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A typical scene in the West Gash
Daedric Ruins, such as Dushariran, dot the landscape
Ravines and natural arches are common sights
Map of the West Gash
West Gash Weather Table
Clear 15% Thunder 10%
Cloudy 30% Foggy 15%
Ash 0% Blight 0%
Overcast 20% Rain 10%
Snow 0% Blizzard 0%

The western highlands of Vvardenfell are called the West Gash. The region is one of Vvardenfell's largest contiguous areas, stretching from just south of Balmora, the district seat of House Hlaalu, to as far north as Khuul and the shores of the Sea of Ghosts. The West Gash lies between two mountain ranges, west of the Ashlands and east of the Bitter Coast. The terrain of the West Gash is generally rocky scrubland in the south, marked by unique, natural rock bridges inland in the south and on the coast, with sparse forest in the northern area. Major settlements in the West Gash include the fishing villages Ald Velothi and Khuul, the trading village Gnisis, Balmora and Caldera. The Caldera Mining Company has been granted an Imperial monopoly to remove Raw Ebony from the rich deposits here. Caldera has the appearance and flavor of a Western Imperial town, but a Hlaalu Governor. The Imperial Legion garrisons of Fort Moonmoth and Fort Darius round out the Imperial presence. The Gash is mainly under House Redoran control, Athyn Sarethi is the Lord of South Gash, Hlaren Ramoran, Lord of West Gash and Miner Arobar is the Lord of North Gash. Caldera is a new Imperial charter, and the exploration of the Caldera Mine by House Hlaalu is a thorn in the eye of the Redorans. Blighted creatures sometimes wander into the region, threatening pilgrims and trade caravans alike. The West Gash is dotted with Daedric Shrines, which, although in ruins, attract their share of Orcish worshippers.

Cities and SettlementsEdit

A list of places found in the West Gash region, Vvardenfell.

Major CitiesEdit

  • Balmora — A large city in the West Gash, and Hlaalu council seat. (map)

Smaller TownsEdit

  • Ald Velothi — A small Redoran harbor village north of Gnisis. (map)
  • Caldera — An Imperial mining town in the West Gash. (map)
  • Gnisis — An Imperial egg mine town with a notable bazaar and a cranky Telvanni wizard. (map)
  • Khuul — A small Redoran fishing village and trading post on Vvardenfell's northwest shore. (map)

Imperial FortsEdit


Ancestral TombsEdit


Daedric RuinsEdit

Dunmer StrongholdsEdit

Dwemer RuinsEdit

Holy GroundsEdit

Bodies of WaterEdit


Inns and TavernsEdit



Velothi TowersEdit

Other LandmarksEdit

Related QuestsEdit

House HlaaluEdit

House RedoranEdit

House TelvanniEdit

Mages GuildEdit

Imperial CultEdit

Imperial LegionEdit

Tribunal TempleEdit

  • Compassion: Cure a mortal enemy of Blight to learn of compassion.

Morag TongEdit





Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Aeta Wave-Breaker   Nord Commoner 4 68 66 0 30 [-1,2]
Ainab Yassabisun   Dark Elf Barbarian 9 103 92 0 90 [-7,17]
Ainat Maessabibi   Dark Elf Scout 8 98 96 0 90 [-7,17] Trainer
Assamanut Sonnerralit   Dark Elf Scout 5 75 88 0 90 [-13,12] Trainer
Bugrol gro-Bagul   Orc Thief 7 79 80 0 30 [-4,3]
Din   Redguard Master-at-Arms Imperial Legion Spearman(Spearman) 6 109 90 0 30 [-12,13]
Drulene Falen   Dark Elf Herder 3 53 84 0 30 [-7,6]
Elitlaya Assonirishpal   Dark Elf Mabrigash 6 84 90 0 90 [-10,9]
Elumabi Maliiran   Dark Elf Mabrigash 6 84 90 0 90 [-7,8]
Ernil Omoran   Dark Elf Smuggler 5 0 88 0 30 [-2,-1] Already Dead
Hansi Saharnatturapli   Dark Elf Mabrigash 7 90 92 0 90 [-10,9]
Hinummu Siddurnanit   Dark Elf Mabrigash 6 84 90 0 90 [-10,9]
Hisin Deep-Raed   Nord Barbarian 10 112 76 0 30 [-5,6]
Hlormar Wine-Sot   Nord Barbarian 10 141 0 0 30 [-3,3]
Lucan Ostorius   Imperial Thief Thieves Guild Blackcap(Blackcap) 10 86 108 0 30 [-7,9]
Maeonius Yentimilal   Dark Elf Scout 5 75 88 0 90 [-8,13] Trainer
Malay Ranarbatus   Dark Elf Archer 6 77 88 0 90 [-7,17]
Massour Asserrumusa   Dark Elf Scout 8 98 96 0 90 [-14,14] Trainer
Midnabi Sobdishapal   Dark Elf Mabrigash 5 77 88 0 90 [-7,8]
Mubdan Assantinalit   Dark Elf Barbarian 9 103 92 0 90 [-14,14]
Nevusa Veleth   Dark Elf Mage 18 99 158 0 90 [-6,13]
Pemenie   Redguard Rogue 12 116 78 0 30 [-4,3]
Pilun Ashapaladdon   Dark Elf Barbarian 7 88 90 0 90 [-8,13]
Rasha   Argonian Trader 7 93 102 0 30 [-6,5]
Sason   Redguard Commoner House Redoran Retainer(Retainer) 5 80 72 0 30 [-8,15]
Shargon Odin-Ahhe   Dark Elf Barbarian 6 81 88 0 90 [-13,12]
Shinammu Radansour   Dark Elf Wise Woman 5 50 88 0 90 [-8,13]
Sjorvar Horse-Mouth   Nord Master-at-Arms Blades Apprentice(Apprentice) 9 115 72 0 30 [-5,4] Trainer
Sosia Caristiana   Breton Healer 13 77 126 60 40 [-4,4]
Synette Jeline   Breton Thief 7 61 122 0 30 [-12,13]
Tavynu Tedran   Dark Elf Archer 8 97 40 0 70 [-12,13]
Viciously clawed dead smuggler   Nord Thief 1 0 60 0 30 [-10,13]