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UESPWiki:Podcast/2 07

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I wish that I knew what I know now...

Welcome to the UESPodcast! Join your host Pylawn with guests AKB, baratron, Alarra, and Lost as they discuss the latest Elder Scrolls News and go over all the things they wish people had told them when they were starting out the various Elder Scrolls games.

Twitch: VOD • Youtube: VOD • Anchor: Audio

Show Notes






    • Last week’s Podcast was cancelled due to Pylawn being unwell. Unfortunately none of the rest of us know how to use the sound editing software, so we wouldn’t have been able to release a high-quality audio version.
      • Some of us should probably learn.


  • The console release of Greymoor was delayed until Wednesday 10th June out of respect for the funeral for George Floyd. The Stadia version is coming out on the 16th.
    • There was a small PC patch today (6.0.7) to prep for tomorrow’s launch on Stadia, and doesn’t include any public-facing fixes.
      • Related to Stadia - Stadia updated and now supports all Android phones
  • Game Director Matt Firor wrote a rather nice letter to fans on the official forums, explaining many of the Greymoor launch issues. [1]
    • The issue that allowed everyone access to Greymoor was explained. Accounts were set with the PTS flag on the Live server, allowing free access to all game content. Some players suffered some lingering issues from this, and couldn’t port to Greymoor even if they owned it.
    • Another issue came from the new achievements, which ran into another issue with the game saving character records too often. This caused extreme lag and infinite loading screens for some players.
    • There was a problem with combat synergies lagging out entire zones. Thankfully it has been corrected.
    • All of these fixes will be rolled into the initial Greymoor release on Console and Stadia.
    • Matt Firor confirms they are still working from home. All of this was done without access to their own offices.
  • There’s a new bug with Werewolves since they were added to the Justice system. Werewolves in human(oid) form are finding themselves getting Bounties for being in town! This should only happen if they are in Were form! This bug should hopefully be fixed at the next incremental patch on June 29th.
  • Lead Encounter Designer Mike Finnigan confirms that they are working to make Harrowstorms less annoying, in responses to various complaints about the difficulty with finding the encounters compared to previous zones.
  • The new Mournhold Packrat pet is now available and it’s adorable. It costs 1200 Crowns, the same price as the Bristleneck War Boar. Both pets grant an extra 5 inventory slots for every character on the account, regardless of whether the pet is active or not.
  • Still no news about Midyear Mayhem but based on previous patterns, I (baratron) expect the post to go up on Tuesday if the event starts this Thursday.
  • Greymoor Home Decorating Contest - [2] -  Runs from now until July 3rd at 11:59 PM EDT.  Submit your entry via the form attached to the article: upload a screenshot for one of two categories (you can enter once for each): “A Home Fit for a Vampire” or “Nord Homestead”. 1 Grand prize and 2 runners up per category.  Prizes include Greymoor Digital Collector’s Edition, Crowns, and a music box of your choice; the grand prize winners also get a house of their choice and additional furnishings.
  • If you haven’t gotten into ESO yet, Standard Edition (base + Morrowind) is on sale 60% off. Ends tonight for PC/Mac and Xbox, ends on Wed 17th this week for PS4.


  • Micro Singleton Gauntlet, June 5 – June 8. The article seems to have shown up rather late. Decks in the Micro Singleton Gauntlet have a minimum size of 30 cards (or 45 cards for a three-attribute deck) and must contain only one copy of each card. [3]
  • King of the Hill Gauntlet, June 12 - June 15. In this event, both lanes now feature special conditions. On the left side is the Fountain Lane, which grants a ward to creatures summoned into it with 2 power or less, while the right side features the King of the Hill Lane, granting Guard to creatures summoned into it that cost 5 Magicka or more. [4]
    • Premium alt art Sanctuary Pet for this one
  • What event will we miss this week? Place your bets now!


  • Patch 1.7.1 is out! [5]
  • Added motion controls for combat on Nintendo Switch!
  • Enable motion controls in the Settings Menu.
  • Hold ZL or ZR to raise your weapon like usual, then flick the corresponding Joy-Con to attack.
  • Keep ZL or ZR held to start a combo attack as soon as possible or release it to stop attacking.
  • Also fixed a number of bugs, including one which caused poor performance on Android devices with the Exynos chipset, and several exclusive to Switch.

Call to Arms:Edit

  • Apparently some people are getting their shipments. They’re still working on shipments outside of Europe.


  • Skyrim on the Switch is 50% off ($29.99 USD) during Nintendo's Summer Game Sale. Only applies for the US & Canada. Europe’s sale was last week. [6]
  • The SureAI team has released Nehrim, their total conversion of TES IV: Oblivion, on Steam. Nehrim is a fantastic mod, absolutely worth checking out. [7]



  • Dean R Hawkins
  • Eric Mele  

Twitch Subs:


  • N/A


Scholarly PursuitsEdit

I will ask our guests what they have been working on in the world of TES! This can be game play, wiki work, discord things, anything relevant to UESP/TES that you’ve been working on the past couple weeks / when you were last on the show.

