Prev: Episode 05 | Season 3, Episode 06. 2021/03/14 |
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So... I guess we're a Microsoft podcast now? In this episode of the UESPodcast, your hosts Pylawn and Doc are joined by Arkhaniir, Host of the Tales of Tamriel Podcast and the head of the Dungeon Crawler Network, to go over the ton of Elder Scrolls news of the last week! There's a lot going on this week with the Microsoft acquisition, Update 29 release, and a lot more! |
Show Notes |
- DoctorWhoDat219
- Arkhaniir
- Zenimax Media is now officially a part of Microsoft
- Bethesda “Here’s to the Journey” Video
- "This is about delivering great exclusive games for [Xbox players] that ship on platforms where Game Pass exists."
- Pylawn - I personally don’t think this will include TES, Starfield and Fallout, but games from a lot of the smaller studios and the big franchises will be multiplatform
- They will only be available for “subscription” on GamePass though I bet (no Stadia or Luna is my guess)
- Pylawn - I personally don’t think this will include TES, Starfield and Fallout, but games from a lot of the smaller studios and the big franchises will be multiplatform
- I suspect we’ll talk about this one a lot so let’s go over everything (the good, the bad, the ugly)
- Elder Scrolls Online added 3 million more players in 2020 alone
- Accounts totaling over 18 million over the 7 year life of ESO.
- Holy balls that’s a lot
- “We're one of the most successful, virtual-world fantasy games - period. Over 18 million users logging in from all over the world, 3 million new residents of Tamriel in just 2020 alone."
- “Aaron Greenberg, General Manager of Xbox Games Marketing, also talked about the success of The Elder Scrolls Online, stating that in the 7 years since it launched, it has become the "number one, multi-plat online roleplaying game in the world."
- Accounts totaling over 18 million over the 7 year life of ESO.
- Flames of Ambition out on PC/Mac/Stadia
- Tune in next week for a deeper dive on the dungeons and story that we learn about
- CP update is out
- DPS is reduced but everything still feels completely viable
- Teleporting outside a house is the biggest QOL ever lol
- Pylawn is going to start farming Medusa lol
- Bugs are… pretty pretty minimal to be honest
- We’ll see what happens on Console this week!
- Flames of Ambition and Update 29 Community Guides Article released:
- Lots of really helpful guides on new builds and the new CP system and levelling crafting fast and easy...definitely worth checking out if you’re curious:
- Heroes Reforged Mini Event
- Free Vale Fawn pet
- Free Respecs of basically everything
- Crown store showcase
- For all you Bear lovers out there(Baratron =D) Don’t forget that if you want the Nightmare Bear Cub pet, you need to pre-order Blackwood BEFORE March 17th
- Update 29 for PC/Mac/Stadia is Monday March 8
- Remember your Mail will start the countdown to deletion Once the servers are live again
- New Flames of Ambition DLCs
- Avron and I will be doing a lore run of them in a couple of weeks on stream.
- Cyrodiil Testing is over for now
- Due to overwhelming feedback they have decided to keep Proc sets disabled even though there wasn’t much of a performance difference
- There will be 19 sets still fully functioning in Cyro until Q3 2021***
- “We still plan to leave proc sets disabled in Cyrodiil and will instead reduce the duration of this change until Update 30. With the Update 30 launch, we will then re-enable all item set bonuses in Cyrodiil alongside some additional planned proc set work (we'll provide details in the Update 30 Combat Preview). In Update 31, we still plan to add more flexibility and customizable campaign rulesets as it relates to item sets, and we will be able to fine tune which proc sets we turn on and off.”
- The full list of Sets which are not affected by this test are as follows:
- Amber Plasm
- Armor of the Trainee
- Beekeeper’s Gear
- Crafty Alfiq
- Draugr Hulk
- Endurance
- Fortified Brass
- Grace of the Ancients
- Hunding’s Rage
- Impregnable Armor
- Law of Julianos
- Leviathan
- Mother’s Sorrow
- Plague Doctor
- Shacklebreaker
- Spinner’s Garments
- Spriggan’s Thorns
- Willpower / Agility
- Gauntlet of Champions
Call to Arms:Edit
- Korkrag
- WhiskeyNerd18
- Anthony Gonzalez
- Steven Lucas
- Geralt_of_rivia666
- Ljhutson
- GingerSpiceOrDie
- Maghnus_SHC
- awesomeslabarre
- We have a new wiki admin!
- SnugglyTeddyBal!
- Congrats!
Scholarly PursuitsEdit
I will ask our guests what they have been working on in the world of TES! This can be game play, wiki work, discord things, anything relevant to UESP/TES that you’ve been working on the past couple weeks / when you were last on the show.
- Pylawn
- Made it to 810 after the patch! Going to keep pushing!
- Tried both new dungeons
- No spoilers but BDV is probably the best dungeon ever.
- There’s lots of secrets so try to go in blind
- Rebuilding a LOT of my characters. They’re a lot more efficient than before
- Playing a lot of Valheim… don’t judge me
- Attempted vKA with Matygon
- Got to the final boss but didn’t clear it in time
- Ran nHoF with Alienware!
- Probably the smoothest mostly PUG HoF I’ve ever done
- Lots more tribunal celebration
- Got all the new style pages, pets and skins, so now just grinding through event tickets
- Kinda burnt out on it towards the end but that’s fine.
- I treated myself to retail therapy and bought myself a new keyboard kit to build lol (GMMK TKL, Kailh Box Brown Switches, DROP Skylight PBT Keycaps)
- Pylawn has an unhealthy problem buying keyboards
- Doc
- It’s been a good couple of eso weeks for Doc:
- FINALLY--got my Inferno staff!!! And not only that, but got my PERFECTED Maelstrom Arena Inferno Staff on my FIRST vMA clear ever!!! What what!
- I FINALLY bought Stone Eagle Aerie and have been working on ideas of how to decorate it! (I will totally post pics of finished product on my IG and Twitter)
- Did a bunch of the Tribunal Celebration, including making loads of money doing vHoF with triple drops, but I completely forgot to buy my fabricant dinosaur pet. :’(
- Pylawn asks if you can buy the fragments or get them from a guildie?
- Been levelling Antiquities on my other main (Stamcro) so I can have “glowy chests”
- Now that I have my inferno staff I’ve been working on parsing with my’s been a struggle bus since I’m used to Stam builds...but I know I’ll get it-excited for the Heroes Reforged Event to really play around with this build!
- VERY excited for Update 29 and FoA DLC coming out for us console peeps!
- Ark
- Finally got The Shield
- New CP means new purpose so been doing random dungeons/battlegrounds daily, 500 transmutes for the first time
- PvE build works in battlegrounds somehow
- *No judging on valheim here cause I’ve been the same lol*
- Ran new dungeons on normal, very pleased. Will see how the HM are tomorrow