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The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journalconsole command to manually update the quest to a certain point.
The Spoiled Swordsman (PC_m1_MG_BC2)
Finishes Quest
Journal Entry
Sielle informed me word was spreading that the Brina Cross Mages Guild was selling spoiled potions. She asked me to stop the rumors, and suggested that I start by checking what the guild alchemist, Latreus Aurantus, knows.
Latreus admitted that potion spoilage does occur on occasion, but maintained that he would never sell a potion which was close to spoiling without informing the customer. He directed me to the Crossing Inn, where travelers usually stay when passing through.
Boldarus Onskild in the Crossing Inn claimed that the Mages Guild sold him spoiled potions and demanded I leave him alone.
Latreus admitted to selling potions to Boldarus that were close to spoiling. However, he insisted that he explained the situation to Boldarus and warned him to use them quickly.
Christophe Marane told me Boldarus is upset at the Mages Guild because he blames the spoiled potions Latreus sold him for the loss of his family sword.
Boldarus promised to stop spreading rumors about the Mages Guild if I recovered the family sword that he lost in Crow Hall Cave.
I convinced Boldarus Onskild to stop complaining about the Mages Guild.
I recovered Boldarus' family sword for him. Upon delivery, Boldarus thanked me and rewarded me with a ring he found in the cave. He also promised to stop the rumors about the Mages Guild.
Finishes quest
I informed Sielle that I convinced Boldarus to stop complaining about the Mages Guild. Sielle thanked me and rewarded me with gold and a few potions.
Finishes quest
I informed Sielle that when I returned Boldarus' family sword to him, he thanked me and promised to stop spreading rumors about the Brina Cross Mages Guild. She was extremely pleased and rewarded me with gold and some potions.
Finishes quest
I informed Sielle that I solved her problem by killing Boldarus Onskild. She expelled me from the guild and told me to get out of her guild hall.