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Morrowind Mod:AFFresh/Dialogue

< Mod / Morrowind: Morrowind Mod: AFFresh

A Letter for DarvamEdit

Darvame HleranEdit

Talking to her about letter for Darvam, she will say:

Without the letter: Nephata had a letter for me? Do you still have it? I can't imagine it is anything important.
With the letter: Nephata had a letter for me? What is it? It's in code?
Oh, I bet this is for Darvam Hlaren in Ald'ruhn. This isn't the first time this has happened. Feel free to take it to him. I don't want to get involved in whatever he's involved in.

Talking to her about letter for Darvam again, she will say:

As I said, that letter may be for Darvam in Ald'ruhn.

Darvam HleranEdit

Talking to him about letter for Darvam, he will say:

A letter addressed to me? May I have it?
Give him the letter
Hm. Yes, yes, this is definitely for me. For your service, and your continued service, allow me to give you something you will remember. They say a magic ring is always welcome, and this one is especially appropriate for this situation.
This could be something important. But I won't know without seeing it, will I?

Talking to him about letter for Darvam again, he will say:

If the player is not in the Thieves Guild: Yes, you have already given it to me. The rest is not your business.
If the player is an Operative in the Thieves Guild: [whispers] Yes, %PCRank, I work for the guild. I have no love for the Tong. They killed my brother for a trivial slight. That letter was from Stacey, informing me of who will come to pick up my next journal of observations. It is slow, dull, and dangerous work, but necessary. And if I can harm the Tong, so much the better. Alas, they aren't using this Council Club as a meeting place right now, but they will return.

Ald'ruhn NPC DialogueEdit

Talking to Dark Elves in Ald'ruhn, they will say:

Everyone knows Darvam. He runs the Council Club. He's almost always there.

A Little Light WoodEdit

Thavere VedranoEdit

When first spoken to:

Yes? What brings you to the Seyda Neen lighthouse?
Seyda Neen lighthouse
This is a very important lighthouse, which prevents dozens of ships from crashing onto the rocks every year. Not to mention guiding Imperial captains into port. I am the keeper of the lighthouse, a job made easier when we have a steady supply of light wood.
Imperial captains
Many of the ships from the Empire that dock here are not familiar with the Inner Sea. Or they were appointed by family connections instead of earning their rank. In any case, some of them have a very difficult time finding Seyda Neen, even with the lighthouse.
light wood
Alchemists have another name for it, but we commoners just call it light wood. It burns longer and brighter than any other wood. Usually the monthly supply ship brings some, but this month it brought two prisoners instead, and Sellus won't let me burn them. I can use regular wood, of course, but I have to climb the stairs a dozen times a night to refuel the fire.
I heard...from a traveler that there is an Ogrim south of Pelagiad, just east of the road there, who claims to have light wood and will give it to anyone who solves some kind of riddle. If you are willing to go there and get the wood, I will try to think of some suitable reward.
Agree to get the wood
Good luck. Like I said, the daedra is south of Pelagiad. Or so I heard. That's a village just up the road north. Head out of Seyda Neen past the silt strider and keep going north until you see the Ogrim. It's just before the road branches to go into the village. The daedra's waiting for someone. Next to a pond. Allegedly.
Deal with a daedra? No thanks
I don't blame you at all. I wouldn't want to deal with any daedra, not even one of the Anticipations. I would never do such a thing. Not even on a bet. Not even if I had a few too many drinks at Arrille's. Not me.
[whispers] Gah nchow!

Talking to her about light wood again, she will say:

Did you find the daedra? Or the wood?

Fishing StoriesEdit

Erene LlenimEdit

When first spoken to:

Nice day, isn't it? The weather could be better, but it's always a fine day for fishing, and my bad knee isn't too bad today.
Imperial Legion
It's funny, isn't it? I grew up here when this was just a fishing village. No Census Office back then, you see. I went to serve my ten in the Legion and decided I missed home, so I didn't sign up for another twenty. Still, had some good times, some hard battles, and barely got hurt. I come back and the village is just like it always was so I get recruited by House Hlaalu, get wounded every other negotiation, it seems like. And when I come back to retire, the town is gone! Replaced by this place!
fine day for fishing
Yes, it's a fine day for fishing. It's too bad I'm almost out of bait. Say, would you do an old mer a favor and bring me some crab meat? Six portions should be enough.
Agree to get some crab meat
There's plenty of crabs all along the coast to the west. I'll need about six handfuls for bait. I used to love hunting mudcrabs when I was a boy. Hit 'em and walk away just a little faster. Heh heh. It seems a bit cruel now that they run faster than I do!
Refuse for now
Well, I'm not going anywhere!

