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Community Questions! Welcome to the UESPodcast! Join your host Pylawn with guests baratron and Alarra as we go through the latest Elder Scrolls news and answer questions from all of you! |
Show Notes |
- The Lost Treasures of Skyrim event has successfully been completed. Players had between September 23 until October 5 to dig up an undisclosed number of antiquities. On October 2nd the ESO team announced that players had already reached the goal. Players who own the Greymoor chapter have until October 15th at 2pm GMT / 10am ET to claim the rewards through a free bundle in the Crown Store.
- Horror Within Face and Body Markings
- Orchidfall Vale Fawn pet
- Antiquarian’s Alpine Gallery player house and the Antiquarian Phedre Houseguest
- The house is a Classic home with 300 slots (600 for ESO Plus members). It is erroneously shown as Notable in game, as confirmed on the official forums.
- The official ESO Twitter account has produced 10 creative prompts for the month of October and is retweeting art, fiction, and poetry produced by fans.
- Joe Watmough (pronounced “Whatmo”), a Principal Concept Artist at ZeniMax Online Studios, was interviewed by Entertainment Insider who wanted to find out how artists and game designers bring Tamriel to life. The video is about 10 minutes long.
- PvP Test 5 is currently active on the Live servers. Group sizes are currently limited to 12 in Cyrodiil, and any ally-targeted abilities are only applied to group members.
- Crown Store
- There is a new Music Box, Hymn of Five-Hundred Axes for 1000 Crowns. It is shaped like a Nordic longboat (?) and is animated.
- The Furnishing Pack: Tyrants of the Merethic Era has returned for 3 days at 4000 Crowns or 3200 Crowns for ESO Plus members. This has a dragon skeleton and Dragon Cult friezes.
- The Furnishing Pack: Sinister Hollowjack Items will be available until Halloween at the price of 3500 Crowns or 2800 Crowns for ESO Plus members. Pumpkins, scarecrows, gravestones, and gross things in jars.
- Public Test Server
- PTS patch v6.2.2 enables the New Life Festival for testing, along with a PC EU character copy. They’re introducing the long-requested Imperial New Life Quest.
- Hexagauntlet, 6 copies of each card (save Uniques), full collection unlocked, reduced deck sizes of 30/45
Call to Arms:Edit
- Pre-Orders are now available for the following items:
- Imperial Officers
- General Tullius
- Legate Rikke
- Priestess of Arkay
- Imperial Headsman
- Imperial Captain
- Stormcloak Chieftains
- Ulfric Stormcloak
- Galmar Stonefist
- Heimskr
- Stormcloak Quartermaster
- Stormcloak General
- Bleak Falls Barrow Tomb Scatter, some sarcophagi, braziers, and urns
- Chapter 1 Card Pack: Civil War, 218 new cards that should support all sets up through ~February of next year. Includes fixed cards in the starter set
- After nearly a full year absent of releases, it has been announced that the Creation Club will be returning soon, with the current goal being to have a release before the end of the year. Originally there was an expected release scheduled for sometime in March, but all of the new Creations were delayed due to Bethesda transitioning to remote work in the face of the COVID-19. While everything was ready, including the patch, the transition made it impossible to release it, according to Cartogriffi, Bethesda's Community Content Manager.
- Additionally, Bethesda claims that they did not stop development of Creations over this year, and that they will most likely have to have multiple releases due to the quantity of work done. While specific details about most of the content was not provided at this time, the Community Content Manager mentioned that an experimental Creation for both The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4 was approved that would have solely focused on a quest, instead of an item or location reward. However, with the delay, the scope of both of those experiments were raised to also feature notable item rewards.
- Bethesda has chosen not to provide a solid release date at this point due to the previous delays, but we will update you when we have more information. You can read the initial announcement here. You can read a response from Cartogriffi discussing the delay here.
- Marking the arrival of the spookiest month of the year, the Creation Club is offering the Bone Wolf Creation for free during the current sale period. By redeeming it during this period, it will be permanently unlocked to your account, even after the current sale ends. Additionally, the Mad God Bundle, the Goblin Creation, the Plague of the Dead, and Dead Man's Dread are on sale, with discounts ranging from 25 to 40 percent off normal price.
