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Recover a sign of Kynareth's divine favor.
Quest Giver: Gerius Siralus
Location(s): Charach, Chapel of the West Wind
Prerequisite Quest: The Blind Share
Next Quest: The Broken Shrine
Reward: None
Disposition: +30 (Tynul Valelian), +10 (Gerius Siralus)
Reputation Gain: +10 (Order of Itinerant Priests)
ID: PC_m1_IP_GS3
The wreck of the Oleta

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Gerius Siralus about works and speak to the head priest.
  2. Speak to Tynul Valelian in the chapel basement about collecting Divine favors.
  3. Ask Cyna in the White Scarab Company Lodgings in Anvil's Little Arenthia about collecting Divine favors.
  4. Take the Divine favor from the wreck of the Oleta, north of Stirk.
  5. Bring the favor to Tynul Valelian.
  6. Speak again to Gerius Siralus.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Gerius believes that the Cult of Winds was impressed by the assistance you gave to Hakit during The Old Man and the Sea. The head priest, Tynul Valelian, has requested that you come to speak with him. Tynul can be found in his office in the chapel's basement. Ask him about the speak to the head priest topic. He'll reveal that he needs help with one of the Cult of the Winds' sacred missions - collecting Divine favors. These are described as being Kynareth's blessings rendered in physical form. Tynul believes that an adherent of the cult in Anvil named Cyna has lately located one, and will send you on a mission to retrieve it.

Travel to Anvil (ship or guild guide are the fastest means), and look for Cyna in the White Scarab Company Lodgings in Anvil's Garden Quarter (you'll also be referred here if you seek her out in the company's warehouse in the Port Quarter). She's enthused that the Cult has sent somebody to hear her out, and speaks of seeing a shipwreck in the water on a recent voyage from Stros M'Kai. It was apparently of the oldest Redguard design that she's ever seen. Cyna specifies that it lies north of Stirk, the island on which Charach sits, next to a dreugh monstrosity (Forsaken Shoal).

A long journey lies ahead, so to cut it a little shorter, fast travel back to Charach and trek to the northern shore of Stirk Isle. The wreck you need to find is named Oleta, and lies just to the north of the tiny islands immediately to Stirk's northwest. Once you've found it, swim down and enter the interior. A level 35 locked chest under the stairs of the lower deck holds what you seek - Nemon's Memory Stone.

Stone in hand, return to Tynul. He'll examine it and proclaim it to be a memory stone from the time of the sack of Thras. He does not see fit to reward you for your efforts however, and neither will Gerus when you speak to him to complete the quest.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Drowned Memory (PC_m1_IP_GS3)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Gerius Siralus told me that I should now speak to the head priest of the Cult of the Winds, Tynul Valelian. He can usually be found in the basement of the chapel.
20 Tynul Valelian told me about the Cult of the Winds' work collecting Divine favors. He told me that one of the devotees knows where to find one, and I am to follow up on her claim. The devotee's name is Cyna, and she is employed at the White Scarab Company in the Port Quarter in Anvil.
30 Cyna told me of an ancient shipwreck that she saw north of Stirk. It should be close to something that she referred to as the 'dreugh monstrosity'. She said it was the oldest Redguard ship she's ever seen and asked me to check it out.
35 I found a memory stone in a shipwreck named Oleta; likely the artifact that Tynul Valelian is looking for.
40 Tynul Valelian thanked me for recovering the memory stone.
100 Finishes quest  Gerus Siralus was pleased that I managed to assist Tynul Valelian.
200 Finishes quest  I told Gerus Siralus that I killed Tynul Valelian.