Talking to him again from now until the quest is finished, he will say:

It's a fine day for fishing.

Talking to him about fine day for fishing again, he will say:

Without the crab meat: Haven't found the crab meat yet, huh? Well, take your time. I'll be right here.
With the crab meat: Is that crab meat I smell? Mmm mm. The fish are going to love it!
(Give him the crab meat)
This is good crab meat, thanks! I'm gonna use it for bait.
Sorry, no
Well, I'm not going anywhere!
fine day for fishing
Since you brought me some bait, I've been fishing a bit. It's not the same since Galyn went to ashes four, five years ago. He was a big help when I quit working for House Hlaalu. Say, that reminds me of a story. Would you like to hear about the time Galyn lost his fishing rod?
Why not?
Galyn liked cave fish, so he was always going to Addamasartus or Aharunartus or the caves under Ebonheart. That was before the Census and Excise Office, of course, and before we had all these problems with smugglers. Back then this was just a fishing village, only Dunmer here, except old Stone-Fist of course. It was quiet and peaceful. Where was I?
Oh, right, Galyn and his fishing rod. So one day Galyn comes running into town, it was just a few shacks back then, no tradehouse or census office. Anyway, he was soaking wet and screaming his head off about ghosts. He says he was just fishing, minding his business, when a ghost came up out of the water in Aharunartus. Can you believe it?
He was so scared he dropped his fishing rod! I bet it's still in the cave somewhere. The fishing rod, that is, not the ghost. I never found it. I never saw the ghost, either. Of course, the cave is full of slavers now, otherwise I'd still be looking for it. It was a fun cave to visit when I was a boy, but I wouldn't go there now. It's due west of here, past the Thelas' resting place. It's a long swim at my age.
I used to swim out there once a week or so when Galyn was still around, just to spite him. He wouldn't go back in the cave for as long as he lived. Now I visit his urn, oh, maybe twice a year and say hello to his ghost. Kind of funny he used to be so scared of ghosts and now he's left one. Now I'm not asking you to go get it. The fishing rod, that is. That would be irresponsible. But if you happen to find it... Well, that's about it. Thanks for listening to an old man.
Well, I'm not going anywhere!
Sorry, no
Well, I'm not going anywhere!

Talking to him about fine day for fishing again, he will say:

It is, it is. The fish aren't biting, and I think I know why, but it's a fine day, a good day for this time of year, although I expect tomorrow to be an even better day. Great weather tomorrow. My knee knows it. Anyway, I've caught my share, and I'm going to have a fine dinner tonight. Let me know if you find Galyn's fishing rod.
Say you found the fishing rod
You found it! Where was it? Oh? I thought for sure I looked there. Let me see it... Aw, it looks like it was in the water too long. I suppose it has been twenty years or more. Let me give you something for it anyway. No, take it, I have more savings than I need. Especially if I can eat fish every day. I still have half my veteran's benefit. They're generous if you finish your term, you know, the trick is living through it! And of course I earned well when I worked for House Hlaalu.
fine day for fishing
Did I ever tell you about Old Gils?
Tell me about Old Gils
Old Gils is a slaughterfish, must be fifty years old by now, and twice as mean. Regular slaughterfish are mean, but Old Gils, well... He was coming around when I was just a boy. Whenever he's here, he scares all the little fish away. It was bad back when this village relied on fishing. I haven't seen him, but I can tell he's out there now. The fish aren't biting.
You'd think he was named Old Gils because he has gills, but he's named after Gils Drelas, a boy who used to live here. I heard he sells potions in one of those mushroom cities now. I can see it. He was always tearing leaves apart, mushing up bugs, mixing it all together to see what would happen. Eating leaves and bugs, too. Weird kid. He had a thing about Old Gils. That was before he was named Old Gils, of course.
Anyway, I can't do much fishing as long as Old Gils is out there. If you see Old Gils, try to kill him or lead him away from here. He usually comes from the deeper waters to the south, so you might want to look there. Otherwise, I'll just wait until he goes away. Usually he only stays here a few days, but one time right after I got back from serving my time in the Imperial Legion, he was here nearly three months!

