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The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journalconsole command to manually update the quest to a certain point.
Fishing Stories (AF_SeydaNeenFishing)
Finishes Quest
Journal Entry
Erene Llenim in Seyda Neen asked me to bring him six crab meat to use a bait.
I brought the crab meat to Erene Llenim.
Erene Llenim told me a story about a friend of his, Galyn, who went fishing in Aharunartus, a cave on an island west of Seyda Neen, and was scared by a ghost in the water. Galyn dropped his fishing pole in the cave. Maybe I can find it.
I found Galyn's fishing rod. I should bring it to Erene Llenim in Seyda Neen.
I brought Galyn's fishing rod to Erene Llenim.
Erene Llenim said the fish aren't biting today because Old Gils is here. Apparently Old Gils is a giant slaughterfish south of Seyda Neen that scares off the other fish. Erene implied I'd get a reward if I got rid of Old Gils.
I told Gils Drelas about Old Gils and he gave me a potion which can, allegedly, make Old Gils friendly. I shouldn't drink the potion, but drop it in the water near Old Gils.
I used the potion Gils Drelas gave me on Old Gils. The slaughterfish seems...happy.
Finishes quest
I killed Old Gils and Erene Llenim assures me the fishing has never been better.
Finishes quest
I told Erene about Old Gils being friendly now and Erene told me the fishing has never been better.