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Online:Conservatory Furnishings/Dead Wood

< Elder Scrolls Online: Furnishings: Conservatory
The Deadlands

Dead Wood

Not all lands are lush and green.

Some are downright dead.

What lives in the blighted, forgotten forest? What manner of creatures lurk in the dark, beneath crisp leaves and rotten stumps?

Dead Wood may be purchased from various furnishing vendors, but some of the branches are simply found while hunting and harvesting throughout Tamriel.

Image Name Cost Source Achievement or Quest Description
ON-furnishing-Branch, Curved Burnt.jpg Branch, Curved Burnt (page)
Harvesting: Random Wood Nodes.
Looting: Plunder Skulls.
This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Branch, Curved Laurel.jpg Branch, Curved Laurel (page)
Harvesting: Random Wood Nodes.
Looting: Plunder Skulls.
This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Branch, Forked Burnt.jpg Branch, Forked Burnt (page)
Harvesting: Random Wood Nodes.
Looting: Plunder Skulls.
This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Branch, Forked Laurel.jpg Branch, Forked Laurel (page)
Harvesting: Random Wood Nodes.
Looting: Plunder Skulls.
This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Branch, Sturdy Burnt.jpg Branch, Sturdy Burnt (page)
Harvesting: Random Wood Nodes.
Looting: Plunder Skulls.
This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Branch, Sturdy Laurel.jpg Branch, Sturdy Laurel (page)
Harvesting: Random Wood Nodes.
Looting: Plunder Skulls.
This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Log, Charred Deadlands.jpg Log, Charred Deadlands (page) 00140140 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Log, Charred Oak.jpg Log, Charred Oak (page) 00000250250 Gold
Vendor: Nif
This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Log, Fallen Laurel.jpg Log, Fallen Laurel (page) 00000250250 Gold
Vendor: Rohzika in Daggerfall
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Log, Fallen Pine.jpg Log, Fallen Pine (page) 00000250250 Gold
0004040 Crowns
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Log, Fallen Winter Pine.jpg Log, Fallen Winter Pine (page) 00000100100 Gold
0004040 Crowns
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Log, Rotten Bog.jpg Log, Rotten Bog (page) 00000250250 Gold
0006060 Crowns
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Stump, Charred Deadlands.jpg Stump, Charred Deadlands (page) 00140140 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Stump, Fetid Swamp.jpg Stump, Fetid Swamp (page) 00000100100 Gold
Vendor: Rohzika in Daggerfall
This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Stump, Mossy Cypress.jpg Stump, Mossy Cypress (page) 00000250250 Gold
0004040 Crowns
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Stump, Old Maple.jpg Stump, Old Maple (page) 00000100100 Gold
0001010 Crowns
This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Stump, Rotten Hollow.jpg Stump, Rotten Hollow (page) 00000250250 Gold
Vendor: Rohzika in Daggerfall
This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Stump, Rotten Pine.jpg Stump, Rotten Pine (page) 00000100100 Gold
Vendor: Rohzika in Daggerfall
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Stump, Wretched Cypress.jpg Stump, Wretched Cypress (page) 0009090 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Stumps, Swampshadow Cluster.jpg Stumps, Swampshadow Cluster (page) 0004040 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Ancient Dead Oak.jpg Tree, Ancient Dead Oak (page) 00150150 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Charred Dagonic.jpg Tree, Charred Dagonic (page) 0001500015,000 Gold
Vendor: Ulz in Fargrave
Reward for: Deadlands Jailbreaker How this skeleton of a burned tree once grew here remains a mystery.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Charred Deadlands.jpg Tree, Charred Deadlands (page) 00140140 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Charred Large Deadlands.jpg Tree, Charred Large Deadlands (page) 00260260 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Charred Large Twisted Deadlands.jpg Tree, Charred Large Twisted Deadlands (page) 00260260 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Charred Leaning Vvardenfell Pine.jpg Tree, Charred Leaning Vvardenfell Pine (page) 0004040 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Charred Oak.jpg Tree, Charred Oak (page) 00000250250 Gold
Vendor: Nif
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Charred Slim Vvardenfell Pine.jpg Tree, Charred Slim Vvardenfell Pine (page) 0004040 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Charred Vvardenfell Pine.jpg Tree, Charred Vvardenfell Pine (page) 0004040 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Dead Oak Sapling.jpg Tree, Dead Oak Sapling (page) 0004040 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Large Ancient Dead Oak.jpg Tree, Large Ancient Dead Oak (page) 00150150 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Old Charred Oak.jpg Tree, Old Charred Oak (page) 00000400400 Gold
Vendor: Nif
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Old Dead Oak.jpg Tree, Old Dead Oak (page) 00150150 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Short Charred Pine.jpg Tree, Short Charred Pine (page) 00000100100 Gold
Vendor: Nif
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Tall Charred Pine.jpg Tree, Tall Charred Pine (page) 00000250250 Gold
Vendor: Nif
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Twisted Dead Oak Sapling.jpg Tree, Twisted Dead Oak Sapling (page) 0004040 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Young Charred Oak.jpg Tree, Young Charred Oak (page) 00000100100 Gold
Vendor: Nif
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Trees, Dead Oak Sapling Cluster.jpg Trees, Dead Oak Sapling Cluster (page) 0004040 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Trees, Dead Oak Sapling Duo.jpg Trees, Dead Oak Sapling Duo (page) 0004040 Crowns This is a large house item.


  • Furnishings listed without a Source may not yet have been found in-game; while some of these may be rewarded through certain activities, such as fishing, theft, or pickpocketing, many are simply not yet available.
  • Items sold at the luxury furnishing vendor are sold during the weekend only, and are then replaced with new items the following weekend.