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Online:Deserter Marius Gallo

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Deserter Marius Gallo
Location Fort Colovia
Race Imperial Gender Male
Health 337,158 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Dark Company
Imperial Legion (formerly)
Lead: Ayleid Sculpture, Grand Tree
Deserter Marius Gallo

Marius Gallo is an Imperial who deserted from the Imperial Legion and became leader of the Dark Company mercenary group. He serves as the delve boss of Fort Colovia.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

As an elite rank enemy, Deserter Marius Gallo is immune to all crowd control effects.

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.
Low Slash
A minor physical damage attack that snares the target.
Focused Charge
Marius Gallo charges forward, doing moderate physical damage and knocking down any targets within the red rectangle. Blocking will reduce the damage taken and prevent the knock down.
Fiery Breath
Marius Gallo breathes fire as indicated by a red cone. This attack does moderate flame damage and snares all enemies within the cone.
Lava Whip
Marius Gallo winds up a flaming whip that does moderate flame damage to the target. This attack can be blocked to stagger Marius Gallo.
Dragonknight Standard
Marius Gallo calls down a fiery banner that plants down into the ground, with a large circular AoE, and causes persistent minor flame damage and applies Major Defile.
During the fight, volley of arrows are continuously cast at players which creates areas where arrows continuously fall, each area dealing continuous moderate physical damage in a small area.
During the fight, Bear Traps are continuously thrown in the arena. Stepping on them deals high physical damage and stuns for 2 seconds.
At the start of the fight, at 85%, at 65% and at 40% health, Marius Gallo summons members of the Dark Company to fight with him. Those summons automaticaly die when Marius Gallo is defeated.


When combat is initiated:

Deserter Marius Gallo: "You're facing the best of Dark Company now, fools!"

During the fight, he will send in reinforcements to assist him:

Deserter Marius Gallo: "Where's the Legion's gold? Tell me!"
Deserter Marius Gallo: "Every mercenary in Dark Company fights to their last breath!"

When the last of his reinforcements are gone, he will be more defiant:

Deserter Marius Gallo: "We'll never surrender this fort!"

Quest-Related EventsEdit

If the delve boss Deserter Marius Gallo is outside the tower while you are with Legionary Calvo, Calvo will recognize his old friend:

Legionary Calvo Dorso: "Marius? You're with these … these … deserters?"

Once Deserter Marius Gallo is killed:

Legionary Calvo Dorso: "So it was true. Marius Gallo, hero of Ontus … a deserter and a bandit."