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Achievement Points Description Reward
   Hero of Necrom 50 Complete quests, defeat bosses, and explore delves to become the Hero of Necrom. Title: Hero of Necrom
 Telvanni Walnut
   Savior of Necrom 50 Complete quests, explore, acquire antiquities, and become the savior of Necrom. Mount: Berylglow Nix-Ox Steed
   Necrom Larcenist 15 At the Necrom Outlaws Refuge in Telvanni Peninsula, receive 20,000 gold for fencing items.
   Necrom Skyshard Hunter 10 Discover all 18 Skyshards across the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha.
   Necrom Master Angler 5 Catch all 12 rare fish in the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha. Outfit Style: Shroomtender Shoes
    Clan Dreamcarver Style Master 50 Learn every chapter in the Clan Dreamcarver style book, found in Sanity's Edge weekly coffers.
    Dead Keeper Style Master 50 Learn every chapter in the Dead Keeper style book, acquired through Necrom daily solo jobs and daily world boss quests.
    Kindred's Concord Style Master 50 Learn every chapter in the Kindred's Concord style book, found in Bastion Nymic.

Tales of TributeEdit

Achievement Points Description Reward
   Almighty Almalexia 10 Collect the upgraded cards from the Almalexia deck in Tales of Tribute.
   The Gaze of Ayem 5 Use Almalexia's Patron power to look at an opponent's draw pile 10 times in match-made Tales of Tribute games. Tribute Card Upgrade: Festival of Forbearance
   Play the Paramount 15 Defeat Tribute Grand Master Bolm in a game of Tribute. Tribute Card Upgrade: ALMSIVI's Charity
   Mercymother, I Bend My Knee 15 Collect the Almalexia Tales of Tribute deck.
   Card Conjurer 10 Acquire and use 10 Heavily Played Tribute Cards, acquired from Tales of Tribute match rewards. Emote: Card Conjuring
   Memories of the Spearhead 10 Acquire and use 10 Scraps of the Spearhead's Colors, acquired from Tales of Tribute match rewards. Captain Kaleen


Achievement Points Description Reward
   Mercenaries and Metamagic 50 Gain favor with both Sharp-as-Night and Azandar al-Cybiades.
   Darkest Before the Dawn 15 Gain Sharp-as-Night's favor by completing the achievements and tasks listed below. Keepsake: Sharp's Handmade Fishing Lure
   Sharp's Companion 10 Complete the companion quests for Sharp-as-Night.
   Sharp's Favor 10 Increase rapport with Sharp by completing specific tasks at their side.
   The Consummate Cohort 15 Gain Azandar's favor by completing the achievements and tasks listed below. Keepsake: Abyssal Tea Set
   Azandar's Companion 10 Complete the companion quests for Azandar al-Cybiades.
   Azandar's Favor 10 Increase rapport with Azandar by completing specific tasks at their side.


Achievement Points Description Reward
   Antiquarian Chase: Necrom 50 Acquire the Mythic items discovered by the Antiquarian Circle during your adventures on the Telvanni Peninsula and in Apocrypha.
   Cryptcanon Vestments 15 Seek out the Cryptcanon Vestments, an ancient Dark Elf item long thought lost to history.
   Esoteric Environment Greaves 15 Seek out the Esoteric Environment Greaves, an ancient Dwarven item long thought lost to history.
   Velothi Ur-Mage's Amulet 15 Seek out the Velothi Ur-Mage's Amulet, an ancient Chimer item long thought lost to history.
    Glyphic Secrets Music Box 15 Find all the fragments the Telvanni Peninsula and assemble the Glyphic Secrets Music Box antiquity.
    Spore Savant Body Marks 15 Find all the fragments the Telvanni Peninsula and assemble the Spore Savant Body Marks antiquity.
    Spore Savant Face Marks 15 Find all the fragments in the Telvanni Peninsula and assemble the Spore Savant Face Marks antiquity.
    Telvanni Alchemy Station 15 Find all the fragments in Necrom and assemble the Telvanni Alchemy Station antiquity.
   Torc of the Last Ayleid King 15 Acquire the Mythic Item, Torc of the Last Ayleid King, in Apocrypha.


