This article is about the public dungeon enemy bosses. For the group dungeon bosses, see Elite Guard.
The Coldharbour Elite Guard, also called the Xivkyn Elite or "Banners", are an extremely powerful group of Xivkyn located in the Imperial City Sewers who serve as Molag Bal's generals. They are sweeper bosses; they patrol various parts of the sewers in a looping path and will become hostile should they detect you or a group member, which makes them difficult to escape as they are not leashed. They are some of the most powerful enemies in the game and most often require a large group to defeat a single one.
The Elite can be distinguished by the large banners found on their backs, large amounts of health, and the glowing ring surrounding them that prevents stealth. The power of each general can usually be determined by the color of their banner, with red banners possessing more magicka-based ranged and AoE attacks, making them more powerful than their stamina-based blue banner counterparts, who use mostly melee attacks. Similar to the overland Patrolling Horrors, when a guard is killed, they will later be replaced by another member of the Xivkyn Elite who will patrol the same path. There are, by default, nine wandering generals in the sewers, with three in each alliance territory.
In the Barathrum Centrata, when every wave of generic enemies is defeated at one of the three inner portals, a general will spawn and must be killed to close it. Once three generals are defeated, the Simulacrum of Molag Bal will spawn. Since each portal is on a timer, it is possible that when the timer ends, the general will run back to the portal and disappear during combat, and the portal will be reset.
- One in Irrigation Tunnels
- Two in Abyssal Depths
- Two in Lambent Passage
- One in Vile Drainage
- One in Harena Hypogeum
- Two in Antediluvian Vaults
- Rapid spawn point is near Ebral the Betrayer
Skills and AbilitiesEdit
Xivkyn from the listed skill groups can have a combination of abilities in their classification. For example, Thrasotin of the Ravenous Flame can use Drain Essence, but can't set down Vampiric Totems. The following abilities are shared between all class ability pools:
- Mind Spike
- While out-of-combat, the boss reveals all stealthed players in an area around them indicated by a blue ring. Any revealed player cannot return to stealth for some time. This passive is used by all patrolling Coldharbour Elite Guards.
- Soul Devour
- When a player dies while in combat with a Coldharbour Elite Guard, it absorps the player's energy and heals themselves for ~200k health. This passive is used by all patrolling Coldharbour Elite Guards.
- Healing Shield
- The boss envelops itself in a yellow barrier and gets a ~60,000 damage shield. The boss cannot be interrupted until the shield is destroyed or disappears by itself after some time.
- Focused Healing
- The Xivkyn heals itself over time. This ability can be interrupted to stagger the boss.
- Summon Vampiric Totem
- Summons three Vampiric Totems. These totems draw life from players standing near them by dealing continuous low magic damage, and when they disappear, they send their collected life energy to the boss, healing it for approximately 100,000 points of health for each totem left standing. If you destroy a Vampiric Totem, it sends its life energy to you instead and heals you for ~5,500 Health.
- Vampiric Ground
- The Xivkyn summons a black circle of shadowy mist under itself and under every nearby player, for up to four areas. They sap the health of anyone who stands in it. The circle deals continuous high magic damage and snares. It deals less damage for the first two hits, and more damage starting with the third. They also begin to heal the Xivkyn after the third hit.
- Drain Essence
- Grabs a target with a beam of blood magic, draining the target's health and healing the boss. Deals major magic damage. The target must break free. This ability heals for 5% of the maximum health if the target dies while being drained.[verification needed — Need confirmation this ability exists, haven't encountered it in over 50 Coldharbour Elite Guards]
Blue BannerEdit
The following abilities are shared among blue banners:
- Quick Strike
- A basic melee attack dealing high physical damage.
- Daedric Whip
- A Lava Whip-like ability that deals very high physical damage and knocks you over. This can be blocked to stagger the boss instead.
- Rotating Reflective Shield
- The boss casts a reflective shield. While it is green, the shield reduces damage from melee attacks and reflects ranged physical attacks. While it is blue, the shield reflects spell projectiles. If enough projectiles have been reflected, the shield turns white and the boss enrages for a short time, dealing more damage. A strong metal sound is heard everytime the shield reflects a projectile.
- Steel Cyclone
- A melee AoE attack where the boss swings their weapon around in circles while moving towards a target, dealing continuous massive physical damage to those within range of the weapon.
