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< Morrowind: Places: Caves(Redirected from Morrowind:Savure Uvalor)
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Walkthrough: not written

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Exterior Images: added by Jeancey, checked by WoahBro
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Console Location Code(s)
Azura's Coast, [13,11]

Pinsun is a smuggler cave south of Vos.

A small cave just north of Indoranyon Stronghold, Pinsun is home to a gang of eight smugglers and their loot.

If calmed or snuck up on, Clecentor Aerius provides medium training in Speechcraft, Light Armor, and Sneak. Additionally, if Rilas Arethan is calmed or snuck up on, he will provide medium training in Short Blade, Light Armor, and Sneak.


Name   Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Notes
Ahetotis Furotis   Imperial Warrior 13 153 100 0 90
Birama Andaram   Dark Elf Archer 13 118 100 0 90
Clecentor Aerius   Imperial Agent 15 112 110 0 90 Trainer
Cluson   Redguard Healer 12 93 84 0 90
Fovus Faravel   Dark Elf Battlemage 14 106 158 0 90
Jaline   Redguard Warrior 14 166 80 0 90
Rilas Arethan   Dark Elf Agent 13 102 106 0 90 Trainer
Savure Uvalor   Dark Elf Rogue 12 111 98 0 90



Pinsun, interior map