Achievement Points Description Reward
   Necrom Master Explorer 15 Discover and clear all caves and striking locales across the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha.
   Necrom Pathfinder 10 Discover all of the striking locales across the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha.
   Great Oaks from Little Acorns 10 Acquire and use 25 Lost Graht-Oak Acorns and 25 Unearthed Valenwood Seedlings. Pet: Graht-Oak Squirrel
   Slaughtered by Tentacles 5 Defeated by tentacles in Apocrypha.
   Traveler of Strange Roads 15 Complete odd tasks in the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha. Outfit Style: Shroomtender Epaulets
   Grave Discoveries 10 Examine grave markers in the Telvanni wilderness.
   Pulled from the Depths 10 Encounter this rare and unusual fish in Apocrypha.
   Tomes of Unknown Color 10 Find spectral books in Apocrypha.
   Syzygy 10 Perform a rite in Apocrypha with the Aberrant Hushed. Outfit Style: Shroomtender Sash
Public Dungeons
   The Underweave Group Event 50 Defeat All-Seeing Ky'zuu in the Underweave.
   The Underweave Conqueror 50 Defeat all of the champions in the Underweave.
   Gorne Group Event 50 Defeat Gatekeeper Gruzo on the island of Gorne.
   Gorne Conqueror 50 Defeat all of the champions on the island of Gorne.
   Necrom Cave Delver 10 Discover and clear all explorable caves across the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha. Outfit Style: Shroomtender Gloves
   Anchre Egg Mine Explorer 5 Explore and clear Anchre Egg Mine.
   Camonnaruhn Explorer 5 Explore and clear Camonnaruhn.
   Quires Wind Explorer 5 Explore and clear Quires Wind.
   Disquiet Study Explorer 5 Explore and clear the Disquiet Study.
   Fathoms Drift Explorer 5 Explore and clear Fathoms Drift.
   Apogee Explorer 5 Explore and clear Apogee of the Tormenting Eye.
World Bosses
   Defender of Necrom 15 Defeat all six world bosses across the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha. Outfit Style: Shroomtender Jerkin
   Chainsmasher 10 Defeat the Dark Elf slaver Corlys the Chainmaker at Clamorclap Bowl south of Ald Isra.
   Nightmare Ender 10 Defeat the Mind Terror known as the Walking Nightmare at Nightmare Den.
   Catalog Crusher 10 Defeat the Seeker known as the Prime Cataloger at the Libram Cathedral.
   Runebreaker 10 Defeat the Dark Elf arcanist, Runemaster Xiomara, at the Runemaster's Acropolis.
   Deepreaver Destroyer 10 Defeat the Lurker known as Vro-Kuul-Sha the Deepreaver at Deepreave Quag.
   Dreamcarver Demolisher 10 Defeat the Dremora Dek, Valkynaz of Clan Dreamcarver, at Chthon Plaza.


Achievement Points Description Reward
   Necrom Grand Adventurer 50 Complete 28 unique quests in the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha. Outfit Style: Shroomtender Hat
Housing: Emissary's Enclave (page) (00000000 )
   Champion of Apocrypha 50 Complete the main quest in Necrom. Title: Fate's Chosen
   Marked by the Eye 10 Complete the "Fate's Proxy" quest in Necrom.
   Necropolis Protector 10 Complete the "Keeper of the Fate" quest in Necrom.
   Ghost Catcher 10 Complete the "Spirit of Fate" quest in Necrom. Memento: Meln's Soul Gem
   Dream Miner 10 Complete the "Fate's Lost Dream" quest in Necrom.
   Apocryphal Investigator 10 Complete the "A Hidden Fate" quest in Necrom. Head Marking: Abyssal Cephaliarch's Face Art
   Mouth for the Mouthless 10 Complete the "Conclave of Fate" quest in Necrom.
   Mythos Delver 10 Complete the "A Calamity of Fate" quest in Necrom. Body Marking: Abyssal Cephaliarch's Body Art
   Dreambreaker 10 Complete the "An Unhealthy Fate" quest in Necrom.
   Secret Keeper 10 Complete the "Chronicle of Fate" quest in Necrom. Costume: Fate Scryer
   Necrom's Stalwart Protector 50 Complete all the daily quest achievements in Necrom.
   Necrom Sojourner 5 Complete 1 solo daily job for Ordinator Tilena in Necrom within the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha zones.
   Necrom Agent 10 Complete 10 solo daily jobs for Ordinator Tilena in Necrom within the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha zones.
   Necrom Professional 15 Complete 30 solo daily jobs for Ordinator Tilena in Necrom within the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha zones.
   Necrom Monster Hunter 5 Complete 1 world boss daily job for Ordinator Nelyn in Necrom within the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha zones.
   Necrom Monster Slayer 10 Complete 10 world boss daily jobs for Ordinator Nelyn in Necrom within the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha zones.
   Necrom Monster Exterminator 15 Complete 30 world boss daily jobs for Ordinator Nelyn in Necrom within the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha zones.
   Nymic Mercenary 5 Complete 1 Bastion Nymic daily job for Ordinator Tandasea in Necrom within the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha zones.
   Nymic Defender 10 Complete 10 Bastion Nymic daily jobs for Ordinator Tandasea in Necrom within the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha zones.
   Nymic Champion 15 Complete 30 Bastion Nymic daily jobs for Ordinator Tandasea in Necrom within the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha zones.

