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Morrowind Mod:AFFresh/Trace Terinde

< Mod / Morrowind: Morrowind Mod: AFFresh
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Follow the trail of Eldafire's husband
Quest Giver: NPCs in Seyda Neen
Location(s): Seyda Neen, Caldera, Suran, Ebonheart, Molag Mar, Mount Kand
Prerequisite Quest: Fishing Stories
Reward: None
ID: AF_TraceTerinde

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Ask around Seyda Neen about the Tarnished Wedding Ring.
  2. Speak with Eldafire.
  3. Ask around Caldera about Terinde.
  4. Ask around Suran about Terinde.
  5. Ask around Ebonheart about Terinde.
  6. Ask around Molag Mar about Terinde.
  7. Talk to Terinde on Mount Kand.
  8. Return to Eldafire.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Trace Terinde (AF_TraceTerinde)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Someone in Seyda Neen said the Tarnished Wedding Ring I found in Old Gils might be Terinde's, who was Eldafire's husband.
20 I spoke with Eldafire in Seyda Neen and gave her the Tarnished Wedding Ring. She said it belongs to her husband.
25 Eldafire told me that Terinde stopped writing to her months ago. He last wrote to her from Caldera. I agreed to try and find out what happened to Terinde.
30 I heard in Caldera that a group of Altmer were here and were planning on heading inside the Ghostfence. A few weeks later, a smaller group of Altmer returned from the Ghostfence, richer but troubled. One of them said he was going to Suran.
40 In Suran I learned that a group of Altmer came to Suran with heavy hearts and lots of gold. They were soon parted with their money and one of them went to Ebonheart to beg passage on a ship back home.
50 I met with Iratil in Ebonheart. He told me that Terinde, himself, and a few Altmer heard of a treasure in a ruin inside the Ghostfence. He refused to provide any details, other than that most of them were killed, but they got a little of the treasure. They went to Suran and spent most of it. Terinde survived and was planning on going to Molag Mar.
51 I met with Iratil in Ebonheart. He told me that Terinde was heading to Molag Mar.
60 I heard in Molag Mar that Terinde was escorting pigrims to Mount Kand and Mount Assarnibibi, both north of Molag Mar.
70 I found Terinde near Mount Assarnibibi, working to protect pilgrims. He was too ashamed to return to Eldafire and asked me to tell her he was dead.
80 I found Terinde near Mount Assarnibibi, working to protect pilgrims. He agreed to return to Eldafire in Seyda Neen after I gave him enough gold to establish himself in a trade.
100 Finishes quest  I told Eldafire that Terinde was dead. She seemed unsure whether to be sad or relieved.
110 Finishes quest  I told Eldafire that Terinde was in Molag Mar and that he asked me to tell her that he was dead. She seemed to go along with it and will move on.
120 Finishes quest  I returned to Seyda Neen and found that Terinde set up a small repair shop in the town. Eldafire was overjoyed that he returned and seemed to finally be on a better path.