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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Voiceless Harmony (place)

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Dreugh Hive:
Voiceless Harmony
Added by Project Cyrodiil
# of Zones 3
Aghrautha, Dreugh, Slaughterfish
Console Location Code(s)
"Voiceless Harmony"; "Voiceless Harmony, Anechoic Chamber"; "Voiceless Harmony, Hall of Dissonance"; "Voiceless Harmony, Sonance Vestibule"
Abecean Sea, [-129,-48]
Voiceless Harmony

Voiceless Harmony is a citadel of the Dreugh sited in the Abecean Sea.

It lies within an undersea canyon to the west of Thresvy, and is well-guarded by Dreugh.

The entrance in the central tower leads into the Hall of Dissonance, with this area containing two entrances to the Sonance Vestibule (in the south and southwest) and an entrance to the Anechoic Chamber in the east.

Notable treasures include the Ring of Swallowing Depths in the south chamber of the Sonance Vestibule, and an Imperial Ebony Right Pauldron on the bottom floor of that vestibule's central chamber. The bulk of the valuables can be found in the Anechoic Chamber however, where the queen Aghrautha resides. These include Daedric Boots in the Cyrodiil style and the unique Abysmal Blade, with both of these items being present in Aghrautha's room. A Glass Dagger is present in a room at the top of the winding corridor leading down to the queen's chamber, while a Maormer War Axe lies on a table in the westernmost room.

Related QuestsEdit

Kingdom of AnvilEdit

  • Voiceless Harmony: Slay a dreugh queen whose brood is plaguing the coasts of Colovia.