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UESPWiki:Podcast/2 22

< UESPWiki: Podcast
Prev: Episode 21 Season 2, Episode 22.
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An Interview with the Founder, Dave Humphrey

Welcome to the UESPodcast! Join your host Pylawn for a very special episode of the podcast! Dave Humphrey, the creator and founder of the joins AKB and Pylawn for an interview and chat as we talk about the past 25 years of the UESP as the anniversary nears. We also cover this weeks Elder Scrolls news including the shutdown of TES: Legends Asia.

Twitch: VOD • Youtube: VOD • Anchor: Audio

Show Notes






    • Happy 25 Years UESP!
    • UESP Extra Life Event!


  • The Witches Festival is still live! Runs from now until Tuesday November 3 at 10am EST / 3pm GMT.
    • Known bug with finding the Impresario to hand in Event Tickets. If she’s missing, try a different location or travel to a guildie in a different instance.
    • She should be present just outside Daggerfall, Davon’s Watch, and Vulkhel Guard, as well Vivec City, Alinor, Rimmen, and Solitude.
  • Markarth launches tomorrow! On PC/Mac/Stadia. Maintenance is early so it should be available by late morning North American times.
  • Wes Johnson officially comes to ESO as the Despot of Markarth, Ard Caddach!
  • ESO Live on Friday
    • Hyperpixie and Gina interviewed Senior Sound Designer Bill Mueller.
    • Very interesting interview - he revealed that the butt-slapping noise when you want to “giddy-up” a guar was him slapping his own butt! He also explained that the ambient sounds you hear in Murkmire change throughout the day, just as real swamps do as different organisms become active.
  • Crown Store
    • ESO Plus - Statuette: Morwha, Desire's Root
    • Crown Gems - Auroran Penumbra Wolf
      • All platforms for a limited time from November 5 to November 12 at 10am EST.
    • Motifs
      • Arkthzand Armory
      • will be available in the Crown Store on November 2 at 10am EST for PC/Mac and on November 10 for Xbox One and PlayStation®4
    • Outfit Styles
      • Elder Scrolls Artifact: Fearstruck
        • will return to the Crown Store on all platforms for a limited time, from November 5 to November 9 at 10am EST. ESO Plus Members will receive a discount on this item.
      • Elder Scrolls Artifact: Mehrunes' Razor
        • will return to the Crown Store on all platforms for a limited time, from November 19 to November 23 at 10am EST. ESO Plus Members will receive a discount on this item.
      • Tremorscale Arms Pack
        • on all platforms for a limited time, from November 25 to December 21 at 10am EST.


  • Legends Asia will be shutting down December 31st 2020
    • From October 28, 2020 to December 30, 2020, existing players can access the game as before.
    • Hero Pass Season 5 will start on October 29, 2020. To thank you for your continued support, this Hero Pass will be available to all existing players for free.
    • Beginning October 29, 2020, existing players will receive more rewards in game.
    • Beginning October 29, 2020, players will no longer be able to download the game client in the App Store and Google Play Store, buy in-game currency, or register new accounts.
    • The server will be shut down on December 31, 2020, at this point players will no longer be able to access The Elder Scrolls: Legends (Asia).
    • After December 31, 2020, we will accept refund requests for unused Crown Coins
  • Grand Melee with alt art Murkwater Shaman.
  • Monthly Card!


Call to Arms:Edit


  • Current creation sales:
    • Dwarven Bundle, Arms of Chaos - 20% off
    • Goblins, Plague of the Dead - 25% off
    • Dead Man's Dread - 40% off
    • Alternative Armors - Daedric Mail - FREE
    • The last sale broke the established trend of having an update every two weeks, going on for a full month instead. Notably, the Fallout 4 Creation Club still updated, so there’s no clear reason why Skyrim didn’t update.



  • Corey Campbell
  • CaptainHammered
  • Alexander Coniff
  • StrangestLoop
  • Sarah Waterfield
  • Erin Williams

Twitch Subs:



Scholarly PursuitsEdit

I will ask our guests what they have been working on in the world of TES! This can be game play, wiki work, discord things, anything relevant to UESP/TES that you’ve been working on the past couple weeks / when you were last on the show.

  • No Pursuits this week

Topic: 25 Years of UESPEdit

  • Can you give us a brief history of the UESP?
    • How did it start?
      • How did you get all the answers of the original Unofficial Daggerfall FAQ? -- SarthesArai
    • When did major changes happen?
    • What are some of your favourite memories of it?
    • What happened to the other two people originally named on the Daggerfall FAQ? When did they bow out? Are you still friends? -- baratron
    • How has Dave’s life changed over the past 25 years? -- baratron
  • I'd be interested to hear about the origins of UESP, how he managed to get it going and kept it going all these years despite the huge changes in the internet. So many other sites have disappeared over the years, it's always comforting to me that UESP is still chugging away.
  • I remember from the Dark Age known as the mid-2000s that the UESP website was in a different format/layout. What were the considerations and concerns before migrating to a Wiki format? How is it better compared to the previous formats of the website?
  • Who chose the UESP colour scheme and who designed the logo(s)? -- baratron
  • How big is the UESP currently, in terms of number of pages and (approximate) number of editors? (Bearing in mind that some people edit without being logged in, so it’s impossible to get an exact number.) -- baratron
    • Content pages 70,284
    • Pages (All pages in the wiki, including talk pages, redirects, etc.) 284,415
    • Registered users 105,379
    • 1,065 editors past year.
    • Anonymous users have 5,060 edits.
  • Rather than: did he expect it to grow this big, I'm curious to know what issues have arisen regarding UESP with surprisingly simple solutions?
  • What interconnected lore has been the hardest to keep track of and update?
  • My question is cliché, but: At what point did you realize that you had something this popular going? A “we’re kind of a big deal” moment/realization. -- Pilotjimjones
  • What is Dave’s biggest regret with regards to the UESP? Something that he would have liked to see happen which didn’t work out? -- baratron
    • (For me personally, it’s translations. I’m pretty sad that there isn’t an easy place for me to look up the names of ESO locations in other languages so that I could easily find an explanation of mechanics for a dungeon or trial in French or Russian.)
  • What things would you like to see happen with UESP in both the short-term and the long-term future? -- Robinhood70
    • Do you see UESP mostly as a Wiki or as an Elder Scrolls related “brand” these days? -- Pylawn
  • TES 6 Predictions?
    • Pylawn
  • Have AdBlockers caused a major decrease in site revenue? -- Enodoc
  • What costs come with running an independent wiki? -- Enodoc

How do you expect the UESP to change over the next 25 years? -- baratron