Talking to him about fine day for fishing again, he will say:

Before Old Gils is dealt with: I haven't caught many fish since Old Gils came back.
If you killed Old Gils: You got him, didn't you? I can tell. I can see a few glitters of scales out there on the water. And not slaughterfish scales, either. You sure helped me a lot. Let me give you my lucky lure. I always catch better fish when I use it, but I won't be needing it if Old Gils is gone for good.
If you used the potion on Old Gils: Gils Drelas gave you a potion for Old Gils? That doesn't many any sense. Why would -- oh, I guess it doesn't matter. The fish are biting again. Let me give you my lucky lure. I always catch better fish when I use it, but I won't be needing it if you did something about Old Gils.

Talking to him about fine day for fishing again, he will say:

Fishing's been great. Thanks, %PCName!

Kishni's EscapeEdit


When first spoken to:

Are you not one of the slavers? Will you find the key and let Kishni go free? These bracers pull poor Kishni's fur.
go free
Without the key: Free Kishni? But you need the key. Kishni hears guard say the key is 'on Orc's chest,' but Yatur does not wear a key. It is a puzzle.
With the key: Free Kishni?
Unlock the slaves' bracers.
Kishni must get back to Vivec. Meet Kishni there and Kishni's husband will reward you.
But to free Kishni is easy. You have the key. Kishni is here. One little twist and Kishni is free.

Talking to her about go free again, she will say:

Yes, you freed Kishni and now Kishni must go back to Vivec.

When spoken to in Vivec:

%PCName helps Kishni very much. Speak with Kishni's husband, Arantamo, and he will reward you.
go free
Yes, you freed Kishni and now Kishni's husband is teaching the thief trade. Kishni works very hard to be a good thief and a good wife.
Thank you, %PCName. Now Kishni will be well cared for and not working in the fields. Or worse.
Kishni's husband
Maybe Kishni is not married in the eye of the Divines, but Arantamo is Kishni's. He is so brave and works very hard. He makes Kishni work hard to be a thief.

Simine FralinieEdit

Talking to him about Kishni, he will say:

If the player is not in the Thieves Guild: Kishni? How did you hear about... I mean, she's here, but she's in the back room. You can't go in there.
If the player is in the Thieves Guild: You're in the guild, right? She's in the back.

Gentleman Jim StaceyEdit

Talking to him about Kishni, he will say:

She's with Arantamo. Are you the one who freed her? I'm sure she'll want to thank you.

Crazy-Legs ArantamoEdit

When first spoken to:

If Kishni is alive: Thank you for bringing Kishni back to me. I do not know you, but gold is always welcome as they say. This is a trifle compared to what Kishni is worth to me.
If Kishni is alive and the player is in the Thieves Guild: Thank you for bringing Kishni back to me. As a fellow thief, I hope these are a welcome reward and an aid in your exploits.
If Kishni and Jim Stacey are dead:'re the one who murdered Kishni!
If Kishni is dead and Jim Stacey is alive:'re the one who murdered Kishni! Jim! This %PCRace killed Kishni!

Talking to him about Kishni again, he will say:

Isn't she wonderful? She is so fast and confident and graceful. So unlike me. I'm sure my father wouldn't approve, but I just don't care.

Vivec NPC DialogueEdit

Talking to non-Khajiit about Kishni:

Sounds like a Khajiit. Try asking someone else in the Foreign Quarter.

Talking to non-Khajiit in the Foreign Quarter about Kishni:

Kishni? Sounds familiar, but I don't know her. Maybe another Khajiit could tell you.