- Uppercut
- An Uppercut-like attack dealing very high physical damage and knocking back the target. This can be blocked to stagger the boss instead.
One-Hand and ShieldEdit
- Fiery Breath
- The boss breathes fire like the Fiery Breath ability, dealing devastating flame damage in a frontal cone.
- Dark Talons
- The boss uses a Dark Talons-like ability which roots nearby targets in place and deals high physical damage.
Dual WieldEdit
- Veiled Strike
- The boss turns invisible and winds up, preparing to perform a close-range attack that deals major magic damage and stuns the target. This can be blocked to stagger the boss instead.
- Teleport Strike
- The Boss teleports to the target, dealing high magic damage and stunning the target. This ability can be blocked to negate the stun.
- Daedric Fury
- The Xivkyn enrages which knockbacks nearby targets. They then glow red and have flames on their daggers for a time. This increases their damage done, snares them and makes them only use Enraged Strike.
- Enraged Strike
- Basic melee attack dealing major physical damage. It looks like a fast dual wield heavy attack.
Red BannerEdit
As red banners use elemental staves instead of weapons that deal physical damage, they have no shared constants that don't also extend to blue banners.
Fire MageEdit
- Flare
- A basic ranged attack to up to four targets dealing high flame damage each.
- Daedric Eruption
- The boss raises their staff and causes large AoE to bloom, one placed under the boss and one under each player (up to four areas). When they peak, they erupt, dealing two high flame damage ticks to targets hit. Then the areas are re-cast the same way excepted not under players that were hit by the first ones, dealing two high flame damage ticks to targets hit. Getting hit applies/refreshes "Daedric Flame"
- Daedric Flame
- Deals very minor flame damage over 10 seconds.
- Fire Runes
- The boss sets up to four AoEs on the ground that deal continuous major flame damage when you stand in them. One area is always placed under a player.
- Heat Wave
- The boss winds up a fire spell then releases three areas travelling forward, dealing high flame damage to targets hit.
Frost MageEdit
- Ice Arrow
- A basic ranged attack to one or two targets dealing high frost damage.
- Daedric Chill
- The boss summons temporary AoEs that deal continuous high frost damage and heavily snare all players standing in them. One area spawns under the boss and one under every nearby player, for up to four areas. If you stand in two areas, you take damage from both.
- Winter's Reach
- The boss sends three frozen gales whirling forward. If they hit, they deal very high frost damage and root targets. The root bypasses block and the frozen gales do not have indicators.
- Entropic Bolt
- Basic ranged attack where the boss fires a blue skull at the target, dealing moderate-high magic damage.
- Daedric Chains
- The boss pulls you towards them with a blue chain made of magic, dealing moderate physical damage. When you reach the boss, you will be stunned, and need to break free before the boss uses Force Pulse.
- Force Pulse
- The boss channels an AoE of blue necromantic energy. When it peaks, it explodes, dealing very high magic damage.
- Necrotic Swarm
- The boss holds their staff up. Blue necromantic energy flows forth from the end of the staff, dealing unavoidable continuous moderate frost damage. Daedric Resonance and Daedric Shards occur at this time.
- Daedric Resonance
- Areas dealing continuous moderate-high frost damage appear with a Lich Crystal at the center and disappear when the Lich Crystal explodes.
- Daedric Shards
- Lich crystals that rise from the Daedric Resonance areas, exploding after one second. If you're caught in the AoE, you'll be hit by a blast of high frost damage and are stunned.
- Summon Atronach
- The boss summons a flesh atronach. The flesh Atronach dies when the boss is defeated.
There are a few achievements associated with this faction:
Achievement | Points | Description | |
Xivkyn Assassin | 10 | Kill 1 member of the Coldharbour Elite Guard. | |
Xivkyn's Scourge | 15 | Kill 50 members of the Coldharbour Elite Guard. | |
Xivkyn's Bane | 50 | Kill 100 members of the Coldharbour Elite Guard. |
- There are two members of the Xivkyn Elite Guard named Thrasotin: Thrasotin the Unyielding and Thrasotin the Ravenous Flame.
- Killing Xobutar of His Deep Graces does not count towards the achievement: only the elite guards found in the Imperial Sewers affect achievement progress.