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Online:Cadaver Preparation Findings

< Elder Scrolls Online: Items: Books
ON-icon-book-Daedric Princes Lore 01.png
Book Information
Cadaver Preparation Findings
ID 4919
See Also Lore version
Collection Library of Incunabula
Found in the following locations:
  • Fang Lair, two rooms before the Cadaverous Menagerie
Cadaver Preparation Findings
A necromancers notes on Nordic mummification

While not applicable to his immediate plans, the master has discovered that thoughtful removal of certain anatomy prior to reanimation cultivates a stronger, more versatile specimen.

Most internal organs no longer serve any function and only encumber the cadaver, and while the skin can offer some protection, it often becomes host to rot that spreads to more useful tissues.

Ligaments and muscle, on the other hand, greatly increase durability, stability, and mobility provided that they remain undamaged.

This may explain why the draugr guardians of the Dragon Priests were mummified before reanimation.