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Falkreath, in Falkreath Hold
(view on map) (lore page)
FalkreathExterior01, FalkreathExterior02, FalkreathExterior03, FalkreathExterior04, FalkreathExterior05, FalkreathExterior06
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Falkreath is a city in the south of Skyrim, and the capital of Falkreath Hold. It is initially aligned with the Empire under Jarl Siddgeir. Near the borders with Cyrodiil and Hammerfell, in the past it was considered a part of Cyrodiil, but now sits firmly within the borders of Skyrim. Falkreath's economy is centered around lumber retrieved from the surrounding forest. Falkreath's most distinguishing feature is its large cemetery housing generations of dead from throughout Skyrim; the cemetery is also an important cultural landmark for the residents of Falkreath, directly inspiring the names of several businesses and homes within the city.

For more information on Falkreath, see the lore article.

Falkreath PeopleEdit

Related QuestsEdit

Quests Starting HereEdit


Creation ClubEdit

Miscellaneous QuestsEdit

Quest Giver Giver Location Quest Objective(s) Requirement
Dengeir of Stuhn Dengeir's House Dark Ancestor: Destroy Dengeir's risen ancestor, the vampire Vighar.
  • Destroy the vampire Vighar
Some Light Theft
Some Light Theft: Do a favor by stealing an item. (radiant)
  • Steal the Private Letter for Dengeir
  • Bring the Private Letter to Dengeir
Jarl's Longhouse Thane of Falkreath: Prove you are worthy of the title Thane by assisting the people of Falkreath Hold. (radiant)
  • Return to Dengeir
Rescue from Fort Neugrad or Season Unending
Build Your Own HomeHF: Construct a house for yourself. (HF)
  • Speak to the Jarl of Falkreath
  • Speak to the Steward of Falkreath about the land for sale
  • Visit your new property in Falkreath hold
  • Use the Drafting Table to begin building your house
  • Use the Carpenter's Workbench to build the foundation of your house
Rescue from Fort Neugrad or Season Unending
Runil Hall of the Dead Dungeon Delving: Do a favor by retrieving an item from a cave. (radiant)
  • Find Runil's Journal inside <Alias=Dungeon>
  • Return Runil's Journal to Runil
Siddgeir Jarl's Longhouse Rare Gifts: Do a favor by finding a rare item. (radiant)
  • Bring one Black-Briar Mead to Siddgeir
Didn't receive letter at level 9HF
Kill the Bandit Leader: Slay a bandit leader for Siddgeir, the Jarl of Falkreath. (radiant)
  • Kill the leader of <Alias=BanditCamp>
  • Return to Siddgeir
Rare Gifts or received Letter from Jarl Siddgeir of FalkreathHF
Thane of Falkreath: Prove you are worthy of the title Thane by assisting the people of Falkreath Hold. (radiant)
  • Return to Siddgeir
Kill the Bandit Leader
Build Your Own HomeHF: Construct a house for yourself. (HF)
  • Speak to the Jarl of Falkreath
  • Speak to the Steward of Falkreath about the land for sale
  • Visit your new property in Falkreath hold
  • Use the Drafting Table to begin building your house
  • Use the Carpenter's Workbench to build the foundation of your house
Kill the Bandit Leader
Thadgeir Dengeir's House Delivery: Deliver an item to an associate. (radiant)
  • Deliver Berit's Ashes to Runil

Other QuestsEdit

Creation ClubEdit


  • With Hearthfire installed, you can purchase a plot of land in Falkreath Hold to build a house on.
  • Almost all of the town's residents have an odd internal quirk. With the exception of Delacourt, Rayya, Sinding, Skulnar, Valdr, and the Dark Brotherhood members, every NPC possesses two versions of almost all of their greetings. In many cases, these are different versions of the same greeting performed by the respective voice actors (this is the case for Helvard, Indara, Lod, Mathies, Narri, Nenya, Siddgeir, Solaf, Valga, and Zaria), while others seem to have only one voice take for a line of dialogue duplicated with two different filenames (this is the case for Bolund, Kust, Runil, Tekla, and Thadgeir). Dengeir is a unique case: most of his duplicate lines are identical, with the exception of a single line that also has a different subtitle. This quirk is otherwise only seen with the unused NPC Mithorpa Nasyal. Regardless, due to one version of each greeting being ordered above the other, only one can ever be heard in the game, leaving the other unused.
  • Despite going unnamed in the final game as it has no interiors or map markers, the Prima Official Game Guide refers to the local mill as Deadwood Lumber Mill, befitting the town's specific naming convention.
  • Falkreath appears in Arena as Falcrenth, and also appears in ESO and Legends.