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The Great Inventory Cleanup of 2020 Welcome to the UESPodcast! Join your host Pylawn with Doc and our special guest Edana as we go through what little Elder Scrolls news there was this week and go over the new Markarth DLC and update 28! |
Show Notes |
- DoctorWhoDat219
- Edana
- Happy 25 Years UESP!
- UESP Extra Life Event!
- Dec 5th!
- Giveaways, Full day of streaming, Extra content
- The more we raise, the more ridiculous things we will do
- Stay tuned for more information
- Mention we’re starting the blog again?
- Markarth is released! A joyous day :)
- Markarth Console release pushed up 1 day!
- Retro Gauntlet
- Decks can only be built using cards from 2016 and 2017
- From core to Clockwork City
Call to Arms:Edit
Scholarly PursuitsEdit
I will ask our guests what they have been working on in the world of TES! This can be game play, wiki work, discord things, anything relevant to UESP/TES that you’ve been working on the past couple weeks / when you were last on the show.
- Pylawn
- Back to 3 monitor life!
- Started Markarth story, really fun so far
- Omg I have bag space again!
- Still no fire stick (F - I feel ya)
- Lots of eso fun
- Amy
- Wrapped up Witches festival
- finished leveling a Magicka Necromancer I started ages ago
- Also! Finally(?) got the Savior of Elsweyr achievement and truest and most vibrant orange dye in the game
- Exploring Markarth but I’ve been holding off a bit of starting the MQ
- Getting inventory sorted and adding to stickerbook, figuring out of dupes I have what to sell, what to bind across 19 characters
- Group BGs!!!!!!!
- Wrapped up Witches festival
- Doc
- Lots and lots of trials!
- Eagerly awaiting Markarth console launch so I can have bag space again—since I’ve been farming a lot of gear from all the trials!
- Created and leveled a Magcro and Stamcro(nearly done leveling) during witches festival and named them “Only Mostly Dead” and “Slightly Alive”
- So much eso fun :)
Topic: Markarth and Update 28Edit
- New Arena
- Item Sets
- Pick of the new items are mythics, Ring of the Pale Order and Pearls of Ehlnofey, Ring heals for damage done but stops external heals applying, necklace increases ultimate regeneration based on dominant skill being under 30%.
- Sticker Book! E.g. Collections for non-crafted Sets/Items, re-farm all the things! Really good for gearing Alts and clearing bankspace out.
- Transmute Crystals
- New limit on capacity of 500/1000 compared to 100/200, PVE sources buffed across the board, and random BGs now drop them.
- Crafting Writ UI
- New Zone!
- Markarth is just like pure nostalgia
- A few bugs…
- Light weaving
- LAs aren’t firing correctly currently, they are taking up an extra “Global Cooldown” compared to normal, except if you’re in melee range ~5m or so. They’ve made the LA end on contact with enemy, rather than on cast.
- Crown Store borked
- Crown store was inaccessible for a time, now fixed and working correctly. Limited Time stuffs were brought back so they ran for the full length.
- Falling through the world?
- Houses are borked
- Some houses inaccessible if the owner wasn’t in the house, quite a few were affected - the CWC one definitely
- Skill Issues
- Werewolf ultimate reset, several skills now freeze your character when cast, unless you bar swap cancel them. Daedric Prey, Force Pulse, Degeneration and Blazing Spear are some…
- Instance bugs
- Random disconnections from game for no reason, desynced body placement between where they appear to others and where they actually are, desyncs between attack timing and AoE placement compared to actual. Basically, vet Trials are being cancelled left and right, or if they are running groups that have clears are failing to clear.
- Light weaving