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User:Alpha Kenny Buddy/Sandbox5

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This page lists various unique items and faction-specific items available in Skyrim. These items are generally found in fixed locations, unlike most equipment in the game, which is randomly generated, generic equipment (see Generic Magic Apparel and Generic Magic Weapons). Some of these items can be improved through smithing. Improving enchanted items requires the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

Many of these items are quest rewards, although some of the most valuable quest rewards are listed at Leveled Items (unique items, but with level-dependent statistics) and Artifacts (unusually powerful unique items). Unique items that are quest-related are listed at Quest Items. For lists of other available items, see:

  • Skyrim-Armor: Category listing of all the armor available in the game.
  • Skyrim-Clothing: Category listing of all the clothing available in the game.
  • Skyrim-Jewelry: Category listing of all the jewelry available in the game.
  • Skyrim-Weapons: Category listing of all the weapons available in the game.

For unique items added by the Dragonborn add-on, see this article.


Unique Item: Aegisbane (000d2afe)
Type Two-handed Warhammer
Editor ID DBAlainAegisbane
  Damage 18
  Damage 18 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.6
Speed 0.6 Reach 1.3
  Weight 24   Value 60
  Tempering Iron Ingot
  Tempering Iron Ingot Perk
Target takes 5 points of frost damage to Health and Stamina:
Charge/Cost = Uses 200/6=33

Aegisbane is an iron warhammer and the ancestral weapon of Clan Shatter-Shield. It had recently been stolen by the bandit Alain Dufont, who managed to get close to the clan through the seduction of a friend of the family, Muiri. This weapon's enchantment causes five points of frost damage upon hit, along with slowing them down by fifty percent for three seconds. Tempering Aegisbane requires one iron ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Aegisbane article.

Unique Item: Angi's Bow (000cc392)
Type Bow
Editor ID dunAngisBow
  Damage 7
  Damage 7 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.9375
Speed 0.9375
  Weight 7   Value 50
  Tempering Steel Ingot
  Tempering Steel Ingot Perk Steel Smithing
Angi's Bow

Angi's Bow is a hunting bow given to Angi by her now deceased family. Tempering Angi's Bow requires one steel ingot, with the improvements being twice as effective should you have the Steel Smithing perk.

For more information, see the Angi's Bow article.

Unique Item: Blade of Sacrifice (00079b1d)
Type One-handed Dagger
Editor ID DA02Dagger
  Damage 10
  Damage 10 {{{health}}}
Speed 1.3
Speed 1.3 Reach 0.7
  Weight 4   Value 144
  Tempering Ebony Ingot
  Tempering Ebony Ingot Perk None
The Blade of Sacrifice

The Blade of Sacrifice is a ceremonial ebony dagger given to you by a Priestess of Boethiah as part of Boethiah's Calling. She will give the dagger with the intention that you use it to kill a follower on the Altar of Sacrifice located at the Sacellum of Boethiah, as part of a ritual to summon the Daedric Prince. Although the priestess will say you must use this ritualistic weapon to complete the ceremony, any weapon may be used. Tempering this dagger requires one ebony ingot. The Blade of Sacrifice cannot be enchanted.

For more information, see the Blade of Sacrifice article.

Unique Item: Blade of Woe (000964c9, 0009ccdc)
(lore page)
Type One-handed Dagger
Editor ID DBBladeOfWoeAstrid and DBBladeOfWoeReward
  Damage 12
  Damage 12 {{{health}}}
Speed 1
Speed 1 Reach 0.7
  Weight 7   Value 880
Absorb 10 points of health
Charge/Cost = Uses 500/40=12
Blade of Woe

The Blade of Woe is a unique dagger belonging to Astrid, the leader of the only remaining Dark Brotherhood group in Skyrim. It can be received in three ways: pickpocketing from Astrid, killing Astrid during the Quest With Friends Like These..., or at the end of the quest Death Incarnate.

For more information, see the Blade of Woe article.

Unique Item: Bloodcursed Elven Arrow (xx0098a0)[[File:{{{icon}}}|x32px|right|Appears only with Dawnguard|link=User:Dawnguard]]
Type Arrow
Added by Dawnguard
Editor ID DLC1ElvenArrowBlood
  Damage 16
  Damage 16 {{{health}}}
  Weight 0   Value 6
Shrouds the sun in darkness if shot with Auriel's Bow
A quiver of Bloodcursed Elven Arrows

A Bloodcursed Elven Arrow is an elven arrow that has been tainted with the blood of a Daughter of Coldharbour, a female vampire created by Molag Bal himself. The arrows are visually similar to the elven arrows that are needed to create them, with a gray shaft instead of a golden one, with the fletchings being alternating shades of gray. The quiver is similar, being a more bleak color compared to the strong golden one of the normal arrows. When fired at the sun during the day with Auriel's Bow, it will block out its light for the rest of the day, negating the damage vampires suffer from it. It is the counterpart of the Sunhallowed Elven Arrow.

For more information, see the Bloodcursed Elven Arrow article.

Unique Item: Bloodthorn (000a4dce)
(lore page)
Type One-handed Dagger
Editor ID dunHagsEndDagger
  Damage 5
  Damage 5 {{{health}}}
Speed 1.3
Speed 1.3 Reach 0.7
  Weight 2.5   Value 183
  Tempering Steel Ingot
  Tempering Steel Ingot Perk Steel Smithing
If target dies within 3 seconds, it fills a soul gem:
Charge/Cost = Uses 259/17=15

Bloodthorn is a steel dagger found upon a sacrificial altar atop Hag's End in the grasp of a dead witch. Its enchantment soul traps a target if the target dies within three seconds after being hit, as well as draining health from the injured party for ten points. Tempering Bloodthorn requires one steel ingot as well as the Arcane Blacksmith perk, with the improvements being twice as good with the Steel Smithing perk.

For more information, see the Bloodthorn article.

Unique Item: Bolar's Oathblade (000c1989)
Type One-handed Sword
Editor ID dunBloatedMansKatana
  Damage 11
  Damage 11 {{{health}}}
Speed 1
Speed 1 Reach 1
  Weight 10   Value 1014
  Tempering Quicksilver Ingot
  Tempering Quicksilver Ingot Perk Steel Smithing
Does 25 points of Stamina damage:
Charge/Cost = Uses 500/115=4
Bolar's Oathblade

Bolar's Oathblade is the Akaviri katana of the dead Blade Acilius Bolar. Its enchantment causes 25 points of stamina damage and twelve points of fear for thirty seconds. Tempering this weapon requires one quicksilver ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk. The improvements are doubled if you have the Steel Smithing perk.

For more information, see the Bolar's Oathblade article.

Unique Item: Borvir's Dagger (000ECD54)
Type One-handed Dagger
Editor ID POIMageBorvirsDagger
  Damage 8
  Damage 8 {{{health}}}
Speed 1.3
Speed 1.3 Reach 0.7
  Weight 4   Value 18
  Tempering Refined Moonstone
  Tempering Refined Moonstone Perk Elven Smithing
An Elven Dagger

Borvir's Dagger is the weapon found beside its late eponymous owner, Borvir, inside Journeyman's Nook. Its appearance and stats are identical to those of an elven dagger, only being notable due to its unique name and owner. As with all elven daggers, it requires one refined moonstone to temper, with the benefits of the tempering being doubled with the Elven Smithing perk.

