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< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
Location Earthen Root Enclave — Deeproot
Lake Olo
Species Aggression of Root
Health Normal(?)Veteran355,432
Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile

Distributaries are doppelgangers of the Corruption of Root, the second boss of Earthen Root Enclave. She will summon a few of these to take her place throughout the fight.

At Lake Olo, Oakenclaw will also summon distributaries.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Rootblood Slash
Basic melee attack dealing moderate magic damage
Basic ranged attack dealing moderate flame damage.
Root Infection
When a Distributary is killed, green orbs are launched towards all targets and apply a stack of "Root Infection". Root Infection knocks down for 2 seconds and deals minor magic damage over 10 seconds and each stack increases the damage. Getting a stack refreshes the duration.
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