b Varieties of Faith... — Brother Mikhael Karkuxor of the Imperial College
- ^ Humble Zaham's dialogue in ESO: Elsweyr
- ^ a b c Black Senche-Lion mount description in ESO
- ^ Psijic Senche Exemplar mount description in ESO
- ^ a b Dark Moons Lynx pet description in ESO
- ^ Black Senche-Panther Kitten pet description in ESO
- ^ a b Tales of Tribute: Series One — The Founders
- ^ How Rajhin Stole the Book that Knows
- ^ Noweyr Pony pet description in ESO
- ^ Noweyr Steed mount description in ESO
- ^ Tamrielic Lore — Yagrum Bagarn
- ^ Artifact Quest Dialogue in Arena
- ^ Rajhin's Final Cups item description in ESO
- ^ Shadow of Rahjin
- ^ A Lasting Winter quest in ESO
- ^ Mephala's dialogue in ESO
- ^ The Collected Theory Hypothesis
- ^ Rajhin and the Stone Maiden
- ^ Rajhin's Cat Mask description in ESO
- ^ Tumira's dialogue in ESO
- ^ The Secret Origins of Tribute — Brunile Dufont, Games Scholar