For more information, see the Borvir's Dagger article.

Unique Item: Bow of the Hunt (000ab705)
Type Bow
Editor ID dunClearspringTarnBowOfHunt
  Damage 10
  Damage 10 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.9375
Speed 0.9375
  Weight 7   Value 434
  Tempering Steel Ingot
  Tempering Steel Ingot Perk Steel Smithing
Animals take 20 points of extra damage:
Charge/Cost = Uses 1000/32=31
A hunting bow

The Bow of the Hunt is a hunting bow found on an altar, next to a copy of the Archery skill book Vernaccus and Bourlor, inside Clearspring Cave. This bow has a unique enchantment that does an additional twenty points of animal damage. Tempering the Bow of the Hunt requires one steel ingot as well as the Arcane Blacksmith perk, with the benefits of tempering being doubled if the Steel Smithing perk is also unlocked.

For more information, see the Bow of the Hunt article.

Unique Item: Dragon Priest Dagger (0001c1fe)
Type One-handed Dagger
Editor ID DragonPriestDagger
  Damage 6
  Damage 6 {{{health}}}
Speed 1.3
Speed 1.3 Reach 0.7
  Weight 5   Value 9
A Dragon Priest Dagger

A Dragon Priest Dagger is a type of dagger associated with the Dragon Cult. They can be found in the Hall of Countenance, Volunruud Elder's Cairn, Volkihar KeepDG, and Ysgramor's Tomb. This weapon may also be wielded by dragon cultists in Forelhost. It cannot be tempered.

For more information, see the Dragon Priest Dagger article.

Unique Item: Drainblood Battleaxe (000f82fa)
Type Two-handed Battleaxe
Editor ID MG07DraugrMagicAxe
  Damage 21
  Damage 21 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.7
Speed 0.7 Reach 1.3
  Weight 5   Value 266
Absorb 15 points of health:
Charge/Cost = Uses 25/23=1 (see bugs)
A Drainblood Battleaxe

A Drainblood Battleaxe is a translucent Honed Ancient Nord Battle Axe wielded by some of the ghostly draugr found within Labyrinthian. It is a part of a set of similar phantom weapons, alongside the Drainheart Sword and Drainspell Bow. Its physical appearance would be identical to the mundane version of this weapon were it not for its spectral look and the particles that flow out of it while moving with it equipped. A Drainblood Battleaxe is enchanted to absorb health for fifteen points upon hit. It is not possible to improve this weapon.

For more information, see the Drainblood Battleaxe article.

Unique Item: Drainheart Sword (000f71dd)
Type One-handed Sword
Editor ID MG07DraugrMagicSword
  Damage 11
  Damage 11 {{{health}}}
Speed 1
Speed 1 Reach 1
  Weight 3   Value 73
Absorb 15 points of stamina:
Charge/Cost = Uses 25/1=25
A Drainheart Sword

A Drainheart Sword is a translucent Honed Ancient Nord Sword wielded by some of the ghostly draugr found within Labyrinthian. It is a part of a set of similar phantom weapons, alongside the Drainblood Battleaxe and Drainspell Bow. Its physical appearance would be identical to the mundane version of this weapon were it not for its spectral look and the particles that flow out of it while moving with it equipped. A Drainheart Sword is enchanted to absorb stamina for fifteen points upon hit over a period of a second. It is not possible to improve this weapon.

For more information, see the Drainheart Sword article.

Unique Item: Drainspell Bow (000f82fc)
Type Bow
Editor ID MG07DraugrMagicBow
  Damage 14
  Damage 14 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.8750
Speed 0.8750
  Weight 6   Value 458
Absorb 15 points of magicka:
Charge/Cost = Uses 25/23=1 (see bugs)
A Drainspell Bow

A Drainspell Bow is a translucent Supple Ancient Nord Bow wielded by some of the ghostly draugr found within Labyrinthian. It is a part of a set of similar phantom weapons, alongside the Drainblood Battleaxe and Drainheart Sword. Its physical appearance would be identical to the mundane version of this weapon were it not for its spectral look and the particles that flow out of it while moving with it equipped. A Drainspell Bow is enchanted to absorb Magicka for fifteen points upon hit. It is not possible to improve this weapon.

For more information, see the Drainspell Bow article.

Unique Item: Eduj (0008ffdf)
Type One-handed Sword
Editor ID dunVolunruudEduj
  Damage 11
  Damage 11 {{{health}}}
Speed 1
Speed 1 Reach 1
  Weight 9   Value 300
  Tempering Steel Ingot
  Tempering Steel Ingot Perk Steel Smithing
Target takes 10 points of frost damage to Health and Stamina:
Charge/Cost = Uses 500/13=38

Eduj is a Nord Hero Sword that served as one of favored weapons of the Nord warrior Kvenel the Tongue, alongside the Nord Hero War Axe Okin. Eduj can be found in the possession of its owner within his tomb, Volunruud. The weapon itself comes with an enchantment that does ten points of frost damage and slows the target by fifty points for three seconds. Tempering Eduj requires a steel ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk, with the benefits of the improvements being doubled if the steel smithing perk is unlocked.

For more information, see the Eduj article.

Unique Item: Firiniel's End (00017059)
Type Bow
Editor ID DB05ElvenBow
  Damage 13
  Damage 13 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.6875
Speed 0.6875
  Weight 12   Value 785
  Tempering Refined Moonstone
  Tempering Refined Moonstone Perk Elven Smithing
Target takes 20 points of frost damage to Health and Stamina:
Charge/Cost = Uses 400/29=13
Firiniel's End

Firiniel's End is an elven bow that is left in a convenient location to perform the assassination of Vittoria Vici during her wedding by Gabriella, as part of Bound Until Death. The bow is enchanted to do twenty points of frost damage upon strike, while also slowing the target by fifty points for three seconds. Tempering Firiniel's End requires an ingot of refined moonstone, as well as the Arcane Blacksmith perk. Any improvements to the weapon from the use of a grindstone are doubled if the Elven Smithing perk is also unlocked.

For more information, see the Firiniel's End article.

Unique Item: Froki's Bow (000c0186)
Type Bow
Editor ID dunHuntersBow
  Damage 6
  Damage 6 {{{health}}}
Speed 1
Speed 1
  Weight 5   Value 307
  Tempering Iron Ingot
  Tempering Iron Ingot Perk
Does 10 points of Stamina damage:
Charge/Cost = Uses 55/18=3
Froki's Bow

Froki's Bow is a long bow that was made by and was the weapon of choice of Froki Whetted-Blade that he lost within Graywinter Watch. The bow has an enchantment that does ten points of stamina damage. Tempering Froki's Bow requires an iron ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Froki's Bow article.

