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Online:Grasp-Kyn Xar

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Grasp-Kyn Xar
Home City Fargrave
Location The Shambles
Race Dremora Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Grasp of the Stricture
Grasp-Kyn Xar

Grasp-Kyn Xar is a Dremora member of The Grasp trying to keep the peace in The Shambles.

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While looking for Arox the Mutilator, you'll come across a member of The Grasp, an irate Imperial woman, and Arox in a cage:

Grasp-Kyn Xar: "The daedrat will be punished for this transgression."
Lucinia Portius: "That little beast killed my guard and nearly bit my ear off! And it talked! They aren't supposed to do that!"
Lucinia Portius: "My master Nifizzan, the Shadow that Screams Eternal, will not be pleased. Perhaps you've heard of him?"

Speaking to him:

"This matter does not concern you, mortal. The daedrat will be dealt with soon enough.
Do not needlessly involve yourself in the Grasp's affairs unless you are ready to deal with the consequences."
That daedrat is a friend of mine.
"This creature is your pet? He killed the mortal of a very prominent Daedra.
I am prepared to take him to our holding cells. If you want him released to your custody instead, you will have to compensate the Daedra."
How do I do that?
"The Stricture recognizes the destruction of Daedric property as a crime, but since the only loss was a mortal life, a fine is considered acceptable recompense.
If you pay it, I will consider the matter finished."
I'll pay the fine. [leveled gold] / I'd rather just pay the fine. [leveled gold] (Leads to Arox being released)
Isn't there anything else I can do?
"The Grasp will release the daedrat once the offended party has been appeased.
Perhaps if you grovel for forgiveness, Lucinia Portius will allow his release."
I'll talk to Lucinia Portius.
<Exits dialogue>

Speak to him again before resolving the matter and he'll say:

"It is the duty of the Grasp to interpret the Stricture and make sure it is adhered to. It is a heavy responsibility."

If you choose to pay the fine:

Grasp-Kyn Xar: "This compensation is adequate. The daedrat is free to go."
Arox the Mutilator: "Master, you came back for me!"
Lucinia Portius: "That's it? What about my dead guard?"
Grasp-Kyn Xar: "Acceptable compensation has been received for the mortal life."
Lucinia Portius: "Unbelievable."

Otherwise, you can grovel and convince Lucinia to let Arox free:

Lucinia Portius: "Give the poor wretch their pet back. Their sniveling is staining my expensive shoes."
Grasp-Kyn Xar: "Very well. Your pathetic sniveling satisfies the demands of the Stricture."
Lucinia Portius: "Yes, yes, I feel adequately compensated and all that. Let's just be done with this."
Grasp-Kyn Xar: "Then the matter is settled. The daedrat is free to go."

Grasp-Kyn Xar opens a portal and quickly vacates.


  • His presence in The Shambles is a discrepancy, as it is stated that the Grasp doesn't extend its reach to that district.
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