Talking to Khajiit about Kishni:

%Name did not tell you this, but %Name says you should sniff around Simine Fralinie's shop in the Canalworks, on the east side.

Nephata's NeedsEdit

Nephata HleranEdit

After finishing Silt Strider Supplies, Nephata Hleran will spawn and the following conversation will play through message boxes:

Nephata Hleran: Darv! Darv! Wait up. Can you give me a ride to Tel Branora?
Darvame Hleran: Oh no you don't. Why don't you go beg from Alvur or Felsa?

Nephata will then force greet the player:

Nevermind, Darv, I'll ask this nice %PCRace. I'm Nephata Hleran, Darv's cousin. So great to meet you! You couldn't spare a few coins, could you? I just need enough for the boat and strider fare to get back to Tel Branora.
You mean about Darvame and I? Her father is my father's brother. Our parents never got along with each other, though.
little advice
Join House Telvanni. I'm just a Hireling, and it's hard to move up the ranks, but once you're in, you're in. Doors will open for you. Opportunity! My other cousin, Llunela, she got me in. I make lots of special potions for the House, even some of the wizards and masters!
little secret
You see all this Bungler's Bane all over? The only bungle is that you're not picking it. Find the right recipe, the right buyer, that stuff is fluffy gold.
my trade
I'm kind of like an alchemist? A very specialized alchemist. I make unique potions for some big names in House Telvanni.
Nephata Hleran
That's me! Darvame and I grew up together. Sort of.
a few coins
Default: I just need enough to get to Tel Branora, sera.
With less than 500 gold in your inventory: I just need enough to get to Tel Branora, sera.
Give 100 gold
You're a lifesaver, %PCRace. A real lifesaver. Now I can get...back to Tel Branora. Yes. I'll return the favor if I see you again!
Oh, yeah, I forgot. I have a letter for Darvame. You can deliver it, right?
Offer 20 gold
Twenty? Twenty? I don't even want your coins now, nemer. I'll take them, but I don't want them. I'll find my own way to Tel Branora.
Oh, yeah, I forgot. I have a letter for Darvame. You can deliver it, right?
I know you've got enough, %PCRace. Why are you being so mean?
With 500 gold in your inventory: I just need enough to get to Tel Branora, sera. A hundred should be enough. It doesn't have to be septims, even. A couple dwarf coins would do me, I know a guy. Or maybe you want a good mortar? I've got one right here. It's practically grandmaster quality! Only 500 septims!
Give 100 gold
Without 2 Dwarven coins: Offer 20 gold
With 2 Dwarven coins: Offer 2 Dwarven coins
Sure, I can take those. I know a guy. I'll just head on over to him and get what I need there.
Oh yeah, here's a letter for Darvame, back in Seyda Neen. I knew there was a reason I was going to visit her. Can you take it to her? Sure you can.
Buy the mortar for 500 gold
You want the mortar? I kind of need it, but sure. I'll get a cheaper one. I can use any mortar I like.
Oh, yeah, I forgot. I have a letter for Darvame. You can deliver it, right?
With moon sugar in your inventory: I just need enough to get to Tel Branora, sera. Wait, what's that smell? You've got some moon sugar on you! I can tell! Just give me a little of the moon sugar, and you'll never see me again. Promise.
Give 100 gold
Offer 20 gold
Offer 1 unit of moon sugar
Thank you, thank you, %PCRace. You don't know what this means. I'm going to go right now and...sell this.
Oh, yeah, I forgot. I have a letter for Darvame. You can deliver it, right?
With skooma in your inventory: I just need enough to get to Tel Branora, sera. Hold on, is that skooma? Want to share a bottle? I just need a few sips, %PCRace.
Give 100 gold
Offer 20 gold
Share some skooma
Yeah, yeah. Thanks, %PCRace. If I ever have some, I'll share with you. You know that right?
Oh, yeah, I forgot. I have a letter for Darvame. You can deliver it, right?
letter for Darvam
I got it in Vivec. I heard some mer talking and one of them mentioned Darvame, and I said we were related and I was headed there anyway.

