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Online:Stegakyx of the Bloody Blade

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Stegakyx of the Bloody Blade
Location Imperial City SewersAbyssal Depths, Barathrum Centrata, Harena Hypogeum
Race Xivkyn Gender Male
Health 1,398,574 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Coldharbour Elite Guard
Daedra Hearts, Imperial Fragments, Tel Var Stones
Stegakyx of the Bloody Blade

Stegakyx of the Bloody Blade is powerful Xivkyn boss who is found in the Imperial City Sewers. He is a general of the Coldharbour Elite Guard and wears a blue banner, meaning he will primarily use melee attacks.

He may be encountered walking a looping path through the sewers, or spawn after an inner portal is closed in the Barathrum Centrata.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack dealing high physical damage.
Daedric Whip
A Lava Whip-like ability dealing very high physical damage and knocking down the target. This can be blocked to stagger Stegakyx instead.
An Uppercut-like attack dealing very high physical damage and knocking back the target. This can be blocked to stagger Stegakyx instead.
Steel Cyclone
A melee AoE attack where Stegakyx swings their weapon around in circles while moving towards a target, dealing continuous massive physical damage to those within range of the weapon.
Healing Shield
Stegakyx envelops itself in a yellow barrier and gets a damage shield.
Focused Healing
Stegakyx heals itself over time. This ability can be interrupted to stagger Stegakyx.
Mind Spike
While out-of-combat, Stegakyx reveals all stealthed players in an area around them indicated by a blue ring. Any revealed player cannot return to stealth for some time.
Soul Devour
When a player dies while in combat with Stegakyx, it absorps the player's energy and heals themselves for ~200k health.


There are a few achievements associated with this enemy:

Achievement Points Description
   Xivkyn Assassin 10 Kill 1 member of the Coldharbour Elite Guard.
   Xivkyn's Scourge 15 Kill 50 members of the Coldharbour Elite Guard.
   Xivkyn's Bane 50 Kill 100 members of the Coldharbour Elite Guard.