  • Pylawn
    • Got sick with Heat Exhaustion carrying a toddler for 2 miles and then got super dehydrated.
      • Basically did nothing all week
    • We took last week off out of respect for the #BlackLivesMatter movement and the memorial services for George Floyd
    • Got a little bit more done on the story for Greymoor
      • Story spoilers coming next week?
  • AKB
    • Harrowstorms are annoying to find.
  • Alarra
    • Working on the main Greymoor storyline, done most of the general exploration. Got the music box antiquity
    • Very little bit of Legends trying to climb back up the ladder, maybe in the 10th constellation?  Mostly been playing a modified Brynjolf deck, lots of tricky fun actions
  • Lost
    • Skyrim
      • Didn’t have to deal with Brynjolf, found out about Esbern in the Ratway. Had to fight a bunch of Thalmor, but got him out of there!
      • Met up with Delphine, and we moved west. Found an ancient Blades hideout, Sky Haven Temple. Entirely too much fighting with dragons and Forsworn to get there
      • Had to talk to the Greybeards. Arngeir didn’t love what I was asking, but I got to go meet Paarthurnax!
      • Need to find an Elder Scroll. Took a cart up to Winterhold. Apparently their college may have the details I need.
    • Got Call to Arms!
      • Busted out all the components. So many cards and tokens!
      • Set up and played Voice of the Sky, the promotional scenario from a magazine
      • Still haven’t tried any of the scenarios in the Quests book, but hope to soon
  • baratron
    • Streamed some more Antiquities!
    • Took part in an all-Warden run of Normal Cloudrest +3!
    • Trying to hand in writs in Vvardenfell, I roll-dodged off the writ boxes, and grinded on thin air (as if on roller blades) and landed in the boat. And was then so shocked that I fell in the water anyway. Wish I had been recording that, it was hilarious.
    • Learned how to tell if a GameBoy Advance cartridge is fake!
    • Made some attempt to improve my DPS via Light Attack weaving. Spent a couple of hours practising on the 3 mil target skeleton with the Combat Metronome and Light Attack Helper addons. Together these show you EXACTLY when to attack in order for the move to be recognised by the game.
      • If I use just 3 skills (Barbed Trap, Netch + Wrecking Blow) plus properly-timed light attacks, I do 18k DPS.
      • If I use my entire rotation of 10 skills plus light attacks after each skill, which may not go through, I do 19-20k DPS.
      • This makes it very obvious that it's my light attacks which have been the problem, but I already knew that. It’s just very striking to have it confirmed. No pun intended.
  • Kiz
    • Not here this week.

Topic: Things I wish I knew beforeEdit

Inspired by the genius who wrote in ESO zone chat that he just now found out about pack upgrades. He also said, quote: "I COMPLETED THIS GAME 2 TIMES AND I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT THIS".

Leaving aside what "completing" ESO means, he apparently played to a very high level with only 60 inventory slots. The mere thought is painful.



  • Start researching traits right when you start the game
    • I thought this would be like other MMOs and I’d just grind it all quickly when I hit max level
  • Sets aren’t just important for end game
    • Leveling is wayyyyy easier if you have a set.
    • If you don’t have anything hit me up in game or ask a guildie
  • Light weaving
    • I wish this was easier shown to new players
  • You can port to your own houses for free and there’s lots of free houses to get all over the map
  • Do your dailies (especially writs)
  • Don’t waste your time golding out gear unless you’re trying to push progression HM or Vet trials
  • If possible - don’t get too reliant on specific addons
  • Food buffs!
  • Go at your own pace


  • Don’t waste your soul gems!
  • Really don’t waste a lot of your resources upgrading stuff until you hit the soft caprice!


  • Morrowind: no autosaving, SAVE YOUR GAME!


  • Fast-travel in ESO is free! Go to a wayshrine to travel anywhere for free.
    • Make sure you’re actually touching the wayshrine though, otherwise it will cost money. This is a stupid bug imo, if I’m physically RIGHT THERE it should be free!
  • If you don’t have a wayshrine to the place you want to go to, port to a guild member. You can be in 5 guilds at once, use them!
  • Decon every item that you aren’t planning to research to get your crafting levels up (and also some valuable crafting materials and tempers).
  • An experienced crafter needs far fewer tempers to increase the quality of an item, so ask other people in your guild/s to help.
  • DON’T EVER SAY “I need a crafter”, instead say “Is anyone available to make $specific_items”!!
  • You get a massive amount of experience from Random Normal Dungeons, and also useful items!
  • Use food whenever you do group content or World Bosses. It gives you up to 5000 extra Health, Stamina and/or Magicka for free.
  • Don’t worry about missing out on a limited-time Crown Store item that you can’t afford at the time. Everything comes back eventually. (Except the April Fool 2017 Pay-To-Lose Bucket and Broom, those still seem to be MIA).
  • Also, don’t worry about trying to complete ALL of the achievements for a holiday event. The events repeat yearly, some even twice-yearly.
  • The in-game economy is very different from the player economy and an item which sells to an NPC vendor for 50 gold might sell to a player for 1000 gold.


  • Skyrim: This was my first TES game so I was completely unaware of 1) the Wait feature, 2) the fact that you can give your companion items, 3) the fact that some items are useless, so I cleaned out literally EVERYTHING from the Helgen tunnels and Bleak Falls Barrow and trudged along overencumbered to get back to town and save/sell stuff.   Also didn’t realize that items can despawn if you’re not in a particular area for a while, though I fortunately didn’t lose anything I actually had any use for.
  • ESO: Ignored crafting for a while, should not have because Research takes a while
  • Oblivion: How leveling works, and that you need to sleep to level up. I went SO LONG without sleeping.
  • Morrowind: No auto-regenerating health!