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UESPWiki:Podcast/2 08

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Prev: Episode 7 Season 2, Episode 08.
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Greymoor Story Spoilers

  • NOTE* There are no spoilers until after the Scholarly Pursuits section of the episode. You will be warned before any spoilers are shared.Welcome to the UESPodcast! Join your host Pylawn with guests AKB, Alarra, Avron, and Sedrethi as we discuss the latest Elder Scrolls news and go over the story from the latest Elder Scrolls Online Chapter: Greymoor

Twitch: VOD • Youtube: VOD • Anchor: Audio

Show Notes






    • New ad partner
      • Reminder that if you join our Patreon, even the lowest tier will remove ads from the site


  • Midyear Mayhem
    • “Midyear Mayhem returns to Cyrodiil, the Imperial City, and the battlegrounds this Thursday, June 25 at 10:00AM EDT, and will continue until Tuesday, July 7 at 10:00AM EDT.”
    • During the Midyear Mayhem event, you can earn up to four Event Tickets per day by completing two different PvP activities:
      • Two tickets for completing any Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds daily quest
      • Two tickets for completing any Imperial City district daily quests
      • The Event Ticket timer resets at 1:00AM EDT each morning.
    • You can earn NEW Second Legion Outfit Style Pages and (OLD!) Legion Zero Outfit Style Pages from bosses in the Imperial City, including those found in the city itself and the sewers. Dropped Style Pages are tradeable with other players.
    • You will earn Pelinal’s Midyear Boon Boxes from what looks like any PvP or Cyrodiil repeatable quest. The first Pelinal’s Midyear Boon Box you open each day per account will contain a Standard-Bearer’s Emblem.
      • Combine 10 Standard-Bearer’s Emblem with a Standard-Bearer’s License (on sale for 50,000 AP) from Predicant Maera to create a Runebox with the Standard-Bearer Emotes.
      • I wonder if these are still the crappy recoloured “Legion Zero” emotes or if they have actually been made into proper Alliance emotes? -- baratron
    • You will also be able to buy Second Legion Arms Style Pages for Crowns.
    • The “Hinterlands” (EP), “Sands of Alik’r” (DC) and “Y’ffre in Every Leaf” (AD) music boxes, and the Arena Gladiator Horse mount will all be available as Crown purchases.
  • Free Infernium Dwarven Spiderling pet if you opt into marketing emails and verify your email address. It’s a Dwemer spider - ON FIRE!
  • Nightfall Crown Crates scare the shit out of Pylawn
  • ZOS paid the “Binging with Babish” YouTube channel to create a Sweetroll special, to promote Greymoor.
  • The Greymoor Home Decorating Contest - -  As mentioned last week, this runs until July 3rd at 11:59 PM EDT.  Submit your entry via the form attached to the article: upload a screenshot for one of two categories (you can enter once for each): “A Home Fit for a Vampire” or “Nord Homestead”. 1 Grand prize and 2 runners up per category.  Prizes include Greymoor Digital Collector’s Edition, Crowns, and a music box of your choice; the grand prize winners also get a house of their choice and additional furnishings.



Call to Arms:Edit

  • Modiphius posted a teaser on Facebook of figures of Jenassa, Derkeethus, and a Khajiit warrior




  • Kirby Bridges

Twitch Subs:

  • TatankoX
  • Thuraya_Salaris



Scholarly PursuitsEdit

I will ask our guests what they have been working on in the world of TES! This can be game play, wiki work, discord things, anything relevant to UESP/TES that you’ve been working on the past couple weeks / when you were last on the show.

