Prev: Episode 04 | Season 3, Episode 05. 2021/02/28 |
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Tribunal Tribulations In this episode of the UESPodcast, your hosts Pylawn and Doc are joined by Alarra, Admin with the UESP and recent addition to the UESP Stream Team, to go over the Elder Scrolls news of the last week (There wasn't a ton...) and talk about the Tribunal Celebration event and what we've been up to in game. |
Show Notes |
- DoctorWhoDat219
- Alarra
- New Featured Article and Image
- Article Molag Bal
- Image from the quest The Cursed Skull
- Meet Eveli is up
- Flames of Ambition: Black Drake Villa Dungeon preview is up!
- Based off of Mike Finnigan hinting towards “Fortune favors the explorers in Black Drake Villa”, it looks like we may have another dungeon like Unhallowed Grave with secret bosses? Or fun puzzles? Either way, keep your eyes peeled!
- Week out from Flames of Ambition on PC!
- ESO Players: Please be aware that following the Flames of Ambition update on March 8th, in-game mail will delete after 30 days as it's supposed to, This is especially important if you use your mail as additional storage, since even mail containing items will now delete. If there are any mails that you have been keeping for sentimental reasons (e.g. the mail confirming that you took part in the ESO Beta), I can only recommend that you screenshot them. Do be aware that all Hireling mails are on the UESP wiki, if there are any you were keeping because they were funny.
- State of the game from PCGamer
- Nice article sums up stuff well!
- Tribunal Celebration Event
- Dear @Pylawn, for your show notes this week: Getting Ready for the Tribunal Event The Tribunal Event runs from Thursday 25th February at 10AM EST (3pm GMT) until Tuesday 9th March at 10AM EST. Throughout the event, you can earn two Event Tickets per day via the following activities: * One Event Ticket from the first Vvardenfell daily quest of any kind that you turn in * One Event Ticket from the first Clockwork City daily quest of any kind that you turn in The Event Ticket timer resets at 1:00AM EST (= 6am GMT, same time as Writ dailies) each morning.
- Some Vvardenfell and Clockwork City dailies have pre-requisites as follows: 1. Ashlander dailies in Morrowind, which require you to complete the Ancestral Ties questline in Ald'ruhn before they unlock. 2. The two delve dailies in Clockwork City require you to have done that delve's regular quest first. 3. The Blackfeather Court dailies in Clockwork City requires you to have completed Lost in the Gloam, the 5th quest in the Zone Story for Clockwork City. 4. Delve and World Boss quests in Vvardenfell used to require starting the Vvardenfell main quest, but now you just have to read the "Adventurers Wanted!" notice on noticeboards (e.g. between the Hall of Justice and Library of Vivec in Vivec City).
- Grand Melee this weekend
- Reminder that this month, the premium, alt-art Shadowfen Priest has returned! You can earn one copy for each time you enter the Grand Melee.
Call to Arms:Edit
- New Skyrim Board game from Modiphius
- 1-4 player co-op game. Has a campaign on Kickstarter competitor Gamefound, but is still in the draft stage so not yet accepting pledges.
- 2 Call to Arms releases announced that I almost missed
- Giveaway for a Dragonborn figure coming next year
Scholarly PursuitsEdit
I will ask our guests what they have been working on in the world of TES! This can be game play, wiki work, discord things, anything relevant to UESP/TES that you’ve been working on the past couple weeks / when you were last on the show.
- Pylawn
- Lots of Tribunal Events
- More vHRC and a crap ton of AS and HoF
- New goal to level to 810 before the patch
- I’ll be max level for the briefest of moments…
- Guested on Tales of Tamriel last night!
- OMG I’m so tired but it was a crap ton of fun
- Helped out with the Alienware Meetups
- Won a torchbug haha
- Doc
- Tribunal event and levelling my Necro healer (lvl23)
- Still no MA inferno staff, BUT I DID get the mythical BSW inferno staff today…<.<
- Alarra
- Been streaming Oblivion - completed main quest
- ESO - fishing lately (Master Fisherman and purple Wrothgar fish)
- Necklace
- Letter from Lyranth