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Welcome to the UESPodcast! Join your host Pylawn with guests baratron and Alarra as we go through the latest Elder Scrolls news and go over some of our thoughts on #TamrielTogether

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Show Notes







  • If you own the Greymoor chapter, don’t forget to claim your Lost Treasures of Skyrim bundle before October 15th at 2pm GMT / 10am ET. Rewards are:
    • Horror Within Face and Body Markings
    • Orchidfall Vale Fawn pet
    • Antiquarian’s Alpine Gallery player house and the Antiquarian Phedre Houseguest
  • An ESO Plus free trial runs from now until October 19! Activate it in the in-game Crown Store. Get all your crafting materials tidied into the craft bag, dye your costumes, decorate your houses with double slots, access all DLC (but not Chapters).
  • PvP Test 6 is currently active on the Live servers. From now until October 19, group size is limited to 12 in Cyrodiil. If a group contains 6 or more players, everyone’s AoE abilities will go on individual cooldowns and have an escalating cost similar to Tests 3 and 4.
  • Crown Store
    • There are 3 limited-time offers until October 15 at 10am ET / 2pm GMT:
      • The Necromancer class is on sale for the price of 1200 Crowns, a saving of 20%.
      • The Unholy Glow Bone Dragon pet has returned, for the price of 1200 Crowns or 900 Crowns for ESO Plus members. (And no, you can’t use your ESO Plus free trial to claim the members’ price.)
      • The Elder Scrolls Artifact: Ebony Blade has returned, for the price of 1200 Crowns or 900 Crowns for ESO Plus members.
    • The Dark Passions Regalia costume is now available for 1000 Crowns. BE WARNED: the jacket does not dye well. Although its default colour is black, making you think it would take dark dyes, it actually washes out colours to pastel. Please see screenshots on the official forum or our Discord before buying, to avoid disappointment.
    • As mentioned last week, the Furnishing Pack: Sinister Hollowjack Items will be available until November 3rd at the price of 3500 Crowns or 2800 Crowns for ESO Plus members. Pumpkins, scarecrows, gravestones, and gross things in jars.
  • Public Test Server
    • PTS patch v6.2.3 enables Midyear Mayhem for testing. EU character copies remain. Many bug fixes, mostly of new content.


  • This week we missed the Singleton Gauntlet!
    • One copy of each card only


Call to Arms:Edit

  • Modiphius announced winners of the Basecamp competitions, Campfire Tales and Making Camp. The winning scenario, Children of Malacath, will be produced into an official scenario. The runners up may also be officially published later on.




  • Seabert
  • Tina Berry

Twitch Subs:

  • spasticmadman
  • Vhale



Scholarly PursuitsEdit

I will ask our guests what they have been working on in the world of TES! This can be game play, wiki work, discord things, anything relevant to UESP/TES that you’ve been working on the past couple weeks / when you were last on the show.

  • Pylawn
    • Now without Blinding Pain!
    • Did a fun costume stream with Avron this week!
    • Decided I hate my stamden
      • Stamden is now Magden
    • I feel like I played a lot this week but I don’t remember doing anything
  • baratron
    • It was my dad’s 70th birthday last week. He originally wanted TWO big parties - one for all the family and one for friends, but covid-19 put paid to that. So instead, we had a “party” that was just me, my husband, and my parents. Weirdly, organising this took up an awful lot of the week. There were balloons.
    • In ESO news I have been attempting to farm a Lightning Staff of the Worm Cult and a Lightning Staff of Hollowfang, so running Vaults of Madness and Moongrave Fane whenever I can.
    • The UESP Guild ran Veteran Cloudrest +0 on Saturday and completed it in 55 minutes with a score of 14132. Much better than the last time we attempted this when the instance bugged out, and multiple people couldn’t use their skills, and we gave up after 2 hours because we were all getting tired and frustrated.
    • In Animal Crossing news, I did the Fishing Tourney event with @Wicked_Shifty and @Fin1000 from the UESP Guild, and it was a lot of fun until the Nintendo Online server connection crashed, causing a massive rollback. I don’t know how long it was in time, but I went from having achieved 300 points to only getting the trophy for 100 points. BOOOO.
  • Alarra
    •  Played Among Us because I realised that the mobile version was free.

Topic: What are you thankful for?Edit

Since UESP is officially Canadian, we follow Canadian Thanksgiving!

What made you pick up your first Elder Scrolls game?

  • Pylawn has told this story many times but I can tell it again.
  • I used to read the video games magazine Edge, and acquire games whose reviews suggested I might like them. Skyrim had a great review - I wasn’t sure if I’d like the violence, but I knew I’d like the open-world exploration - so I rented it from Blockbuster (remember those?)
    • Obviously I then liked it enough to buy a copy - complete with the discount you got for having previously rented the same game :D
    • Also, I no longer read Edge because I no longer need any new games - because I Have A Game.
  • I kept hearing that Skyrim was a really good game. Once I got my first computer of my own, a laptop for college, I wanted a game that could run on it that my computer was too old for. Skyrim just happened to be 50% off at the time...

How long after that did you find the UESP?

  • Also told this story haha But I was trying to figure out how to get here:
    • I then printed out the maps and all the UESP pages for it on a dot matrix printer and kept them in the strategy guide for morrowind
  • I can’t remember what specifically made me look for wiki help for Skyrim. It might have been one of the quests with a choice of endings. I might have simply been lost. But I do know that my usual source, GameFAQs, didn’t have what I needed. I found UESP in January 2012 and have been here in some capacity ever since!
  • A month or two after starting the game. Was googling when I was stuck on something or another, and liked UESP the best of the results

How have the Elder Scrolls games brought you into a community?

  • Skyrim was the game that made me build my first PC in years
    • After that wasn’t really involved in any communities until i returned to ESO before Morrowind
  • I joined the UESP Forum on Wed 17th October 2012 at 2:18 am. I assume that’s server time rather than my local time, but honestly, being me, who knows?
  • I joined the UESP Forum IRC channel on the exact same day and remember having a conversation with Musicman.
  • I joined the UESP Guild in ESO on 31st March 2014 and, as far as I can remember, got made an Officer almost immediately. Chatting in the Guild text chat and talking out loud to people on our Teamspeak have been the main things which have led me to make genuine friendships in the UESP.
  • Now we also have Discord, which I joined on Sun, 01 Jan 2017 at 21:33:08 GMT.
  • I joined the forum just 3 days before baratron!  Love the people I’ve met here, whether through the forum, IRC, Discord, or guild. <3

What does the ES community mean to you?

  • Pylawn will speak from the heart live
  • The ES community was what got me into Elder Scrolls Online in the first place. Alarra had a spare code for the February 2014 beta. My review post on the UESP Forum is hilarious - apparently I hated almost everything.
    • Amusing fact - in March 2014, the ESO client was 32.38 GB.

Do you have any fond memories of the ES community?

  • Too many to count! Also going to speak from the heart
  • Getting married in ESO.
  • 2016 April Fool’s prank in guild.
  • Many! Getting to meet folks in person is one of the highlights

Meeting up IRL!