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Tamriel Rebuilt:Intervention

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Services: Transport
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Divine InterventionEdit

There are several Imperial Cult shrines you can teleport to using Divine Intervention. These are:

A map showing the intervention areas of these locations can be found here.

Almsivi InterventionEdit

There are several Tribunal temples you can teleport to using Almsivi Intervention. These are:

A map showing the intervention areas of these locations can be found here.

Kyne's InterventionSHOTNEdit

Player's using both Skyrim: Home of the Nords and MWSE may use the Kyne's Intervention spell to quickly and cheaply transit to Skyrim. Since there are no Kyne shrines in Cyrodiil, casting Kyne's Intervention here will send you to the nearest shrine in Skyrim. This will be the Karth River Kyne Shrine, which is currently the only Kyne shrine added by Skyrim: Home of the Nords that you can teleport to.


  • An option in MWSE's Tamriel Data config menu allows you to disable Kyne's Intervention while not in Skyrim.