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Online:Reaper's March Furnishings

< Elder Scrolls Online: Furnishings: Furnishings by Zone
ON-load-Reaper's March 02.jpg

Reaper's March is a region connecting the jungles of Valenwood and the rolling plains of Elsweyr. Home to the cities of Arenthia and Dune as well as some Ayleid ruins, it is a unique mixture of Bosmer and Khajiiti culture.
Despite the dry conditions of Reaper's March, the Khajiit have managed to farm and harvest moon sugar in the area. While bandits and skooma smuggling is common, Daedra worship is minimal. Khajiiti temples in the region are noted for their awe-inspiring beauty, though there are many other monuments and grand structures which are decayed and ruined.

See also:

Player Houses:

Image Name Cost Source Achievement or Quest Description
ON-furnishing-Bush, Mountain Scrub.jpg Bush, Mountain Scrub (page) 00000100100 Gold
0001010 Crowns
This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Fern Plant, Hardy.jpg Fern Plant, Hardy (page) 00000100100 Gold
0001010 Crowns
Vendor: Maladdiq in Rawl'kha
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Fern Plant, Sturdy Towering.jpg Fern Plant, Sturdy Towering (page) 00000100100 Gold
0001010 Crowns
Vendor: Maladdiq in Rawl'kha
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Fern, Fragile.jpg Fern, Fragile (page) 00000100100 Gold
0001010 Crowns
This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Fern, Withering.jpg Fern, Withering (page) 00000100100 Gold
0001010 Crowns
Vendor: Maladdiq in Rawl'kha
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Fern, Young Sunburnt.jpg Fern, Young Sunburnt (page) 00000100100 Gold
0001010 Crowns
Vendor: Maladdiq in Rawl'kha
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Khajiit Column, Spiked.jpg Khajiit Column, Spiked (page) 000040004,000 Gold
Vendor: Maladdiq in Rawl'kha
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Khajiiti Shrine Guardian Statue.jpg Khajiiti Shrine Guardian Statue (page) 0002000020,000 Gold
Vendor: Athrahgor in Rawl'kha
Reward for: Two Moons Pathwalker These stylized senche-cats can be found watching over shrines throughout Reaper's March.
ON-furnishing-Moonmont Lunar Altar.jpg Moonmont Lunar Altar (page) 0001500015,000 Gold
Vendor: Athrahgor in Rawl'kha
Reward for: Dark Mane Incarcerator Attuned to the light of the two moons, this shrine can be refocused to several different lunar phases.
ON-furnishing-Plant, Jungle Leaf.jpg Plant, Jungle Leaf (page) 00000100100 Gold
0001010 Crowns
Vendor: Maladdiq in Rawl'kha
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Plant, Leafy Sprouts.jpg Plant, Leafy Sprouts (page) 00000100100 Gold
0001010 Crowns
Vendor: Maladdiq in Rawl'kha
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Plant, Squat Jungle Leaf.jpg Plant, Squat Jungle Leaf (page) 00000100100 Gold
0001010 Crowns
Vendor: Maladdiq in Rawl'kha
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Plant, Towering Jungle Leaf.jpg Plant, Towering Jungle Leaf (page) 00000100100 Gold
0001010 Crowns
Vendor: Maladdiq in Rawl'kha
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Platform, Weathered Dock.jpg Platform, Weathered Dock (page) 00000250250 Gold
00120120 Crowns
Vendor: Maladdiq in Rawl'kha
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Post, Barnacle Covered.jpg Post, Barnacle Covered (page) 00000100100 Gold
0003030 Crowns
Vendor: Maladdiq in Rawl'kha
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a huge house item.
ON-furnishing-Sapling, Eucalyptus Scrub.jpg Sapling, Eucalyptus Scrub (page) 00000100100 Gold
0002525 Crowns
Vendor: Maladdiq in Rawl'kha
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Shrub, Desert Scrub.jpg Shrub, Desert Scrub (page) 00000100100 Gold This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Shrub, Lanky Highland.jpg Shrub, Lanky Highland (page) 00000100100 Gold
0001010 Crowns
This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Shrub, Tender Privet.jpg Shrub, Tender Privet (page) 00000100100 Gold
0001010 Crowns
Vendor: Maladdiq in Rawl'kha
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Ancient Jungle.jpg Tree, Ancient Jungle (page) 000050005,000 Gold
00150150 Crowns
Vendor: Maladdiq in Rawl'kha
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a huge house item.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Healthy Jungle.jpg Tree, Healthy Jungle (page) 00000250250 Gold
0007070 Crowns
Vendor: Maladdiq in Rawl'kha
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a huge house item.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Healthy Privet.jpg Tree, Healthy Privet (page) 00000250250 Gold
0007070 Crowns
Vendor: Maladdiq in Rawl'kha
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a huge house item.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Sturdy Shade.jpg Tree, Sturdy Shade (page) 00000250250 Gold
0007070 Crowns
Vendor: Maladdiq in Rawl'kha
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a huge house item.


  • Furnishings listed without a Source may not yet have been found in-game; while some of these may be rewarded through certain activities, such as fishing, theft, or pickpocketing, many are simply not yet available.
  • Items sold at the luxury furnishing vendor are sold during the weekend only, and are then replaced with new items the following weekend.