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Online:Darkreave Curators

< Elder Scrolls Online: Factions

The Darkreave Curators (also known as Darkreaves) are a Dremora clan that zealously serve Hermaeus Mora. They aim to catalogue everything in existence and are very hostile and protective of written works. They can be found in various facilities around Apocrypha, particularly the Obscured Forum within The Ravening Morass.


Related QuestsEdit



Ambient DialogueEdit

In areas that the Darkreave Curators are found, they have the following ambient dialogue:

"A whole new realm is but ink and parchment away!"
"The threads of fate are sorely tangled."
"The power of words is greater than that of armor and weapons."
"The next intruder I see is going to become ink for my next scroll."
"Our work is too important to be interfered with."
"We are the Darkreave Curators! We are Apocrypha's organizers!"
"Mortals should never touch the books. You never know where their hands have been."
"Mortals so rarely appreciate the beginning until they reach the very last chapter."