  • Pylawn
    • Finished the main story of Greymoor!
      • We’ll talk more about that later
    • Skorm let me down
  • AKB
    • I did stuff in ESO!
  • Alarra
    • Finished the main story of Greymoor too!
  • Lost
    • Not here this week
  • baratron
    • Not here this week.
  • Kiz
    • Not here this week.
  • Sedrethi
    • Hasn’t finished Greymoor, yet. Mostly visited the zone for leads. Will complete the main quest when Zenimax fixes all the kinks in it (such as NPCs not being voiced, or vanishing mid-dialogue, etc.).
    • Has heard of certain major spoilers and doesn’t mind hearing more from the discussion. Would like to discuss Rada al-Saran, if possible.
    • Pleased to see that zone side quests are incorporated into many areas the main quest leads you to.
    • Kyne’s Aegis has some fun and unique mechanics during “add/trash” fights as well as boss fights. Ballistas, baby!
  • Avron
    • Finished Greymoor, go me! I’ll talk about whatever quest aspect I’m asked about, specifically. I didn’t think Greymoor was anything to write home about, but I loved the Grey Host/Unhallowed Grave lore. Give me that delicious, sweet, tasty Redguard lore. (Old Mjolen and her nature magic is also super great.)
    • Really like that NPC dialogue is a lot more dynamic in Greymoor. Every NPC has at least 3 lines of unique dialogue. I spent HOURS talking to everyone and they always had unique things to say. Flavorful!
    • All zone quests were directly tied into the main zone story, which was unique, but I think this made it feel a little less adventurous compared to previous chapters. (On that note, I liked that the Quest NPCs acknowledged the zone quests in their dialogue when they were your followers. That was a nice new touch.)
    • Okay, and the amazing story in the Nchuthnkarst public dungeon (Tones of the Deep)? I love the twins, but Thaadeus Cosma was a hint of that crazy, obscure lore I love so much in the series.
    • Shout out to the madlad at ZOS who put the Reman War drum (Bards College) up a jump obstacle course. I spent 30 minutes trying to do ridiculous tricks with my horse only to realize I could jump up the side...
  • Vet Kyne’s Aegis is also pretty fun. I like that you can toggle HM for each boss very easily as well.
  • Also, Greymoor was great, but it’s MIDYEAR MAYHEM TIME, AWWWYAS!!

Topic: Greymoor Spoiler Show!Edit


  • Lyris Titanborn
  • Fennorian
  • Svargrim
  • Svana

Greymoor begins with you traveling to fractured and isolationist Western Skyrim. Enemies surround the Nords, within and without. Suspicions run wild with your arrival, doubting your claim to be there to help.

Immediately you are confronted by a dying man, Brondold, a contact of Lyris Titanborn. He begs you not to trust the locals, only Lyris. And just as he passes away, a guard arrives to question you on what the “fugitive” said to you.

Following the clues he left you, you will be quickly reunited with Lyris herself, who accepts your aid during a parlay with Queen Gerhyld. Investigating together, you quickly run into Princess Svana, slumming at the Winking Skeever’s predecessor. She will point you in the direction of some mysterious activity, and after finishing up an investigation at the docks, you travel into the mountains. Your sleuthing finally turns up something relevant, an attack on Kilkreath Temple.

With the aid of the vampire Fennorian, you search the attacked Temple. You discover the conspiracy responsible for it, but not their ultimate goals, nor their leader (beyond a letter from an enigmatic “R”).

Returning to Solitude, you discover the Queen was murdered while you were gone, and the High King rejects you out of hand. This is because, as is revealed later on, he’s one of the main baddies. You then waste a lot of time running in circles because of the High King’s interference. Things get progressively worse in Western Skyrim. You discover that Karthald has been destroyed. Morthal is barely saved before an attack.

With the support of the surviving members of the nobility of Western Skyrim, you confront High King Svargrim with a way to survive the Harrowstorms. Facing a rebellion from his own forces, he reveals his allegiance to the Gray Host. You quickly discover the lair of the Gray Host, Greymoor Keep, directly below Solitude’s Castle Dour.

Fennorian realizes that the entire Keep was built to facilitate a giant Harrowstorm, with Solitude right at its heart. Missing refugees are discovered to have been turned into the mindless Harrowed, while the King of the Gray Host flees. You fight your way out of Greymoor Keep to Castle Dour, to confront High King Svargrim on top of the Tower of the Wolf. He transforms into a giant vampire form, bragging about his power. You then proceed to effortlessly kill him, making all of his efforts pointless within seconds of him gaining what he wanted.

In the aftermath, the Skald-King arrives to begin forming diplomatic relations, the Princess is made Jarl of Solitude (with the future of Western Skyrim up in the air), Lyris decides to stay for now, and Fennorian is hopeful he can cure the Harrowed.

Pylawn - What do we think is going to happen next?

  • Looking for the cure materials seems like a pretty weak continuation to me