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Location Sentinel Docks
Race Redguard Gender Male
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Easy Profession Fisher

Qesem is a Redguard fisher found on the Sentinel Docks after you clear the Ra-Netu by defeating Salmaran. He chops us some burnt debris with Nayyer on the south side of the docks near the shore and carries piles of wood over to a location northeast of the debris. Islaf carries wood here as well.

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When he is chopping the debris, he and Nayyer may have a conversation:

Nayyer: "Tall Papa give me peace. Does this pile of wood have a bottom?"
Qesem: "Be glad we have a barricade to clear. Had Tava's winds blown toward the bay, the whole dock would have burned."
Nayyer: "Taking our honored dead with it, no doubt."
Qesem: "Shame they built it in such a hurry. This crate was filled with Cyrodilic wine."
Nayyer: "What a sad waste."