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Morrowind:Surane Leoriane's House

< Places: Homes
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Walkthrough: written by WoahBro, not checked

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Exterior Images: added by WoahBro, checked by Jeancey
Surane Leoriane's House
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Surane Leoriane
Console Location Code(s)
"Caldera, Surane Leoriane's House"
Caldera, [-2,2]
Surane Leoriane's House

Surane Leoriane's House is a home in Caldera. It belongs to Surane Leoriane who can be found residing inside.


As you walk through the door, you are greeted by another door in front of you. If you unlock and open the door, you will find a wardrobe with a bed and a ledge next to it.

Also, if you turn right and go up the stairs, there is a much larger area that has a few crates and a large cabinet. Next to that is a rectangular table with four chairs to decorate with whatever (plates, cups, etc) you have bearing in mind. There is another smaller table in the center of the room with only two chairs. You may have a desk with a chair to work on in the corner with a great-looking fireplace complete with shield. This home is perfect for decorating to your max and showing off your artifacts.


Name   Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight
Surane Leoriane   Breton Mage 10 68 150 0 30