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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Voiceless Harmony (quest)

< Mod / Morrowind: Project Tamriel: Project Cyrodiil: Quests: Kingdom of Anvil / Anvil
Slay a dreugh queen whose brood is plaguing the coasts of Colovia.
Quest Giver: Reymanus Pelelius
Location(s): Anvil, Pelelius Manor
Prerequisite Quest: Breaking Good
Reward: 2,000 gold
Disposition: +20 or +30 (Reymanus Pelelius)
Reputation Gain: +10 (Kingdom of Anvil)
ID: PC_m1_K1_RP6
Aghrautha lurks in her citadel beneath the Abecean

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Reymanus Pelelius at Pelelius Manor in Anvil about duties and dreugh.
  2. Speak with Nayad Irune in Charach.
  3. Slay Aghrautha in Voiceless Harmony, Anechoic Chamber.
  4. Return to Reymanus.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Reports of dreugh attacks on Thresvy residents concern Reymanus. He asks that you speak to an expert on the dreugh named Nayad Irune in Charach to get their take. You can travel to Charach via boat from Anvil's marina. Nayad has a house on the northeast side of town. He believes that there must be a dreugh hive near Thresvy.

A tough (and thoroughly underwater) fight lies ahead, so stock up appropriately. When ready, look for a large ocean trench roughly halfway between Stirk Isle and Thresvy (the latter will be marked on your map). Inside stands the Dreugh Citadel of Voiceless Harmony. The Dreugh Queen you must slay rests inside the Anechoic Chamber area of this location. Once you've killed it, return to Reymanus for a 2,000 gold reward.


  • Reymanus Pelelius disappears from his manor between 11pm and 8am, and so cannot be spoken to there between those times - see Well Met By Moonlight for details.
  • As with certain other quests in this questline, Reymanus' disposition increase is more muted if you overthrew his sister during Battle for Goldstone.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Voiceless Harmony (PC_m1_K1_RP6)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Reymanus Pelelius has received reports of dreugh attacks from the residents of Thresvy. While he's doubtful of their validity, he would like me to get a second opinion on the matter from Nayad Irune, a savant who lives in Charach.
20 Nayad Irune believes dreugh expansion would be possible if a new dreugh queen had spawned somewhere off of Thresvy's coast. If this is the case, he says that the queen would need to be destroyed immediately.
30 Reymanus has decided to take the reports of dreugh attacks seriously. He has tasked me with traveling into the ocean west of Thresvy, locating the dreugh hive, and slaying the new queen.
100 Finishes quest  Reymanus thanked me effusively for killing the dreugh queen.