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< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Location Bridge outside Blackrose Prison
Race Naga Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Dead-Water Tribe

Teeba-Jei is an injured Naga of the Dead-Water Tribe found on the bridge outside Blackrose Prison. He was captured by the Blackguards and forced to fight in the prison, and was kicked back to the swamp after his injury.


He seems surprised that you're all the way out here by Blackrose Prison, and proceeds to tell you of his plight.

"My eyes widen in surprise. Why do you come to Blackrose Prison?"
Just traveling. What are you doing out here?
"I attempt to work up the courage to hobble back to Dead-Water Village. But only I sit, my will as broken as this leg."
What happened to you?
"To my great dishonor, I was captured alive by the Blackguards. They planned to ransom me, but my tribe refused.
That was when I was put in their gauntlet. A series of harrowing battles, one after another."
How did you survive?
"My leg shattered. I waited for a swift death, an honorable warrior's end.
Instead, they let me go. They knew that the shame of returning to my village, broken and dishonored, would be a far worse fate."