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Location Sentinel Docks
Race Redguard Gender Female
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Easy Profession Fisher

Nayyer is a Redguard fisher found on the Sentinel Docks after you clear the Ra-Netu by defeating Salmaran. Her location is close to the shore, due south of the Sentinel Docks map marker. She splits her time chopping up some burnt debris with Qesem and drinking from her mug.

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When Qesem comes over to chop the debris, they may have a conversation:

Nayyer: "Tall Papa give me peace. Does this pile of wood have a bottom?"
Qesem: "Be glad we have a barricade to clear. Had Tava's winds blown toward the bay, the whole dock would have burned."
Nayyer: "Taking our honored dead with it, no doubt."
Qesem: "Shame they built it in such a hurry. This crate was filled with Cyrodilic wine."
Nayyer: "What a sad waste."


  • Nayyer may say her lines of the conversation even when Qesem is not there.