Unique Item: Ghostblade (00094a2b)
Type One-handed Sword
Editor ID dunAnsilvundGhostblade
  Damage 8
  Damage 8 {{{health}}}
Speed 1
Speed 1 Reach 1
  Weight 1   Value 300
  Tempering 3 Ectoplasm
  Tempering 3 Ectoplasm Perk
Does 3 points of extra damage, ignoring armor:
  • Insubstantial, 3 pts

Ghostblade is a translucent Ancient Nord Sword given to you by the spirits of Fjori and Holgeir as a reward for freeing them from the control of Lu'ah Al-Skaven, as part of the quest Ansilvund. The weapon is enchanted to do three extra points of damage that ignore the target's armor, without needing to be charged through soul gems. It is also extremely lightweight, and thus requires very little Stamina for power attacks. Tempering Ghostblade requires three samples of ectoplasm, as well as the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Ghostblade article.

Unique Item: Karliah's Bow (000deed8)
Type Bow
Editor ID NightingaleBowNPC
  Damage 25
  Damage 25 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.6250
Speed 0.6250
  Weight 9   Value 5
Karliah's Bow

Karliah's Bow is the version of the Nightingale Bow used by NPCs, such as Karliah and Nightingale Sentinels. It shares its appearance with the player version, although it lacks its enchantment and is worth less gold. Curiously, this version of the weapon does more damage, weighs less, and is faster than the highest leveled version of the player's bow. The characters who have a copy of this weapon will never drop it, and it does not show up when pickpocketing them, meaning it cannot be obtained during normal gameplay.

For more information, see the Karliah's Bow article.

Unique Item: Nettlebane (0001c492)
(lore page)
Type One-handed Dagger
Editor ID T03Nettlebane
  Damage 6
  Damage 6 {{{health}}}
Speed 1.3
Speed 1.3 Reach 0.7
  Weight 10   Value 5
  Tempering Ebony Ingot
  Tempering Ebony Ingot Perk

Nettlebane is a unique, crudely-engraved ebony dagger, originally made by hagravens to sacrifice spriggans. Compared to the typical ebony dagger, Nettlebane compares unfavorably. It weighs twice what a normal ebony dagger would, does four points less damage, and is worth nowhere near as much gold. Furthermore, it can't even be enchanted, making it fairly worthless outside of its related quest. The only way to improve upon this weapon is tempering it with an ebony ingot, although it does not benefit from the Ebony Smithing perk.

For more information, see the Nettlebane article.

Unique Item: Notched Pickaxe (001019d4)
Type One-handed War Axe
Editor ID dunVolunruudPickaxe
  Damage 5
  Damage 5 {{{health}}}
Speed 1.3
Speed 1.3 Reach 0.7
  Weight 10   Value 303
  Tempering Iron Ingot
  Tempering Iron Ingot Perk
Raises the wielder's Smithing abilities, and does 5 shock damage to enemies on hit:
Charge/Cost = Uses 500/11=45
Notched Pickaxe

The Notched Pickaxe is a special pickaxe found stuck into the peak of the Throat of the World. It has the unique enchantment Smithing Expertise, which boosts the Smithing skill while it is equipped, and does five points of shock damage when it is used as a weapon. Tempering the Notched Pickaxe requires an iron ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Notched Pickaxe article.

Unique Item: Okin (0008ffde)
Type One-handed War Axe
Editor ID dunVolunruudOkin
  Damage 12
  Damage 12 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.9
Speed 0.9 Reach 1
  Weight 11   Value 320
  Tempering Steel Ingot
  Tempering Steel Ingot Perk Steel Smithing
Target takes 10 points of frost damage to Health and Stamina:
Charge/Cost = Uses 500/13=38

Okin is a Nord Hero War Axe that served as one of favored weapons of the Nord warrior Kvenel the Tongue, Forged by Haman Forgefire to be used alongside the Nord Hero Sword Eduj. Okin can be found in the possession of its owner within his tomb, Volunruud. The weapon itself comes with an enchantment that does ten points of frost damage and slows the target by fifty points for three seconds. Tempering Okin requires a steel ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk, with the benefits of the improvements being doubled if the steel smithing perk is unlocked.

For more information, see the Okin article.

Unique Item: Poacher's Axe (000ae086)
Type One-handed War Axe
Editor ID dunHaltedStreamPoachersAxe
  Damage 5
  Damage 5 {{{health}}}
Speed 1.3
Speed 1.3 Reach 0.7
  Weight 10   Value 31
  Tempering Steel Ingot
  Tempering Steel Ingot Perk
3 points of extra damage to Animals:
A Woodcutter's Axe

The Poacher's Axe is a special woodcutter's axe that is found within Halted Stream Camp. It has the unique enchantment Huntsman's Prowess, which does an additional three points of damage to animals. Tempering the Poacher's Axe requires a steel ingot. While it has a unique enchantment and name, the Poacher's Axe can still be used to chop wood like a normal woodcutter's axe.

For more information, see the Poacher's Axe article.

Unique Item: Rundi's Dagger (000ecd53)
Type One-handed Dagger
Editor ID POIMageRundisDagger
  Damage 5
  Damage 5 {{{health}}}
Speed 1.3
Speed 1.3 Reach 0.7
  Weight 2.5   Value 18
  Tempering Steel Ingot
  Tempering Steel Ingot Perk Steel Smithing
A Steel Dagger

Rundi's Dagger is the weapon found besides its late eponymous owner, Rundi, east-southeast of Winterhold. Its appearance and stats are identical to those of a steel dagger, only being notable besides due to its unique name and owner. As with all steel daggers, it requires one steel ingot to temper, with the benefits of the tempering being doubled with the Steel Smithing perk.

For more information, see the Rundi's Dagger article.

Unique Item: Shiv (000426c8)
Type One-handed Dagger
Editor ID MS02Shiv
  Damage 5
  Damage 5 {{{health}}}
Speed 1.3
Speed 1.3 Reach 0.7
  Weight 2   Value 5
A Shiv

A Shiv is an improvised dagger-like weapon, commonly made and used by the prisoners of Cidhna Mine. These sharpened utensils are the only handily available weapon in the prison, excluding fists and magic. Due to its improvised nature, a shiv cannot be improved.

For more information, see the Shiv article.

Unique Item: Steel Battleaxe of Fiery Souls (00040002)
Type Two-handed Battleaxe
Editor ID EnchSteelBattleaxeFierySouls
  Damage 18
  Damage 18 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.7
Speed 0.7 Reach 1.3
  Weight 21   Value 320
  Tempering Steel Ingot
  Tempering Steel Ingot Perk Steel Smithing
If target dies within 5 seconds, fills a soul gem:
Charge/Cost = Uses 1000/11=90
The Steel Battleaxe of Fiery Souls

The Steel Battleaxe of Fiery Souls is a unique steel battleaxe located on the back of Warlord Gathrik's throne in Ironbind Barrow. Its unique enchantment does ten points of fire damage over one second, and soul traps the target for five seconds. Tempering this weapon requires a steel ingot as well as the Arcane Blacksmith perk. Improvements to the weapon are doubled if the Steel Smithing perk is also unlocked.

Like other weapons with fire enchantments, this battleaxe benefits from the Augmented Flames perk and will inflict 15 points of fire damage at the 2nd level.

For more information, see the Steel Battleaxe of Fiery Souls article.

