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Online:Gray Host Skullguard

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Gray Host Skullguard
Location Greymoor Keep, Greymoor Keep: West Wing
Halls of Arkthzand, Lost Valley Redoubt, Nchuand-Zel, The Reach, Sanuarach Mine, ValthumeMarkarth
Race Breton, Nord, Redguard Gender Varies
Health 31,364
Reaction Hostile Class Skullguard
Other Information
Faction(s) Gray Host
Condition Vampire
Gray Host Skullguard

Gray Host Skullguards are members of the Gray Host found in Greymoor Keep, as well as in several locations across The Reach, including smaller unnamed camps.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Strike
A basic melee ability that deals low physical damage.
The skullguard throws two bone spikes into the ground, which glows for a few seconds before exploding, as indicated by growing circular AoEs.
Spike Wall
The skullguard plants their weapon into the ground, summoning five bone spikes, all of which have a small AoE around them. Standing in the AoE deals low damage over time. The spikes themselves act as barriers that block movement. After a time, the skullguard detonates the spikes for additional damage.
Vampiric Drain
The enemy drains your life force, dealing magic damage 1 second for 3 seconds while the target is stunned.
Clever Bat Swarm
Summons a large AoE consisting of a swarm of bats that follows you around, dealing low physical damage with every tick.


  • Skullguards throughout Greymoor Keep have a random chance of wielding dual axes instead of a two-handed weapon, which results in all of their ability animations being displayed incorrectly. ?