When spoken to again, she will say:

If still following:
I just need a few coins. I'm not asking for a lot.
Pray, sera, I need a few coins to get to Tel Branora.
A few coins and I'll be on my way. Only a few coins, sera.
Sera, sera, I'll help you fight. Would you give a few coins as a mercenary fee?
I know you have a few coins, %PCRace. I know it.
After a day: Fine, if you're not going to give me anything, I'll go on my own. I know when someone's such a hard-hearted fetcher they can't spare even a handful of coins for someone who just needs to get to Tel Branora.
a few coins
I'm going. I'm going.
After helping Nephata: I got what I needed, %PCRace. Maybe I'll see you again.
a few coins
I got it, %PCRace. I got it.
After escorting Nephata to Tel Branora: Okay, I get it, you're funny. We're in Tel Branora. You went all this way yourself when you could have just given me what I wanted. I'll just stay right here. Fetcher.
Oh, and take this letter to my cousin all the way back in Seyda Neen. You think you're funny? I can be funny, too.
When spoken to again, she will say:
You're no good, %PCRace. Just leave me alone.

Darvame HleranEdit

Talking to her about Nephata , she will say:

Yes, she is my cousin. No, I am not giving her a free ride to Tel Branora. You can't even get there from here. No, I am not giving her more money. All families have their...well, I don't know what to call them, but people like my uncle. And his three other children. They only visit if they want something, and they stay until they get it. Ignore her for a couple days -- I know it will be hard -- and she'll go away.

Not So Great EscapeEdit


When first spoken to:

Why have you entered my hut, stranger? As you see, I have nothing of value.
Offer aid
If you are sincere, if you are not only here to mock me, I know someone who is left in the dark, one who is even poorer than I. I speak of Sky-Crest.
Threaten to steal
Once I entertained hundreds. Now I am just a poor hunter of fish. What are you here for? My clothes? My bedroll? That empty bottle? My lanterns? I cannot stop you.
Ask something else
Ask what you wish.
Sky-Crest came to visit me back at the beginning of Sun's Height. He brought a bottle of shein and we spoke of happier times. I was out hunting fish when I saw a message carved in a tree. It said Sky-Crest was captured by slavers and was being taken to an island hideout west of here. If you find Sky-Crest and rescue him, I have nothing to offer but my gratitude.
bottle of shein
If you find Sky-Crest and bring us a bottle of shein, we can drink it together and speak of brighter days.

Talking to him about Sky-Crest again, he will say:

Before Sky-Crest is freed: As I said, Sky-Crest may be on an island west of here. I know little else. There are many islands west of here with caves and tombs. The slavers may be hiding in one of them.
If Sky-Crest is freed but not brought to Fine-Mouth: You found Sky-Crest and freed him? Please, bring him to me. He is true friend of mine, and I will do all I can to help him get home, or whatever he wants to do.
After Sky-Crest is brought to Fine-Mouth: You found Sky-Crest! This is wonderful news. It looks like he has something he wants to give you.
If Sky-Crest is dead: What? Sky-Crest is dead? A shame. A shame.

Talking to him about Sky-Crest again, he will say:

If Sky-Crest is alive: Alas, when I said I had nothing to offer but my gratitude, I was not lying. My gratitude you have, free and bountiful.
If Sky-Crest is dead: He is dead and there is nothing you can do.

Additionally, after the quest and if Sky-Crest is alive, talking to Fine-Mouth about bottle of shein with one in your inventory will have him say:

A bottle! Here, you may have the first swig.

They will then have one of the following conversations using message boxes.

Dialogue 1Edit

Fine-Mouth: Ah, when we were young. The water was warm, the rains came every day.
Sky-Crest: But we did not have this delicious shein.
Fine-Mouth: True, true. But we had sap and all the liquors of the marsh.
Sky-Crest: Sometimes I look south over the water and think that it is but a short swim home.
Sky-Crest: But the rest of Morrowind is in the way.
Fine-Mouth: There is a ship coming in a few weeks. The Rockbreaker. It will be heading to Solitude.
Sky-Crest: Oh? And of what interest is that to me?
Fine-Mouth: There is a regular trade between Solitude and Thorn. You'd be there no more than three months.
Sky-Crest: To hear the trees again... Sometimes I don't know if I would prefer to be home or to sit here, drink shein, and dream of home.
Fine-Mouth: You can dream here as long as you wish, old friend.