- Based on observed trends, Creation Club offers are usually refreshed every two weeks on a Thursday, so be sure to grab these before October 15th.
Scholarly PursuitsEdit
I will ask our guests what they have been working on in the world of TES! This can be game play, wiki work, discord things, anything relevant to UESP/TES that you’ve been working on the past couple weeks / when you were last on the show.
- Pylawn
- Long live the PC!
- Alarra
- ESO recent event
- Little bit of Legends - failed in the Grand Melee
- Uploading soundtracks to our youtube channel
- baratron
- I got a new phone! With a balloon!
- Haven’t had a lot of time for ESO this week.
- Did an impromptu Antiquities stream.
Topic: You Got Questions, We Got AnswersEdit
- What ARE your favorite playable races? Who do you prefer for playing a knight? What about a warrior? Two handed, one handed, or dual wield? Heavy armor or light armor? What about roleplaying and background wise?
- I pick my races based on playstyle and I like to have 3 or 4 always. I have:
- Argonian “adventurer” Medium armour, nothing special
- Nord “Tank”
- Bosmer Stealth Archer
- Sometimes Altmer mage
- I pick my races based on playstyle and I like to have 3 or 4 always. I have:
- What are the parts of TES Lore that are too weird even for you?
- The Remanada, where King “HROL DID LOVE UNTO A HILLOCK before dying in the sight of their union.”
- When the fifteen other knights found King Hrol, they saw him dead after his labors against a mound of mud. And they parted each in their way, and some went mad, and the two that returned to their homeland beyond Twil would say nothing of Hrol, and acted ashamed for him.
- But after nine months that mound of mud became as a small mountain, and there were whispers among the shepherds and bulls. A small community of believers gathered around that growing hill during the days of its first churning, and they were the first to name it the Golden Hill, Sancre Tor. And it was the shepherdess Sed-Yenna who dared climb the hill when she heard his first cry, and at its peak she saw what it had yielded, an infant she named Reman, which is "Light of Man."
- Please, just make it stop.
- That for me too, and the 36 Lessons of Vivec
- The Remanada, where King “HROL DID LOVE UNTO A HILLOCK before dying in the sight of their union.”
- Do you like waffles?
- Of course
- What type of waffles are we talking about?
- Is Skooma molasses? Because it's refined moon sugar?
- Molasses is made by boiling sugar juice to concentrate it and promote sugar crystallization. We don’t exactly know how skooma is made.
- One very brief Lore note suggests that the liquids used to mix skooma are flammable. (Online:Laboratory Warning: Be Careful!)
- So it’s probably something more complicated than just boiled moon sugar juice…
- I don’t think moon sugar is actually like our sugar at all...
- Do you have a favourite ES character?
- I have many. People who’ve known me since the UESP Forum days will remember that I like Martin Septim. I also like: Baurus from Oblivion, the Companions from Skyrim, most of the residents of Whiterun - especially Jarl Balgruuf, Ulfberth War-Bear, and the characters who live in the Drunken Huntsman. Jenassa and Erandur are my favourite Skyrim followers.
- I like some characters in fanfiction a lot more than in canon, e.g. Ulfric Stormcloak and Madanach.
- Razum-dar from ESO, also Rigurt the Brash, Heem-Jas, the ESO Thieves Guild, especially Velsa and Walks-Softly...
- Hard to think of specifics heh. Erandur’s my favorite companion in Skyrim. Quite a few I like in ESO like Quen and Razum-dar
- Quen, Esbern, Caska, Mudcrab Merchant
- Why don’t NPCs in Oblivion use detect life but NPCs in Morrowind did?
- Because they haven’t eaten enough of S'jirra's Famous Potato Bread.
- Hey, this will sound weird, but my friend and I were talking about septims (the coins). Do we know anything about them? How do bigger exchanges of currency work? Like, if you want to buy a house for 5k, how do they count that amount of money? Is each septim really worth one, or are there, say, 100 septim coins?
- We don’t know. Common sense dictates that people can’t actually be walking around with thousands of individual gold coins. Likely, rich travellers deposit their money into banks which then issue promissory notes for the value of the gold. In real life, the oldest known promissory notes date from 118 BC and were made of leather.
- How long was Serana locked away?
