Capital | Falkreath (map) | |
Jarl's Residence | Jarl's Longhouse | |
Military Fort | Fort Neugrad | |
Initial Affiliation | Imperial | |
Imperial Government | ||
Jarl | Siddgeir | |
Steward | Nenya | |
Housecarl | Helvard | |
Stormcloaks Government | ||
Jarl | Dengeir of Stuhn | |
Steward | Tekla | |
Housecarl | Helvard | |
Location | ||
South-southwest part of Skyrim |
Falkreath Hold is a hold in southern Skyrim, with its capital in Falkreath. It is initially affiliated with the Imperial Legion, but can be captured by the Stormcloaks after completing Rescue from Fort Neugrad. It can also change sides as part of negotiations during Season Unending.
It is the second southernmost hold in Skyrim, after the Rift. It borders Cyrodiil in the south, across the Jerall Mountains, and Hammerfell in the west. Other than its capital, Falkreath, the only notable town in the hold is Helgen, the first settlement in Skyrim to be attacked by a dragon.
Falkreath Hold is blanketed by characteristic pine forests and described by its citizens as being covered in a fine mist that makes it seem seasonless. The mountains rising above Falkreath are well above the snow line striking a stark comparison to the green of the rest of the hold. The most distinguishing geographic feature is Lake Ilinalta which covers a large portion of the central region and acts as the source for the White River.
The town has the largest cemetery in Skyrim that houses generations of the dead, due to a large number of battles that have taken place over the years. The citizens take pride in this and many of the local shops and the farm derive their names from their close proximity to so much death.
Flora and FaunaEdit
The pine forest of Falkreath is very rich in thistles, mora tapinella, and all common varieties of mountain flowers. Lake Ilinalta is home to a large population of different fish species which can be found near the Lady Stone and by the start of the White River. The hold is one of the few places where nightshade is fairly common. In the snowy eastern parts only the snowberry bush thrives.
Hold CapitalEdit
- Falkreath — A city in the south of Skyrim, and the capital of Falkreath Hold. (map)
Farms, Towns, and Settlements including Orc Strongholds and InnsEdit
- Angi's Camp — A cabin and camp southeast of Falkreath. (map)
- Anise's Cabin — A small shack west-southwest of Riverwood. (map)
- Corpselight Farm — A small farmstead located in Falkreath. (map)
- Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary — An active Dark Brotherhood sanctuary west of Falkreath. (map)
- Half-Moon Mill — A lumber mill that supplies Helgen and Falkreath. (map)
- Helgen — A town in eastern Falkreath Hold. (map)
- Hunter's Rest — A shack in the hills near Moss Mother Cavern inhabited by two Elk hunters. (map)
- Lakeview ManorHF — A piece of property in Falkreath Hold, north of Pinewatch. (map)
- Pinewatch — A shack northeast of Falkreath containing bandits. (map)
Camps, including Giant Camps and Military CampsEdit
- Falkreath Imperial Camp — An Imperial camp in Falkreath Hold, located east-northeast of Glenmoril Coven and north of Knifepoint Ridge. (map)
- Falkreath Stormcloak Camp — A Stormcloak camp in Falkreath Hold, located east of Helgen. (map)
- Knifepoint Ridge — A small bandit camp and iron and corundum mine northwest of Falkreath. (map)
- Secunda's Kiss — A giant camp southwest of Whiterun. (map)
- Bloated Man's Grotto — A small cave north of Falkreath containing animals and spriggans. (map)
- Bonechill Passage — A small cave east of Falkreath containing leveled animals. (map)
- Glenmoril Coven — A small cave northwest of Falkreath containing hags or Glenmoril Witches. (map)
- Greywater Grotto — A small cave far east of Falkreath, located south-southwest of Helgen, containing leveled predatory animals. (map)
- Haemar's Shame — A medium-sized cave east of Helgen containing vampires. (map)
