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Oblivion Mod:Order of the Dragon/Sorla

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(RefID: xx001F41)
Home City Chorrol
Location Chorrol Mages Guild
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 40 Class Knight
RefID xx001F41 BaseID xx001651
Other Information
Health 495 Magicka 314
Responsibility 0 Aggression 5
Essential Always
Faction(s) Order of the Dragon

Sorla is a Dark Elf knight whom you recruit into the Order of the Dragon. She can initially be found in the Chorrol Mages Guild, where she works as a hired guard. She is tight-lipped about her past, even when prodded, though she appears to have feelings for a man named Ridam.

When you ask her about recruitment, she'll have you to check out a man named Jelin in Chorrol (see Uncanny Neighborhood). After you complete that task, she'll join the Order. During the quest Path in the Darkness, she'll accompany you to Bravil to investigate the Mages Guild there, due to her prior history with them.

Sorla wears a set of leather armor and is unarmed.

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