Unique Item: Sunhallowed Elven Arrow (xx0098a1)[[File:{{{icon}}}|x32px|right|Appears only with Dawnguard|link=User:Dawnguard]]
Type Arrow
Added by Dawnguard
Editor ID DLC1ElvenArrowBlessed
  Damage 16
  Damage 16 {{{health}}}
  Weight 0   Value 16
Causes sunburst attacks to nearby targets if shot at the sun with Auriel's Bow
A quiver of Sunhallowed Elven Arrows

A Sunhallowed Elven Arrow is an elven arrow that has been blessed by Knight-Paladin Gelebor. The arrows are visually similar to the elven arrows that are needed to create them, with a gray shaft instead of a golden one, and the fletchings alternating between gray and white. The quiver is similar, being a more pallid color compared to the strong golden one of normal arrows. When fired at the sun during the day with Auriel's Bow, it will cause a sunburst, doing damage to any target caught in the blast, with undead taking triple damage. It is the counterpart of the Bloodcursed Elven Arrow.

For more information, see the Sunhallowed Elven Arrow article.

Unique Item: The Longhammer (000ae085)
Type Two-handed Warhammer
Editor ID dunLiarsRetreatLonghammer
  Damage 21
  Damage 21 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.8
Speed 0.8 Reach 1.3
  Weight 18   Value 90
  Tempering Orichalcum Ingot
  Tempering Orichalcum Ingot Perk Orcish Smithing
Rahd's hammer, the reduced weight allows it to be swung more quickly.
An Orcish Warhammer

The Longhammer is a unique Orcish warhammer that belonged to the bandit Rahd before he was killed during a Falmer attack as part of the related quest. It can be recovered from the Breton's dead grasp within Liar's Retreat. Compared to the standard Orcish warhammer, the Longhammer weighs eight units less, while also having half the base value of the normal version. The true value of the weapon is its speed, as it has the same swinging speed as a mace. While it lacks an enchantment, one can be added after acquiring it to further improve its worth. Tempering this weapon requires an orichalcum ingot, with any improvements made being doubled if the Orcish Smithing perk is also unlocked.

For more information, see The Longhammer article.

Unique Item: The Woodsman's Friend (00022265)
Type Two-handed Battleaxe
Editor ID dunPinewoodGroveWoodsmansFriend
  Damage 17
  Damage 17 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.6
Speed 0.6 Reach 1.3
  Weight 20   Value 28
The Woodsman's Friend

The Woodsman's Friend is a unique iron battleaxe found alongside a dead wood cutter. With no enchantment and no way to improve the weapon through blacksmithing, the only advantage this weapon has over the generic version of this weapon is the single extra point of default damage it can do. However, as the weapon has a lower speed, the overall benefit of this extra point of damage is diminished. Additionally, it has approximately half of the gold value of a normal iron battleaxe, making it notably subpar stat-wise to the standard version of this item.

For more information, see The Woodsman's Friend article.

Unique Item: Trollsbane (0006af63)
Type Two-handed Warhammer
Editor ID dunPOITrollsbane
  Damage 20
  Damage 20 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.6
Speed 0.6 Reach 1.3
  Weight 25   Value 121
  Tempering Steel Ingot
  Tempering Steel Ingot Perk Steel Smithing
Burns Trolls for 15 points:
Charge/Cost = Uses 250/3=83

Trollsbane is a steel warhammer and the signature weapon of Frofnir Trollsbane before he was slain inside a troll's lair between Cradle Stone Tower and Valthume. Its enchantment has the unique property to do fifteen points of fire damage to any troll it hits, although it will have no effect against any other kind of creature. Tempering Trollsbane requires a steel ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk, with the improvement from the tempering being doubled if the Steel Smithing perk is also unlocked.

For more information, see the Trollsbane article.

Unique Item: Valdr's Lucky Dagger (000b994e)
Type One-handed Dagger
Editor ID dunMossMotherValdrDagger
  Damage 5
  Damage 5 {{{health}}}
Speed 1.3
Speed 1.3 Reach 0.7
  Weight 2.5   Value 15
  Tempering Steel Ingot
  Tempering Steel Ingot Perk Steel Smithing
25% chance of a critical hit.
A Steel Dagger

Valdr's Lucky Dagger is a unique steel dagger given by the eponymous Valdr as a reward for helping him clear out Moss Mother Cavern, as part of its related quest. Its enchantment increases the chance of a critical hit by 25%. As the weapon's enchantment is not one in the traditional sense, it will last indefinitely. Tempering this weapon requires a steel ingot, and the benefits are doubled with the Steel Smithing perk.

For more information, see the Valdr's Lucky Dagger article.

Unique Item: Windshear (0006ea8b)
Type One-handed Sword
Editor ID dunKatariahScimitar
  Damage 11
  Damage 11 {{{health}}}
Speed 1
Speed 1 Reach 1
  Weight 10   Value 40
  Tempering Steel Ingot
  Tempering Steel Ingot Perk Steel Smithing
Bash attacks made with this weapon have a chance of knocking enemies down:
Charge/Cost = Uses 250/0=Unlimited

Windshear is a unique Scimitar which can be found lodged inside of the bowsprit of The Katariah. As The Katariah cannot be accessed until the quest Hail Sithis! has begun, this weapon is similarly impossible to acquire until that quest has been started. This means that the weapon is unavailable if you decide to complete the quest Destroy the Dark Brotherhood! instead.

Windshear's unique enchantment causes its attacks to stagger an opponent when hit and causes its bash attacks to paralyze them for a tenth of a second. As the enchantment only works for its bash attack, the enchantment will not work if a spell or another item, such as a shield or secondary weapon, is being held in the other hand. Tempering Windshear requires a steel ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk. The benefits of tempering Windshear are doubled if the Steel Smithing perk is unlocked.

For more information, see the Windshear article.

Unique Item: Zephyr (xx00cfb6)[[File:{{{icon}}}|x32px|right|Appears only with Dawnguard|link=User:Dawnguard]]
(lore page)
Type Bow
Added by Dawnguard
Editor ID DLC1LD_KatriaBow
  Damage 12
  Damage 12 {{{health}}}
Speed 1
Speed 1
  Weight 10   Value 670
  Tempering Dwarven Metal Ingot
  Tempering Dwarven Metal Ingot Perk Dwarven Smithing
Fires 30% faster than a standard bow:
Charge/Cost = Uses 1000/0=Unlimited

Zephyr is a unique Dwarven bow that belonged to Katria before she fell down a cliff to her death inside of Arkngthamz. The bow itself rests at the top of a ravine, precariously perched on the side of a fallen tree. Zephyr's unique enchantment gives it a much higher draw speed than regular Dwarven bows, making it one of the quickest bows available, alongside Auriel's Bow and the long bow. Zephyr can be further improved with a Dwarven metal ingot if the Arcane Blacksmith perk is unlocked, with the benefits of these alterations being doubled if the Dwarven Smithing perk is also unlocked.

For more information, see the Zephyr article.


Unique Item: Ancient Helmet of the Unburned (000f494e)
Type Heavy Helmet
Editor ID EnchArmorDraugrHelmetResistFire03
  Rating 15
  Rating 15 {{{health}}}
  Weight 4   Value 841
  Tempering Iron Ingot
  Tempering Iron Ingot Perk Daedric Smithing
Increases Fire Resistance by 40%:
The Ancient Helmet of the Unburned (female version)

The Ancient Helmet of the Unburned is a unique Ancient Nord Helmet. It is located behind a locked gate in Labyrinthian, Tribune. Its enchantment increases fire resistance by forty percent. Tempering this helmet requires an iron ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk, with the improvements doubling if the Daedric Smithing perk is also unlocked.

