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Online:Dark Company

< Elder Scrolls Online: Factions

The Dark Company are a mercenary group made up of deserters of all sides of the Three Banner War in Cyrodiil, both from the Imperial Legion and the Alliances' forces.

They can be found around West Weald, both engaged in banditry and hired for their skills.


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Overheard dialogue from Dark Company members in Fort Colovia:

"Let the Legion come! Those milk drinkers will never retake this fortress!"
"Mead. Just a barrel. Maybe three. Is that too much to ask?"
"Shor's bones, how do any of you stand this weather?"
"I wish we had some rabbit meatballs."
"The soldiers here were like kittens without any claws."
"It's amazing how we were enemies in Cyrodiil and now we're boon companions."
"This one wishes this place didn't have so many vermin."
"If we're deserters, why are we still part of an army?"
"Dark Company. Whoever came up with that name deserves an extra share of the next haul."
"I need a new pair of boots. Any in the stores here?"
"What's next on our list? Maybe some raids into Hammerfell?"
"Anyone know anything about those Recollection fanatics?"
"Sure, I deserted. Who wouldn't? But if you say another word about the Covenant, you'll get my boot in your arse!"
"Did you see the way those recruits ran? They'll let anyone in the Legion now."
"I hope a real Legion cohort shows up. I could use a real challenge!"
"I was hoping for more of a challenge, truth be told."
"I could go for some fried thunderbug legs right about now."
"I still hate attacking legionaries. We used to be one of them."
"Once we secure this fort, let's go after an estate or a vineyard!"
"The Legion won't be happy with us, but who cares?"
"Those recruits didn't stand a chance against experienced soldiers from Cyrodiil."
"Hey, was the forest to the south here the last time we passed this way?"
"I'd rather die for myself than for the Ebonheart Pact."
"Keep watch. We don't want any Legion reinforcements sneaking up on us."
"One of those recruits called me a deserter. We're mercenaries now, damn it!"
"We're all deserters! What of it?"
"This fort has certainly seen better days."
"Did you see how fast those legionaries ran when they saw us?"
"Once word gets around, the Dark Company will be famous!"
"Fighting for ourselves is better than dying over in Cyrodiil."
"Anyone have any extra arrows to spare?"
"They certainly eased up on the qualifications for joining the Legion since I was a recruit."