Dialogue 2Edit

Sky-Crest: Do you miss the stage, the music, the gatherings?
Fine-Mouth: Yes, all the time.
Sky-Crest: Then why don't you play again? You don't seem injured.
Fine-Mouth: There is nothing wrong with my hands, but age. It is my heart and the times.
Sky-Crest: I don't understand.
Fine-Mouth: I wrote the last song. I came to the end of myself. I could go on performing my old songs, but...
Fine-Mouth: Times change, tastes change. The young no longer want to hear the eight-logs, drop-bottles, and throat sounds. They want Imperial sounds.
Sky-Crest: Some do, some do. I feel more would if they heard the traditional music once.
Fine-Mouth: Perhaps, but how would they hear me way up here? Besides, I am content to hunt fish and beat the occasional tree trunk.

Dialogue 3Edit

Fine-Mouth: Now that you are free, what do you plan to do?
Sky-Crest: I don't know. I could go back to Riverwalk.
Fine-Mouth: But the idea doesn't appeal to you?
Sky-Crest: I came here to visit you. But I also came to get away. Life lost its color.
Fine-Mouth: You could stay here and hunt fish.
Sky-Crest: I hesitate to say it, but--
Fine-Mouth: Feel free.
Sky-Crest: Are you happy here? You are root-poor. Only eat fish. You can't even afford your own shein.
Fine-Mouth: I am content. Like you said, the world lost its color. I ended up here, hunting fish.
Fine-Mouth: Things could be better. Fishing has been poor, and I have been lazy. I could hunt more, buy shein. Maybe have fish with bread.
Sky-Crest: And you would be happy with that? Would I? Would the color come back?
Fine-Mouth: I am content. Let the world take care of itself.


Talking to him about go free, he will say:

Without the key: Fine-Mouth sent you? But you need to find the key to unlock my bracers. I think Yatur has the key.
With the key: You want to set me free? But where will I go? The slavers took everything. Can you lead me to Fine-Mouth in Seyda Neen?
Agree to lead Sky-Crest to Fine-Mouth
Let us travel together to Fine-Mouth's hut.
Then I have little choice but to wait here.
go free
Thank you. It is better that we travel together.
travel together
Yes, you helped me get back here, and I thank you.
Yes, keep following me.
Please bring me to Fine-Mouth in Seyda Neen.
No. Wait here.
Okay, I will be right here.

When spoken to in Seyda Neen:

This looks like Seyda Neen. We must be getting close. Please take me to Fine-Mouth's house.

When spoken to in Fine-Mouth's Shack:

If Fine-Mouth is alive: Thank you, %PCName. I had little enough and the slavers took what I had. But I want you to have these pants. No, no, I insist. I have another pair, and I have kept these well-hidden in my confinement. They may be worn, but still have a little enchantment.
If Fine-Mouth is dead: You have brought me here only to learn that Fine-Mouth is dead. Perhaps I will stay here in his hut for his memories.

Talking to him about go free again, he will say:

If Fine-Mouth is alive: I have no need to travel now that I am here with Fine-Mouth.
If Fine-Mouth is dead: I am free, but Fine-Mouth is gone. Now what do I do?

Silt Strider SuppliesEdit

Darvame HleranEdit

Talking to her about silt strider, she will say:

This big bug behind me, outlander. It's called a silt strider. I drive it from here to Balmora, Vivec, Suran, and Gnisis, carrying both passengers and cargo. For a modest fee. Speaking of my silt strider, I am short a few silt strider supplies.
silt strider supplies
Yes, I could use a little scrib jelly to settle his stomach, what's left of it, and a piece of kwama cuttle to make into a paste for an injured knee. Scribs and kwama foragers are all over the Bitter Coast, so it shouldn't be too hard to find.

Talking to her again about silt strider supplies, she will say:

Do you have the kwama cuttle and scrib jelly?
Yes (give items)
Thank you, %PCRace. I appreciate it, and my strider appreciates it. I have several odd scrolls a Telvanni gave me. Perhaps you could make better use of this one.
Not yet
If this is too difficult a task for an outlander, perhaps you'd be better off taking my strider to Balmora. I hear the Lucky Lockup caters to foreigners.