For more information, see the Ancient Helmet of the Unburned article.

Unique Item: Ancient Shrouded Armor (000e1f15)
Type Light Armor
Editor ID DBArmorSP
  Rating 33
  Rating 33 {{{health}}}
  Weight 5   Value 617
  Tempering Leather
  Tempering Leather Perk
Increases Poison Resistance by 100%:
Shrouded Armor

Ancient Shrouded Armor is the chest piece of a set of armor found on a dead assassin in Hag's End. Alongside this piece, this set of armor also includes boots, a cowl, and gloves. It shares its appearance with regular Shrouded Armor. However, Ancient Shrouded Armor has a superior armor rating, lower weight, and higher gold value than the normal version of this armor. Additionally, this armor's enchantment provides 100% of poison resistance, versus the 50% of the common variant. Tempering Ancient Shrouded Armor requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Ancient Shrouded Armor article.

Unique Item: Ancient Shrouded Boots (000e1f14)
Type Light Boots
Editor ID DBArmorBootsSP
  Rating 12
  Rating 12 {{{health}}}
  Weight 0.5   Value 355
  Tempering Leather
  Tempering Leather Perk
Wearer is muffled and moves silently:
Shrouded Boots

Ancient Shrouded Boots are the boots for a set of armor found on a dead assassin in Hag's End. Alongside this piece, this set of armor also includes an armor piece, a cowl, and gloves. It shares its appearance with regular Shrouded Boots. However, Ancient Shrouded Boots have a superior armor rating, lower weight, and higher gold value than the normal version of this armor. This armor's enchantment provides half a point of muffling, the same as the common version. Tempering Ancient Shrouded Boots requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Ancient Shrouded Boots article.

Unique Item: Ancient Shrouded Cowl (000e1f17)
Type Light Helmet
Editor ID DBArmorHelmetSP
  Rating 15
  Rating 15 {{{health}}}
  Weight 1   Value 1199
  Tempering Leather
  Tempering Leather Perk
Bows do 35% more damage:
Shrouded Cowl

Ancient Shrouded Cowl is the head piece for a set of armor found on a dead assassin in Hag's End. Alongside this piece, this set of armor also includes an armor piece, a pair of boots, and gloves. It shares its appearance with regular Shrouded Cowl. However, the Ancient Shrouded Cowl has a superior armor rating, lower weight, and higher gold value than the normal version of this armor. This armor's enchantment fortifies archery by 35 points, fifteen points more than the common version. Tempering the Ancient Shrouded Cowl requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Ancient Shrouded Cowl article.

Unique Item: Ancient Shrouded Gloves (000e1f16)
Type Light Gauntlets
Editor ID DBArmorGlovesSP
  Rating 12
  Rating 12 {{{health}}}
  Weight 1   Value 175
  Tempering Leather
  Tempering Leather Perk
Double sneak attack damage with one-handed weapons:
Shrouded Gloves

Ancient Shrouded Gloves are the gloves for a set of armor found on a dead assassin in Hag's End. Alongside this piece, this set of armor also includes an armor piece, a pair of boots, and a cowl. It shares its appearance with regular Shrouded Gloves. However, Ancient Shrouded Gloves have a superior armor rating, lower weight, and higher gold value than the normal version of this armor. This armor's enchantment provides double damage when backstabbing, the same as the common version. Tempering Ancient Shrouded Gloves requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Ancient Shrouded Gloves article.

Unique Item: Diadem of the Savant (000f9904)
Type Light Helmet
Editor ID dunLabyrinthianMazeCircletReward
  Rating 7
  Rating 7 {{{health}}}
  Weight 4   Value 1201
  Tempering None
  Tempering None Perk
Spells in all schools cost less magicka to cast:
The Diadem of the Savant

The Diadem of the Savant is a unique circlet that serves as the reward for conquering Shalidor's Maze, although a respawnable version can also be found outside of Froki's Shack (see bugs). As would be expected for an item associated with Shalidor, the circlet makes it so that all spells use less magicka. While it may be useful to mages due to its enchantment, and since it can be worn without disabling the Mage Armor perk, its defensive capabilities cannot be improved further as it cannot be tempered. For more information, see the Diadem of the Savant article.

Unique Item: General Tullius' Armor (0005cbfe)
Type Clothing (Heavy Armor)
Editor ID GeneralTulliusArmor
  Rating 31
  Rating 31 {{{health}}}
  Weight 18   Value 65
  Tempering Steel Ingot
  Tempering Steel Ingot Perk None
General Tullius' Armor

General Tullius' Armor is the armor used by the eponymous General Tullius. The most distinguishing trait of this item is its appearance, with its gold trim and the ornate Imperial Legion symbols on it distinguish its owner as one of the highest ranking members of the Legion. The defensive capabilities of this armor can be improved at a workbench with a steel ingot.

For more information, see the General Tullius' Armor article.

Unique Item: Gilded Wristguards (000e84c1)
Type Light Gauntlets
Editor ID ClothesJarlGloves
  Rating 7
  Rating 7 {{{health}}}
  Weight 0.5   Value 21
  Tempering None
  Tempering None Perk
Gilded Wristguards

Gilded Wristguards are unique gauntlets located inside The Katariah, inside the Emperor's Quarters. As they are located upon The Katariah, they cannot be acquired until the related quest Hail Sithis! has been started. Obviously, this means that they become unobtainable if you choose to do the quest Destroy the Dark Brotherhood! instead. Being regal attire, these golden wristguards are detailed with looping gold patterns.

For more information, see the Gilded Wristguards article.

Unique Item: Gloves of the Pugilist (0010a06a)
Type Light Gauntlets
Editor ID dunRatwayBrawlerGloves
  Rating 5
  Rating 5 {{{health}}}
  Weight 2   Value 194
  Tempering 2 Leather Strips + Leather
  Tempering 2 Leather Strips + Leather Perk
Unarmed strikes do 10 additional damage:
Gloves of the Pugilist

The Gloves of the Pugilist are unique gloves located inside of the sewer tunnels beneath Riften known as The Ratway. Specifically, the Gloves of the Pugilist are found on the appropriately named Gian the Fist, who uses them for their unique fortify unarmed damage enchantment, which increases the damage unarmed strikes do by ten points. The gloves themselves share their appearance with fur gauntlets, along with its base stats. Unlike fur gauntlets, the improvements available through the use of a workbench require two leather strips, a piece of leather, and the Arcane Blacksmith perk, versus just a single piece of leather.

For more information, see the Gloves of the Pugilist article.

Unique Item: Guild Master's Armor (000e35d7)
Type Light Armor
Editor ID ArmorThievesGuildLeaderCuirass
  Rating 38
  Rating 38 {{{health}}}
  Weight 10   Value 1779
  Tempering Leather
  Tempering Leather Perk
Carrying capacity increased by 50 points:
Guild Master's Armor

The Guild Master's Armor is the chest piece of the unique set of equipment given to the Guild Master of the Thieves Guild, and is the quest reward for completing Under New Management. Alongside this item, this set of equipment includes boots, gloves, and a hood. Its appearance is similar to that of the Thieves Guild Armor for the regular members, except for its darker color and additional badges to distinguish the rank associated with the armor. As it is essentially an upgrade to the regular set of guild armor, this armor has a superior armor rating and gold value to the basic set, although it weighs more. Like its similar appearance, this armor also has a correlative, yet more powerful, enchantment to the more common version of this armor. The armor fortifies carry weight by 50 points, versus 20 points for normal Thieves Guild Armor and 35 points for the upgraded version. Tempering this item requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk, and also requires that the related quest be completed.