- Information given by the developers on when Serana was put to sleep has been inconsistent. Could be before the First Era, over a thousand years prior to Skyrim, or between the Reman and Septim Empires in the Second Era.
- She is surprised that there is an Empire in Cyrodiil. “Cyrodiil is the seat of an empire? I must have been gone longer than I thought.”
- Do you think the Elder Scrolls VI will take place after the events of Skyrim? If so, do you think we will see the end of the Empire or perhaps it may have already ended by the start of the game?
- Yes, but I don’t think we will see the end of the empire, I think we’ll be trying to prevent the fall of the empire.
- Oh wise UESP team, do you have any Dragon Priest lore that you would share? Specifically though, does the lore say anything about the Dragon Priest being allowed to have children or were they supposed to be chaste?
- The Lore says nothing about Dragon Priests’ reproductive status. However, we do know that there is much speculation on the connection between a Dragon and their chosen priest, whether it be spiritual, magical, or perhaps merely political (Lore:The History of Zaan the Scalecaller); that Dragons granted small amounts of power to the dragon priests in exchange for absolute obedience. In turn, the dragon priests ruled men as equals to the kings. Dragons, of course, could not be bothered with actually ruling. (Lore:The Dragon War - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages) and that It would appear that the adherents of the dragon priest continue their worship of him in death, which would also explain the ferocity with which they defend his chambers. (Lore:Amongst the Draugr - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages)
- So I’m inclined to say that Dragon Priests were not supposed to marry.
- I’ve no idea what would happen to any children that resulted. I hope they weren’t used for sacrifices.
- Any opinions about Mankor Camoran's... Unique take on Tamrielic history?
- Mankar believed the Nine Divines to be traitors to Lorkhan, whom he believed was a Daedric Prince. He said “Tamriel is just one more Daedric realm of Oblivion, long since lost to its Prince when he was betrayed by those that served him. Lord Dagon cannot invade Tamriel, his birthright! He comes to liberate the Occupied Lands!” … “How is it that mighty gods die, yet the Daedra stand incorruptible? How is it that the Daedra forthrightly proclaim themselves to man, while the gods cower behind statues and the faithless words of traitor-priests? It is simple... they are not gods at all. The truth has been in front of you since you first were born: the Daedra are the true gods of this universe.”
- It’s definitely an interesting explanation for why the Aedra can’t enter Nirn/Tamriel directly.
- How many more powerful atronach versions did ESO introduce?
- As well as Flame, Frost and Storm Atronachs, it also has Air Atronachs, Flesh Atronachs, Iron Atronachs and Stone Atronachs. There are also variants of existing elementals such as Storm Atronach Bears.
- Also shadow atronachs if looking at the Crown Store stuff
- Hey, can I ask, why does the Red Mountain still spill ash all over Solstheim after two centuries? Was there a canon explanation for it? (I only played Skyrim and Oblivion)
- No canon explanation that I can find. However, in real life, it is entirely possible for a volcano to erupt non-stop for many years. Mt Stromboli off the coast of Southern Italy has had a low-level of activity since 450 BC (about 2,400 years) and has been erupting almost continuously since 1932 (88 years).
- You have a way of explaining things about TES that give me a headache when I read about them anywhere else. Could you tell us about the Underking? Is he Zurin Arctus, or Wulfharth? Both? Does he have something to do with Talos never being mentioned as a god until Morrowind, because of that... Seven Walking Ways thing? With the Warrior/King, Thief/Rebel, Mage/Witness triangle? Ugh, I got a headache just writing this ask…
- This particular topic is the ultimate in unreliable narration. The Underking is believed by most sources (notably, the Underking himself) to be Zurin Arctus, Battlemage of Tiber Septim. But the book Lore:The Arcturian Heresy suggests that the Underking was actually Ysmir Wulfharth, a High King of Skyrim in the First Era, who periodically returned to life at several points in history.
- When you work with him in Daggerfall he tells you he is Zurin.
- Roughly how long have the Companions existed? And roughly how long was Miraak in Apocrypha?
- The original Companions were the 500 Companions who followed Ysgramor, and some of them were the ones who found the Skyforge and built Jorrvaskr. This was in the Merethic Era.
- Miraak was also around in the Merethic Era. We don’t know exactly when he went to Apocrypha but presumably during that era?
