This page contains pre-release screenshots of the Imperial City DLC.
See AlsoEdit
Features and RewardsEdit
Xivkyn: new enemies, Polymorphs & crafting style
The Aldmeri Dominion Base & Style
The Daggerfall Covenant Base & Style
The Ebonheart Pact Base & Style
The Drake of Blades
A Khajiit soldier fights General Zamachar
The Adjudicator (Imperial City Anniversary 2018)
Events and UpdatesEdit
Two soldiers wearing armor in the Legion Zero Style hoist their banners (added 2020)
An Aldmeri Dominion soldier interrupts two Ebonheart Pact soldiers who are fending off Dremora (Imperial City Anniversary 2020)
Dremora rush down an Imperial City street to assault two characters wearing the Legion Zero Vigiles Style
Players wearing the Knight of the Circle Style confronting another in the Imperial City
Molag Kena Style Event
Players chasing down a Trove Scamp