For more information, see the Guild Master's Armor article.

Unique Item: Guild Master's Boots (000e35d6)
Type Light Armor
Editor ID ArmorThievesGuildLeaderBoots
  Rating 11
  Rating 11 {{{health}}}
  Weight 2   Value 649
  Tempering Leather
  Tempering Leather Perk
Pickpocket success is 35% better:
Guild Master's Boots

The Guild Master's Boots serve as the foot protection for the unique set of equipment given to the Guild Master of the Thieves Guild, and is part of the quest reward for completing Under New Management. Alongside this item, this set of equipment includes armor, gloves, and a hood. Its appearance is similar to that of the Thieves Guild Boots used by the regular members, except for its darker color. As it is essentially an upgrade to the regular set of guild armor, these boots have a superior armor rating and gold value to the basic set, although it weighs more. Like its similar appearance, the Guild Master's Boots also have a correlative, yet more powerful, enchantment to the more common version of this equipment. The boots fortify pickpocket ability by 35 points, versus 15 points for normal Thieves Guild Boots and 25 points for the upgraded version. Tempering this item requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Guild Master's Boots article.

Unique Item: Guild Master's Gloves (000e35d8)
Type Light Armor
Editor ID ArmorThievesGuildLeaderGauntlets
  Rating 11
  Rating 11 {{{health}}}
  Weight 2   Value 599
  Tempering Leather
  Tempering Leather Perk
Lockpicking is 35% easier:
Guild Master's Gloves

The Guild Master's Gloves are the gauntlets for the unique set of equipment given to the Guild Master of the Thieves Guild, and is part of the quest reward for completing Under New Management. Alongside this item, this set of equipment includes armor, boots, and a hood. Its appearance is similar to that of the Thieves Guild Gloves used by the regular members, except for the darker color for the leather, and the buckle made out of a lighter metal. As it is essentially an upgrade to the regular set of guild armor, these gloves have a superior armor rating and gold value to the basic set, although it weighs more. Like its similar appearance, the Guild Master's Gloves also have a correlative, yet more powerful, enchantment to the more common version of this equipment. The gloves fortify lockpicking ability by 35 points, versus 15 points for normal Thieves Guild Gloves and 25 points for the upgraded version. Tempering this item requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Guild Master's Gloves article.

Unique Item: Guild Master's Hood (000e35d9)
Type Light Armor
Editor ID ArmorThievesGuildLeaderHelmet
  Rating 16
  Rating 16 {{{health}}}
  Weight 3   Value 1252
  Tempering Leather
  Tempering Leather Perk
Prices are 20% better:
Guild Master's Hood

The Guild Master's Hood is the headwear for the unique set of equipment given to the Guild Master of the Thieves Guild, and is part of the quest reward for completing Under New Management. Alongside this item, this set of equipment includes armor, boots, and gloves. Its appearance is similar to that of the Thieves Guild Hood used by the regular members, except for its darker color. As it is essentially an upgrade to the regular set of guild armor, this hood has a superior armor rating and gold value to the basic set, although it weighs more. Like its similar appearance, the Guild Master's Hood also has a correlative, yet more powerful, enchantment to the more common version of this equipment. The hood fortifies barter ability by twenty points, versus ten points for normal Thieves Guild Hood and fifteen points for the upgraded version. Tempering this item requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Guild Master's Hood article.

Unique Item: Helm of Yngol (000295f3)
Type Heavy Helmet
Editor ID DunYngolBarrowSteelPlateHelmet
  Rating 21
  Rating 21 {{{health}}}
  Weight 8   Value 565
  Tempering Steel Ingot
  Tempering Steel Ingot Perk Advanced
Increases Frost Resistance by 30%:
The Helm of Yngol

The Helm of Yngol is a unique helmet that belonged to Yngol, one of the original members of the Companions. After his death, he and his helmet were locked away in Yngol Barrow. The helm itself provides its wearer with a thirty percent increase to frost resistance. Tempering the Helm of Yngol requires a steel ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk, with the benefits of the alterations doubling if the Advanced Armors perk is also unlocked.

For more information, see the Helm of Yngol article.

Unique Item: Ironhand Gauntlets (000e1643)
Type Heavy Gauntlets
Editor ID dunWhiteRiverWatchGauntlets
  Rating 12
  Rating 12 {{{health}}}
  Weight 4   Value 444
  Tempering Iron Ingot
  Tempering Iron Ingot Perk Steel
Two-handed attacks do 15% more damage:
Ironhand Gauntlets

The Ironhand Gauntlets are the gauntlets used by the bandit Hajvarr Iron-Hand, the leader of the bandits who operate out of White River Watch. The gauntlets themselves are actually steel Nordic gauntlets, despite their name. They have been enchanted to fortify two-handed attacks by fifteen points. Tempering the Ironhand Gauntlets requires an iron ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk, with the benefits of the alterations doubling if the Steel Smithing perk has also been unlocked.

For more information, see the Ironhand Gauntlets article.

Unique Item: Linwe's Armor (00108544)
Type Light Armor
Editor ID ArmorLinweCuirass
  Rating 31
  Rating 31 {{{health}}}
  Weight 8   Value 368
  Tempering Leather
  Tempering Leather Perk
Increases your stamina by 15 points:
Linwe's Armor

Linwe's Armor is the chest piece of the unique set of equipment used by the leader of the Summerset Shadows, Linwe. Alongside this item, this set of equipment also includes a pair of boots, gloves, and a hood. As Linwe runs an organization that rivals the Thieves Guild, his equipment has some visual similarities to the versions used by the Thieves Guild. Compared to Thieves Guild Armor, Linwe's Armor is grayer in color, but also sleeveless. Additionally, while it weighs one more unit than the Thieves Guild Armor, it also provides an additional two points of armor. However, its gold value is significantly lower. Besides that, the basic designs are the same. The armor is enchanted to fortify stamina by fifteen points. Tempering Linwe's Armor requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Linwe's Armor article.

Unique Item: Linwe's Boots (00108543)
Type Light Boots
Editor ID ArmorLinweBoots
  Rating 11
  Rating 11 {{{health}}}
  Weight 2   Value 837
  Tempering Leather
  Tempering Leather Perk
Sneaking is 15% better:
Linwe's Boots

Linwe's Boots serve as the foot protection for the unique set of equipment used by the leader of the Summerset Shadows, Linwe. Alongside this item, this set of equipment also includes armor, a pair of gloves, and a hood. As Linwe runs an organization that rivals the Thieves Guild, his equipment has some visual similarities to the versions used by the Thieves Guild. Compared to Thieves Guild Boots, Linwe's Boots are grayer in color. Additionally, while his boots weigh half a unit more than the Thieves Guild Boots, it also provides an additional two points of armor, as well as being worth several hundred more gold pieces. Besides that, the basic designs of the items are the same. The armor is enchanted to fortify sneaking by fifteen points. Tempering Linwe's Boots requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Linwe's Boots article.