- Basically, the answer for both is “thousands of years”
- Do aedra and daedra have "angels", or is "agents" the commonly used term?
- They don’t have angels. Daedric Princes have lesser daedra who serve them, e.g. the Dark Seducers and Golden Saints of Sheogorath.
- I think that “agent” is usually used as a term for a mortal who serves a god as something other than a priest -- e.g. Nightingales are agents of Nocturnal -- but I could be wrong here.
- What exactly is the Hist again? Alien tree? God thing? Daedric?
- You should have listened to our Podcast on the Argonians :P The Hist are a species of giant spore trees growing in the innermost swamps of Black Marsh. They are a sentient race, more ancient than all the races of man and mer. All Hist are connected at the roots and can speak to each other.
- What did Dunmer think of the Nerevarine after the Red Year?
- I don’t believe we have any references on that, just that there are rumours they went to Akavir on an expedition.
- I have a question about the Green Pact of the wood elves: do fungi count? Can wood elves eat and harvest fungi, or do those count as plants?
- I can’t find any reference to fungi in Lore. The tenets of the Green Pact are: “Do not harm the forest. Do not eat anything made from plant life. Eat only meat. When you conquer your enemies, eat their flesh. Do not leave them to rot. Do not kill wastefully.” (Lore:The Green Pact and the Dominion - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages)
- This is very possibly a question for the Loremaster, Leamon Tuttle.
- I have a question about the dragon language. Is it referred to as Dovahzul anywhere in-game, or is it a fan term?
- It is not referred to as Dovahzul in any text currently on the wiki. Obviously “Dovah” is used throughout Skyrim, and “Zul” is the translation of “Voice” on a Word Wall in Shearpoint. Also in the title song for the game.
- Thoughts on the musician 'young scrolls'?
- Mostly not the music genre I listen to, but I like his songs “Dagothwave” and “Star”
- Love
- Is Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard canon?
- All the published games are canon
- hey uesp I wuv u
- Aww thank u
- <3
- How do the Vigilants of Stendarr feel about the Reclamations and the orcs’ worship of Malacath for that matter? Do they respect the religions of the orcs and dark elves or are they like real world missionaries? Malacath isn't even considered a daedra by the other daedra, would that have an impact?
- The Vigilants of Stendarr say “Our order was founded after the Oblivion Crisis. We dedicate our lives to facing the threat of Daedra wherever they appear.” I can’t see why they would respect Dunmer worship of the Reclamations or Orcish worship of Malacath.
- I've had this on my mind for a while: We have Queen Ayrenn as the founder of the First Aldmeri Dominion. Who were the founders of the Second Aldmeri Dominion and the Third Aldmeri Dominion? Was it ever said who founded/reformed the other two?
- Second Dominion: Founded in 2E 830 when the Altmer of Summerset invaded Valenwood in response to a Bosmer faction making peace with the Colovians. Citing a stewardship clause in a treaty from a thousand years before, the High Elves quickly established a provisional government, on behalf of their own claimant, King Camoran Anaxemes, whose bloodline had struck the pact with the Aldmeri Council in the first place. After driving the Colovians out of Valenwood and silencing the other possible heirs to the throne, Anaxemes was reminded of the price of Summerset's aid: fifty years' fealty to the King of Alinor. (Lore:Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition/Aldmeri Dominion - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages)
- Third Dominion: Founded in 4E 29 after a Thalmor-backed coup overthrew Valenwood's government. Alinor and Valenwood proclaim a union. All contact was severed with the Empire for 70 years. (,_Vol._IV)
- Hello! I was wondering if there was any information regarding the view of nudity amongst the cultures and races of Tamriel?
- Is it just me or is subject of sex just really weird in TES? Like it just does and doesn't exist somehow if that makes sense?
- Pretty sure that’s just the nature of the Elder Scrolls series being video games and subject to the censorship and taboos of real life. There are certainly a few smutty Lorebooks. The original version of The Real Barenziah was censored after Daggerfall. Even the censored version states that Dunmer are promiscuous.
- I am now legitimately curious what shampoo y'all use And if you use conditioner or not
- what are your guesses on next patch? in term of where it's gonna take place classes etc and theme