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The Ca-Uxith are an Argonian tribe native to the settlement of Krona-Konu, known to outsiders as Rockgrove.

Camonna TongEdit

The Camonna Tong is a native Dunmer criminal organization operating on Vvardenfell. They are known for their brutality and their hatred of outlanders. They have attained a fearsome reputation on the island, and are involved in business interests ranging from smallfolk to the higher ranks of the Great Houses.


The Ceythalmor ("Shadow Thalmor" in old Ayleidoon) are a sub-faction found within the greater Thalmor ranks.

Children of YokudaEdit

The Children of Yokuda are a group of Redguard deserters from the Daggerfall Covenant that was formed by Naruk, a former spy of King Fahara'jad. They believe in Redguard supremacy over the Bretons and Orcs and viewed the king joining the alliance as a betrayal of their values.

They intend on poisoning the citizens of Shornhelm to create conflict between the Bretons and Redguards.

Cinder-Heart ClanEdit

The Cinder-Heart Clan is a clan of hostile Reachfolk found in the Reach around 2E 582. They worship Molag Bal, and the extreme horrors of his sphere can be seen with the clan's cruel treatment of their captives, whom they burn alive. Their briarheart ritual is augmented with the intense pain of opening a subject's chest cavity and filling it with hot coals.

Circle of ChampionsEdit

The Circle of Champions is a guild consisting of the greatest fighters of Tamriel, commonly referred to as "gladiators". Led by Battlemaster Rivyn, they demonstrate their prowess in games of martial skill using dangerous locales as battlegrounds.

Claws of DaegonEdit

The Claws of Daegon are a group of Khajiiti cultists in service to Merrunz who have taken over the Darkpool Mine in the southwest of Northern Elsweyr. They possess an enchanted forging tool known as the Deadland Hammer, which they are using to summon iron atronachs.

Clockwork ApostlesEdit

The Clockwork Apostles are followers of Sotha Sil who, during his absence, govern the Clockwork City from the Clockwork Basilica within the walls of the Brass Fortress.

Clutch of NisswoEdit

The Clutch of Nisswo, or "nothing speakers", are a group of mostly Argonian priests dedicated to Sithis. There are only a handful of known members and they can mostly be found at shrines of Sithis across Murkmire, or other places in Murkmire which are related to Sithis. To become a nisswo, one first needs to take on the role of voh-vastei (apprentice) and be mentored by another nisswo.

Coldharbour Elite GuardEdit

The Coldharbour Elite Guard, also called the Xivkyn Elite or "Banners", are an extremely powerful group of Xivkyn located in the Imperial City Sewers who serve as Molag Bal's generals.

Coldsnap TribeEdit

The Coldsnap Tribe consists primarily of Rieklings, but have included Goblin-ken such as ogres in their ranks. They have inhabit Dwarven ruin of Frostvault, and have appropriated the Dwemer's devices.

Colovian RaidersEdit

The Colovian Raiders are a group of deserters from the Legion of the West Weald forces stationed in the Northern Woods. The raiders are led by Graccus at The Vile Manse and Ravo Peltrasius in Fardir's Folly.


The Companions are a legendary group of Nord heroes, and have been part of Nord culture since Ysgramor's arrival on the shores of Skyrim before the First Era.

Coral-Splitter TribeEdit

The Coral-Splitter Tribe are a tribe of goblins found on Summerset. While they have small hunting parties active all throughout the island, their main camp is located in King's Haven Pass, where they have established themselves among the cliffs and wide cave system.

Corelanya ClanEdit

The Corelanya Clan was an Altmer clan who lived in the Alik'r Desert during the First Era. They opposed the Redguards when they landed in Hammerfell.

Coterie of Organized ScholarsEdit

The Coterie of Organized Scholars are an organization devoted to study and research in Western Skyrim. As a learning institute in the Holds, they are among the oldest, with only the Bards College beating them. As per the charter with High King Svargrim and his isolationist policies, outside organizations like the Mages Guild are required to work through the Coterie in matters of research.

Council of Province GeneralsEdit

The Council of Province Generals is a council of the Fighters Guild's highest ranks. Each general represents a former province of the Empire, managing the guild's business there on behalf of the guildmaster.

Court of BedlamEdit

The Court of Bedlam is a group of High Elf Daedric cultists that are dedicated to serving the newly formed Triad, an alliance formed between the Daedric Princes Clavicus Vile, Mephala and Nocturnal. They work alongside the Abyssal Cabal to take attempt to take control of the Crystal Tower on Summerset.

Cragkin TribeEdit

The Cragkin are a tribe of goblins found in Bangkorai and Reaper's March.

Crimson OathEdit

The Crimson Oath are a group of Daedra loyal to Mehrunes Dagon that have been provided by him as protection for the Waking Flame cultists constructing the Antecedent Cataclyst in the Dread Cellar.

Crimson RaidersEdit

The Crimson Raiders are a group of pirates led by Captain Siro inhabiting the Crimson Cove, and sailing the seas near it.

Crossroads ProfiteersEdit

The Crossroads Profiteers are a ragtag group of scavengers who follow battles and loot the corpses of fallen soldiers in Cyrodiil to resell at a profit. They recruit Alliance War deserters and prisoners to aid them.

Crosstree BanditsEdit

The Crosstree Bandits are a gang of skooma smugglers led by Hazak running their operations on the island of Khenarthi's Roost.

Crow-Eye ClanEdit

The Crow-Eye Clan are a clan of Reachfolk found in the Reach around 2E 582. They have established themselves in Karthwasten, having taken back their lands from the Nords in previous years. Their relationship with the spirits is one of negotiation, where they provide offerings in return for powering the wards which protect their home. While Nocturnal is the primary spirit they pay homage to, they also show respect to Hircine, Molag Bal and Namira.


The Crowns are a group dedicated to preserving the 'old ways' of Redguard traditions. They are fiercely opposed to and often in conflict with the Forebears.

Cult of MeridiaEdit

The Cult of Meridia refers to the mortal worshippers of the Daedric Prince of Light, Meridia. They have a number of branches and scattered followers throughout Tamriel.

The Warriors of Light are a specialized group of servants of Meridia who answer to her directly.

Cult of the Ancestor MothEdit

The Cult of the Ancestor Moth is a priesthood dedicated to reading the Elder Scrolls. Their higher ranking members, called Moth Priests or Augurs, study the scrolls for knowledge to the point where they lose their eyesight.

Cult of the Profane BondEdit

The Cult of the Profane Bond is a Dunmeri Daedric cult active on Vvardenfell. Cultists can be found at Maelkashishi and inside Tusenend, shrines dedicated to Sheogorath and Molag Bal respectively.

Cygnus IrregularsEdit

The Cygnus Irregulars are a sect of the Imperial Legion led by Prefect Calo. They are primarily military engineers, scouts, and trainers.

Cyrodilic CollectionsEdit

Cyrodilic Collections is an organization dedicated to recovering Argonian relics and artifacts stolen from Black Marsh and returning them to their owners.