Unique Item: Linwe's Gloves (00108545)
Type Light Gauntlets
Editor ID ArmorLinweGauntlets
  Rating 11
  Rating 11 {{{health}}}
  Weight 2   Value 483
  Tempering Leather
  Tempering Leather Perk
One-handed attacks do 15% more damage:
Linwe's Gloves

Linwe's Gloves serve as the gauntlets for the unique set of equipment used by the leader of the Summerset Shadows, Linwe. Alongside this item, this set of equipment also includes armor, a pair of boots, and a hood. As Linwe runs an organization that rivals the Thieves Guild, his equipment has some visual similarities to the versions used by the Thieves Guild. Compared to Thieves Guild Gloves, Linwe's Gloves are grayer in color. Additionally, while his gloves weigh one unit more than the Thieves Guild Gloves, it also provides an additional two points of armor, as well as being worth several hundred more gold pieces. Besides that, the basic designs of the items are the same. The armor is enchanted to fortify one-handed attacks by fifteen points. Tempering Linwe's Gloves requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Linwe's Gloves article.

Unique Item: Linwe's Hood (00108546)
Type Light Helmet
Editor ID ArmorLinweHelmet
  Rating 16
  Rating 16 {{{health}}}
  Weight 2   Value 563
  Tempering Leather
  Tempering Leather Perk
Bows do 15% more damage:
Linwe's Hood

Linwe's Hood is the headwear for the unique set of equipment used by the leader of the Summerset Shadows, Linwe. Alongside this item, this set of equipment also includes armor, a pair of boots, and a gloves. As Linwe runs an organization that rivals the Thieves Guild, his equipment has some visual similarities to the versions used by the Thieves Guild. However, his hood is the exception to the rest of the equipment. While a Thieves Guild Hood is a brown and rounded at the corners, this hood has much sharper appearance, is more patchwork than the Thieves Guild version, and is also gray. Additionally, while his hood weighs half a unit more than the Thieves Guild Hood, it also provides an additional three points of armor, as well as being slightly more valuable. The armor is enchanted to fortify Archery attacks by fifteen points. Tempering Linwe's Hood requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Linwe's Hood article.

Unique Item: Movarth's Boots (00096d9b)
Type Light Boots
Editor ID dunMovarthsBoots
  Rating 5
  Rating 5 {{{health}}}
  Weight 1   Value 792
Sneaking is 15% better:
Movarth's Boots

Movarth's Boots are a set of hide boots owned by the vampire Movarth Piquine. The boots can be found in their owner's lair, in the northeastern portion of the cave, next to a bed. They have been enchanted to improve sneaking by fifteen points while worn. Movarth's Boots cannot be disenchanted.

For more information, see the Movarth's Boots article.

Unique Item: Armor of the Old Gods (000eafd0)
Type Light Armor
Editor ID MS02ForswornArmor
  Rating 24
  Rating 24 {{{health}}}
  Weight 3   Value 611
  Tempering Leather
  Tempering Leather Perk
Destruction spells cost 15% less to cast:
Armor of the Old Gods

The Armor of the Old Gods is a special version of Forsworn Armor given to you by Kaie for helping the leader of the Forsworn, Madanach, escape Cidhna Mine. Alongside the chest piece, this armor set also includes a pair of boots, gauntlets, and a helmet. This item shares its appearance with basic Forsworn equipment, weighs half as much, offers two fewer points of armor, and is considerably more valuable. The Armor of the Old Gods has also been enchanted to fortify destruction spells by fifteen points. Tempering this item requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Armor of the Old Gods article.

Unique Item: Boots of the Old Gods (000eafd3)
Type Light Boots
Editor ID MS02ForswornBoots
  Rating 7
  Rating 7 {{{health}}}
  Weight 1.5   Value 1104
  Tempering Leather
  Tempering Leather Perk
Sneaking is 20% better:
Boots of the Old Gods

The Boots of the Old Gods are a special version of Forsworn Boots given to you by Kaie for helping the leader of the Forsworn, Madanach, escape Cidhna Mine. Alongside these shoes, this armor set also includes a chest piece, a pair of gauntlets, and a helmet. This item shares its appearance with basic Forsworn equipment, although it weighs half a point less, and is considerably more valuable. The Boots of the Old Gods have also been enchanted to fortify sneaking by twenty points. Tempering this item requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Boots of the Old Gods article.

Unique Item: Gauntlets of the Old Gods (000eafd2)
Type Light Gauntlets
Editor ID MS02ForswornGauntlets
  Rating 7
  Rating 7 {{{health}}}
  Weight 0.5   Value 592
  Tempering Leather
  Tempering Leather Perk
Bows do 20% more damage:
Gauntlets of the Old Gods

The Gauntlets of the Old Gods are a special version of Forsworn Gauntlets given to you by Kaie for helping the leader of the Forsworn, Madanach, escape Cidhna Mine. Alongside this wristwear, this armor set also includes a chest piece, a pair of boots, and a helmet. This item shares its appearance with basic Forsworn equipment, although it weighs one and a half a point less, and is considerably more valuable. The Gauntlets of the Old Gods have also been enchanted to fortify archery by twenty points. Tempering this item requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Gauntlets of the Old Gods article.

Unique Item: Helmet of the Old Gods (000eafd1)
Type Light Helmet
Editor ID MS02ForswornHelmet
  Rating 12
  Rating 12 {{{health}}}
  Weight 1   Value 345
  Tempering Leather
  Tempering Leather Perk
Increases your Magicka by 30 points:
Helmet of the Old Gods

The Helmet of the Old Gods is a special version of a Forsworn Headdress given to you by Kaie for helping the leader of the Forsworn, Madanach, escape Cidhna Mine. Alongside this headdress, this armor set also includes a chest piece, a pair of boots, and a pair of gauntlets. This item shares its appearance with basic Forsworn equipment, although it weighs one point less, and is considerably more valuable. The Helmet of the Old Gods has also been enchanted to fortify magicka by thirty points. Tempering this item requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Helmet of the Old Gods article.

Unique Item: Predator's Grace (000a4dcd)
Type Light Boots
Editor ID dunDeepwoodBoots
  Rating 5
  Rating 5 {{{health}}}
  Weight 1   Value 117
  Tempering Iron Ingot
  Tempering Iron Ingot Perk
Wearer is muffled and moves silently:
Predator's Grace

Predator's Grace is a pair of hide boots that are found next to a chest, above a waterfall, to the right of the Hag's End top level. These unique boots fully muffle the sound of movement the wearer makes, while also increasing the rate of stamina regeneration by one percent. Predator's Grace can be tempered with an iron ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Predator's Grace article.

Unique Item: Shrouded Armor (000d2844, 0005abc3)
Type Light Armor
Editor ID DBArmor/DBArmorShortSleeve
  Rating 29/43 (sleeveless)
  Rating 29/43 (sleeveless) {{{health}}}
  Weight 7/32 (sleeveless)   Value 373/448 (sleeveless)
  Tempering Leather
  Tempering Leather Perk
Increases Poison Resistance by 50%:
Shrouded Armor

Shrouded Armor is the chest piece of a set of armor used by the Dark Brotherhood. Alongside this piece, this set of armor also includes boots, a cowl, and gloves. The armor provides fifty points of poison resistance. Tempering Shrouded Armor requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Shrouded Armor article.

