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Tamriel Rebuilt:Mamaea Banapli

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: People
Mamaea Banapli (TR_m3_Mamaea Banapli)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 10 Class Trader
Other Information
Health 93 Magicka 108
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Mamaea Banapli

Mamaea Banapli is a Dark Elf Trader encountered during the East Empire Company quests Talking Shop and Art of the Deal. She appears to deal in magical items and saltrice, with Company Fixer, Cano's, questions for her being centred around that latter market, although she may later find some success trading llotham to outlanders.

Mamaea is not operating entirely above the board however, and her mercantile activites are deliberately kept hidden from Indoril Ilvi, the ruler of the lands in which she operates. The death of Marki the Shark, who organised this venture, and an investigation launched by Ilvi prompts Cano to send you to get Mamaea to lie low. She agrees in exchange for a small amount of gold with which to compensate her for lost business.

If East Empire Company trade in Ilvi lands is approved during Art of the Deal, Mamaea can be offered a position at the East Empire Company itself, and will move to the basement of the Old Ebonheart branch. According to Company officer Quilmaro, "she will make a fine agent".

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