Talking to her again about silt strider supplies, she will say:

Thank you for bringing me the supplies.

The Blue DevilsEdit


When first spoken to:

Thank you for saving me, %PCRace. I thought I was so close, but it was just another miserable failure. How will I ever accomplish my life's work now?
I come from a long line of dreamers. Some of my ancestors rival the greatest wizards, Syrabane, the Direnni, and Arctus, and yet so few have heard of any of them.
latest rumors
I don't know. I just arrived.
life's work
I want to do something so spectacular, so memorable, that people on Tamriel, on Nirn, on all of Mundus, Oblivion, and Aetherius shall talk about my deeds for years! Centuries!
little advice
Don't chase your dreams. Just open up a shop, buy soul gems, enchant items, and sell them. Let the consequences fall on your customers. That's what I should have done. Maybe a cozy little shop in Caldera.
little secret
Leaping through the sky! Even near the end, knowing I was about to die, it was fun. The view, the wind in my face... Even the cliff racers feared me.
miserable failure
I'm cursed. I spent years perfecting the scrolls -- oh, sorry, you don't know. I made scrolls with the most powerful jumping spell ever attempted. And they worked. Oh, they worked beautifully and for what seemed like minutes, I was on top of the world. Ha! Really above everything! What a feeling of joy and accomplishment! But the effect wore off prematurely. It's just one in a long line of failures.
Ask about his other failures
There were so many! The last one was almost as bad as this one. Everyone knows that simple food preservation spell. If you enter an ancient ruin and see a loaf of bread, well, if it hasn't decayed it's been hit with a Preserve, and it's perfectly safe to eat? But you know how it makes the food kind of bland and chewy? Well, I thought, I thought, 'Why not chill it?' So I began working on a way to summon unusually warm Frost Atronachs.
Ask what happened next
Well, I managed to summon some. But by warm, I meant their temperature, not their temper! They attacked me! Me, their summoner! Can you believe it? They hunt me still. It's made my life's work even harder, having to constantly move from place to place. But I don't want to bore you with my past. Thank you again for saving me.
Say goodbye
Oh, sorry. Don't mind me. I'm just going to walk to Seyda Neen, buy a mazte at Arrille's, and cry into it.
Say goodbye

Talking to him about miserable failure again, he will say:

Thank you again, stranger. I'll just leave quietly.

When spoken to after killing the first atronach:

And now you have saved me from one of my other miserable failures. I don't know what to say.
miserable failure
You killed it? I hate to ask more of you, but since you seem capable of dealing with my creations, would you mind being a decoy? I think they're tracking me by my enchanting amulet. If I give it to you, maybe they will go after you instead.
Agree to be a decoy
Oh, this is such a relief. Please, take the amulet. Keep it if you want. It's more useful to someone new to the art of enchanting. While you wear the amulet, I think the Chill Atronachs will come after you instead. Probably when you least expect it. There are three more. If you manage to kill all three, I'll be staying at Arrille's Tradehouse. Oh, and don't read any scrolls they carry. They each stole one of my unfortunate experiments.
Say goodbye

Talking to him about miserable failure again, he will say:

Before the second atronach is killed: The blue devils will just pop up when you least want to fight them. Since I'm in Seyda Neen, they're mostly going to be around the Bitter Coast or Ascadian Isles. Oh, and I've never been attacked indoors. I can sleep safely at night, at least.
After the second atronach is killed: You killed another one? Great news!
After all the atronachs have been killed: Yes, that's all of them. I guess they didn't like being warmer. While you've been gone, I've been perfecting my scrolls. Behold, a Scroll of Spring-Heeled Victory! I've been making them as fast as I get soulgems, and I think it's time I left Seyda Neen and started breaking the silt strider monopoly. Thanks again...uh...I never did get your name.

Talking to him about miserable failure again, he will say:

You're the best, %PCName. Without those atronachs on my trail, maybe I can really focus, really do something grand.