Unique Item: Shrouded Boots (000d2845)
Type Light Boots
Editor ID DBArmorBoots
  Rating 8
  Rating 8 {{{health}}}
  Weight 2   Value 305
  Tempering Leather
  Tempering Leather Perk
Wearer is muffled and moves silently:
Shrouded Boots

Shrouded Boots are the boots for a set of armor used by the Dark Brotherhood. Alongside these shoes, this set of armor also includes armor, a cowl, and gloves. These boots muffle movement by half a point, making silent movement easier. Tempering Shrouded Boots requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Shrouded Boots article.

Unique Item: Shrouded Cowl/Shrouded Cowl Maskless (000d2842, 0005abc4)
Type Light Helmet
Editor ID DBArmorHelmet/DBArmorHelmetMaskLess
  Rating 13
  Rating 13 {{{health}}}
  Weight 2   Value 677
  Tempering Leather/Not Possible (see bugs)
  Tempering Leather/Not Possible (see bugs) Perk
Bows do 20% more damage:
Shrouded Cowl

A Shrouded Cowl serves as the helmet for a set of armor used by the Dark Brotherhood. Alongside this veil, this set of armor also includes armor, boots, and gloves. This cowl fortifies archery by twenty points, increasing damage done with bows. Tempering a Shrouded Cowl requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Shrouded Cowl article.

Unique Item: Shrouded Gloves (000d2843)
Type Light Gauntlets
Editor ID DBArmorGloves
  Rating 8
  Rating 8 {{{health}}}
  Weight 2   Value 125
  Tempering Leather
  Tempering Leather Perk
Backstab does double damage:
Shrouded Gloves

Shrouded Gloves serve as the gauntlets for a set of armor used by the Dark Brotherhood. Alongside these gloves, this set of armor also includes armor, boots, and a cowl. These gloves cause backstabs to do twice the normal damage, making these lethal sneak attacks even more effective. Tempering Shrouded Gloves requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Shrouded Gloves article.

Unique Item: Thieves Guild Armor (000d3ac3, 000d3acc)
Type Light Armor
Editor ID ArmorThievesGuildCuirassPlayer
  Rating 29/30 (improved)
  Rating 29/30 (improved) {{{health}}}
  Weight 7/6 (improved)   Value 665/1299 (improved)
  Tempering Leather
  Tempering Leather Perk
Carrying capacity increased by 20/35 (improved) points:
Thieves Guild Armor

Thieves Guild Armor serves as the chest piece for the set of armor used by Thieves Guild members. Alongside this armor, this set of equipment also includes boots, gloves, and a hood. The armor has been enchanted to fortify carry weight by twenty points, allowing for more pilfering of valuables. Tempering Thieves Guild Armor requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Thieves Guild Armor article.

Unique Item: Thieves Guild Boots (000d3ac2, 000d3acb)
Type Light Boots
Editor ID ArmorThievesGuildBootsPlayer
  Rating 9/10 (improved)
  Rating 9/10 (improved) {{{health}}}
  Weight 1.5/1 (improved)   Value 241/479 (improved)
  Tempering Leather
  Tempering Leather Perk
Pickpocket success is 15/25% (improved) better:
Thieves Guild Boots

Thieves Guild Boots are the shoes for the set of armor used by Thieves Guild members. Alongside these boots, this set of equipment also includes armor, gloves, and a hood. The boots have been enchanted to fortify pickpocket chances by fifteen percent, making it easier to remove loot from people's own person. The boots cannot be disenchanted. Tempering Thieves Guild Boots requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Thieves Guild Boots article.

Unique Item: Thieves Guild Gloves (000d3ac4, 000d3acd)
Type Light Gauntlets
Editor ID ArmorThievesGuildGauntletsPlayer
  Rating 9/10 (improved)
  Rating 9/10 (improved) {{{health}}}
  Weight 1   Value 222/445 (improved)
  Tempering Leather
  Tempering Leather Perk
Lockpicking is 15/25% (improved) easier:
Thieves Guild Gloves

Thieves Guild Gloves are the gauntlets for the set of armor used by Thieves Guild members. Alongside these gloves, this set of equipment also includes armor, boots, and a hood. The gloves have been enchanted to fortify lockpicking chances by fifteen percent, making it easier to get into things that are otherwise inaccessible. Tempering Thieves Guild Gloves requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Thieves Guild Gloves article.

Unique Item: Thieves Guild Hood (000d3ac5, 000d3ace)
Type Light Helmet
Editor ID ArmorThievesGuildHelmetPlayer
  Rating 13/15 (improved)
  Rating 13/15 (improved) {{{health}}}
  Weight 1.5/1 (improved)   Value 551/967 (improved)
  Tempering Leather
  Tempering Leather Perk
Prices are 10/15% (improved) better:
Thieves Guild Hood

A Thieves Guild Hood serves as the helmet for the set of armor used by Thieves Guild members. Alongside this hood, this set of equipment also includes armor, boots, and gloves. The hood has been enchanted to fortify bartering by ten percent, allowing for better deals when trading with merchants. Tempering a Thieves Guild Hood requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Thieves Guild Hood article.

Unique Item: Torturer's Hood (000ee5c0)
Type Light Helmet
Editor ID ArmorTorturerHood
  Rating 13
  Rating 13 {{{health}}}
  Weight 1   Value 10
  Tempering Not possible
  Tempering Not possible Perk
Torturer's Hood

The Torturer's Hood is a helmet used by certain dubious figures, such as the torturer encountered in Helgen. It shares its appearance with a generic Thieves Guild Hood. This item is marked as "unplayable" and cannot be obtained in the original release of the game, but can be legitimately obtained and used in the Special Edition. If obtained during Unbound, it can be a good helmet for new characters since its armor rating is similar to an Elven Helmet.

For more information, see the Torturer's Hood article.

Unique Item: Tumblerbane Gloves (000f5981)
Type Light Gauntlets
Editor ID DBArmorGlovesReward
  Rating 7
  Rating 7 {{{health}}}
  Weight 2   Value 325
Lockpicking is 20% easier:
Tumblerbane Gloves

Tumblerbane Gloves are a special version of Shrouded Gloves given to you for refurbishing the Dawnstar Sanctuary with a master bedroom. The gloves can be found at the foot of the newly purchased bed. As the name suggests, these gloves have been enchanted to fortify lockpicking skills, making it twenty percent easier to break into chests.

For more information, see the Tumblerbane Gloves article.

Unique Item: Ulfric's Bracers (0006230b)
Type Light Gauntlets
Editor ID ClothesUlfricGauntlets
  Rating 5
  Rating 5 {{{health}}}
  Weight 0.5   Value 25
Ulfric's Bracers

Ulfric's Bracers are the gauntlets used by the eponymous Ulfric Stormcloak. They share their basic design with fine armguards, although they are made out of different materials.

For more information, see the Ulfric's Bracers article.