Bastion NymicEdit

Achievement Points Description Reward
   Keeper of the Bastion 50 Complete all the achievements in Bastion Nymic. Pet: Obsidian Dwarven Sphere
   Bane of Heralds 15 Defeat the Irrefutable Herald, the Dreadful Herald, and the Noxious Herald in Bastion Nymic. Outfit Style: Shroomtender Breeches
   Nymic Refuter 10 Defeat the Irrefutable Herald in Bastion Nymic.
   Nymic Defier 10 Defeat the Dreadful Herald in Bastion Nymic.
   Nymic Purifier 10 Defeat the Noxious Herald in Bastion Nymic.
   Bastion Nymic Master Puzzler 15 Solve all the puzzles in Bastion Nymic.
   Fate's Puzzler 5 Solve Hermaeus Mora's puzzle in the Subverted Quarter of Bastion Nymic.
   Pestilence's Puzzler 5 Solve Peryite's puzzle in the Plagued Quarter of Bastion Nymic.
   Nightmare's Puzzler 5 Solve Vaermina's puzzle in the Dreaming Quarter of Bastion Nymic.

Sanity's EdgeEdit

Achievement Points Description Reward
Needed for Sane and Clearheaded
   Sane and Clearheaded 50 Complete all the listed achievements for Sanity's Edge. Title: Mindmender
Mount: Ram of Dark Dreams
   Sanity's Edge Vanquisher 10 Defeat Exarchanic Yaseyla, Archwizard Twelvane, and Ansuul the Tormentor in Sanity's Edge. Title: Sanity's Scourge
 Sanity's Orchid
   Sanity's Edge Conqueror 10 Defeat Exarchanic Yaseyla, Archwizard Twelvane, and Ansuul the Tormentor in Veteran Sanity's Edge. Title: Sanity's Warrior
Body Marking: Whorls of the Dark Dream Marks
   Tenacious Dreamer 50 Defeat Exarchanic Yaseyla, Archwizard Twelvane, and Ansuul the Tormentor after raising the challenge banner in Veteran Sanity's Edge in one run. Title: Tenacious Dreamer
Face Marking: Whorls of the Dark Dream Visage
   Sanity's Edge Sprinter 50 Defeat all enemies in addition to Exarchanic Yaseyla, Archwizard Twelvane, and Ansuul the Tormentor in Veteran Sanity's Edge within 35 minutes. Your time begins when you enter Vanton's Nightmare.
   Lucid Dreaming 50 Defeat all enemies in addition to Exarchanic Yaseyla, Archwizard Twelvane, and Ansuul the Tormentor without suffering a group member death in Veteran Sanity's Edge.
   Master of the Mind 50 Defeat Exarchanic Yaseyla, Archwizard Twelvane, and Ansuul the Tormentor along with all their hostile followers after raising the challenge banner for each of them, without suffering a group member death, within 35 minutes of entering Veteran Sanity's Edge. Title: Mind Master
   Terror Slayer 10 Defeat 125 Disruptors, Voidmasters, Summoners, Butchers, and Enforcers in Veteran Sanity's Edge.
   Paranoxia Slayer 10 Defeat 50 Paranoxia in Veteran Sanity's Edge.
   Positive Visualization 10 8 unique players must use Vanton's Clarity to kill Horrors while fighting Exarchanic Yaseyla in Sanity's Edge.
   Astral Cycle 10 As a group, never fail to input the correct crystal control sequence during the encounter with Archwizard Twelvane in Veteran Sanity's Edge.
   Clinical Mortality 10 Once the Chimera comes to life, it never returns to its statue form during the encounter with Archwizard Twelvane in Veteran Sanity's Edge.
   Voice of Clarity 10 Enter Vanton's Torment 7 times during the encounter with Ansuul the Tormentor in Sanity's Edge.
   Fearless Sanity 10 Complete each Torment with fewer than 4 players during the encounter with Ansuul the Tormentor in Veteran Sanity's Edge.
   Group Therapy 10 Have 11 players reach the end on a single maze run while fighting Ansuul the Tormentor in Sanity's Edge.
   Mage Protector 15 Defeat Exarchanic Yaseyla after raising the challenge banner in Veteran Sanity's Edge.
   Dream Destroyer 15 Defeat Archwizard Twelvane after raising the challenge banner in Veteran Sanity's Edge.