- Halldir's Cairn — A small cave southwest of Falkreath containing draugr, ghosts, and the powerful undead mage Halldir. (map)
- Moss Mother Cavern — A small, open-roofed cavernous grove lush with many kinds of flora and fungi, located due north of Hunter's Rest and northwest of Half-Moon Mill which is inhabited by bears and spriggans. (map)
- South Brittleshin Pass — A small passage through the mountains between Whiterun Hold and Falkreath Hold containing a necromancer and skeletons. (map)
- Southfringe Sanctum — A small cave southeast of Helgen containing the conjurer Bashnag and his coven. (map)
- Sunderstone Gorge — A small cave north-northwest of Falkreath containing warlocks and skeletons. (map)
Dragon LairsEdit
- Ancient's Ascent — A mountaintop dragon lair southwest of Helgen. (map)
- Bilegulch Mine — A small orichalcum mine northwest of Falkreath containing Orc bandits. (map)
- Embershard Mine — A small iron mine southwest of Riverwood containing bandits. (map)
Ruins including Dwarven and Nordic RuinsEdit
- Bleak Falls Barrow — A medium-sized Nordic ruin west of Riverwood containing bandits, draugr, and skeevers. (map)
- North Shriekwind Bastion — A small Nordic ruin north of Falkreath containing vampires and skeletons. (map)
- Roadside Ruins — A small outdoor Nordic ruin northwest of Falkreath containing a spriggan. (map)
- South Shriekwind Bastion — A small Nordic ruin north of Falkreath containing vampires and skeletons. (map)
- Twilight Sepulcher — The location of the Pilgrim's Path and main entrance to Nocturnal's Ebonmere portal, resting place for the Skeleton Key. (map)
Towers and FortsEdit
- Bannermist Tower — A small ruined Nordic tower northwest of Falkreath containing bandits. (map)
- Bloodlet Throne — A small fort southwest of Helgen containing vampires, wolves, gargoyles, and death hounds. (map)
- Cracked Tusk Keep — A medium-sized fort west of Falkreath containing Orc bandits and hunters led by Ghunzul. (map)
- Falkreath Watchtower — A small ruined tower north of Falkreath containing a necromancer. (map)
- Fort Neugrad — A medium-sized fort east of Falkreath initially occupied by bandits. (map)
- Ilinalta's Deep — A medium-sized fort north of the Lady Stone containing necromancers and skeletons. (map)
- North Skybound Watch — A small Nordic tower and ruin northeast of Helgen containing bandits and a giant frostbite spider. (map)
- Peak's Shade Tower — A small ruined Nordic tower east of Falkreath containing a spriggan. (map)
- South Skybound Watch — A small Nordic tower and ruin northeast of Helgen containing bandits and a giant frostbite spider. (map)
Standing Stones and Daedric ShrinesEdit
- The Guardian Stones — A location which marks three Standing Stones located directly outside of Helgen and Riverwood. (map)
- The Lady Stone — One of the thirteen Standing Stones scattered across Skyrim. (map)
Landmarks, including Bodies of Water, Clearings, Ships and ShipwrecksEdit
- Ancestor GladeDG — A small glade in a cavern east-southeast of Falkreath. (map)
- Evergreen Grove — A grove of trees concealing a small pond fed by a rocky stream, just southwest of Half-Moon Mill. (map)
- Jerall Mountains — A mountain range that stretches along the southern border of Skyrim. (map)
- Lake Ilinalta — A lake in west-central Falkreath Hold. (map)
- Orphan Rock — A wooded valley with a central rock plateau northeast of Helgen containing witches or hags led by a hagraven. (map)
- White River — The longest river in Skyrim, stretching from the south of the province to the northeast corner. (map)
Unmarked PlacesEdit
- There are three Dragon Mounds in Falkreath Hold.
- North of Bilegulch Mine.
- South of Evergreen Grove.
- West of Southfringe Sanctum.
- There are a few Shrines in Falkreath Hold.
- A Shrine of Talos south of The Guardian Stones.
- A Shrine of Akatosh northeast of Twilight Sepulcher.
- Two Shrines of Arkay outside Falkreath's Hall of the Dead.
- The Plague of the Dead Creation adds a ritual site north of Southfringe Sanctum.
- Unmarked Bandit Camps
- South of The Guardian Stones there is a camp inhabited by three bandits. The camp has three tents with a bedroll each, one wood chopping block and a tanning rack. One of the bandits carries Treasure Map I. There is a coin purse and a satchel resting on a tree stump. A copy of the One-handed skill book Night Falls on Sentinel can be found in one of the tents. (map)
- West of Helgen is a camp consisting of a tanning rack, a chest, a potion of healing, a pair of hide boots, three bedrolls and a copy of the Light Armor skill book The Refugees. One beehive in a tree north of the campfire. Even if you just try to lockpick a chest, two archers and one melee bandit will appear from the west. Further attempts won't spawn anyone. (map)
- Southwest of Pinewatch. It consists of two towers that straddle the Helgen-Falkreath road, linked by a rope bridge. A bandit archer keeps watch atop each tower. A tripwire activates a boulder trap that is attached to the structure. (map)
- South of Pinewatch is a camp on the base of a waterfall inhabited by two melee bandits and one mage (Expert difficulty). A copy of the Alteration skill book The Lunar Lorkhan can be found inside a tent, and there is a tanning rack just outside. Next to the tent lies a dead Dark Elf on a fallen tree, as well as an apothecary's satchel. (map)
Falkreath Hold QuestsEdit
All quests that are started in or are related to Falkreath Hold (except for radiant quests begun in other holds) are listed here:
Main QuestEdit
- Unbound: Escape Imperial custody and a dragon attack.
- Bleak Falls Barrow: Retrieve the Dragonstone.
Stormcloaks Civil War QuestsEdit
- Liberation of Skyrim: Drive the Imperials from Skyrim. (radiant)
- Rescue from Fort Neugrad: Rescue Stormcloak soldiers from the Imperials and capture the fort. (radiant)
Daedric QuestsEdit
- Boethiah's Calling: Become Boethiah's new champion.
- A Daedra's Best Friend: Help Barbas reunite with his master.
- Ill Met By Moonlight: Participate in the Daedric Prince Hircine's Great Hunt.
- Pieces of the Past: Retrieve the scattered pieces of Mehrunes' Razor and reforge this deadly blade.
Bards CollegeEdit
- Rjorn's Drum: Retrieve a drum for Giraud Gemane.
Dark BrotherhoodEdit
- All the Dark Brotherhood primary quests except for Hail Sithis!, and most of the other quests received before Hail Sithis!, are related to Falkreath Hold.
Thieves GuildEdit
- Darkness Returns: Walk the Pilgrim's Path and return the Skeleton Key to its rightful place.
- No Stone Unturned: Find the 24 gems to restore the Crown of Barenziah.
- Blood's Honor: Claim the head of a Glenmoril Witch for Kodlak Whitemane.
Side Quests including Divine QuestsEdit
- The Blessings of Nature: Restore the Gildergreen for Danica Pure-Spring.
- The Golden Claw: A shopkeeper wants you to retrieve his family heirloom from a bandit.
- Kyne's Sacred Trials: Participate in Kyne's Sacred Trials by hunting the guardian beasts of Skyrim.
- Moss Mother Cavern: Help an injured hunter avenge his fallen companions.
Creation Club QuestsEdit
- The Dwarven CrownCC: Gather all the components of a powerful Dwarven Crown from within a forgotten Dwarven ruin.
- The Dwarven HorseCC: Reassemble an ancient Dwarven vamidium.
- Forgotten SeasonsCC: Shut down a malfunctioning Dwarven weather machine.
- Once A HunterCC: Track down a hunter with a dangerous past.
- Pets of SkyrimCC: Find trained pets around Skyrim.
- The Rising DeadCC: A group of Necromancers plan to summon an army of zombies.
In addition, many miscellaneous quests are located in Falkreath Hold. They are listed here.