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Joined 25 November 2019

Current Task ListEdit

  • Get the Azure Sky Blue Lip Tint from the Reaper's Harvest Crate for my Necromancer.
  • Do the final round of Veteran Maelstrom Arena when there is a double drop event to finish the Perfected Sticker Book with minimal stress.
  • Get the dialogue for completing Hard Mode Bedlam Veil and Hard Mode Oathsworn Pit Pledges. Put this on the respective Pledge page and the page for Urgarlag Chief-bane.
  • Crafting Motif 129 is not listed on Crafting Motifs (or had anything done to it) until it has a permanent in-game location.
  • What do you get for Replication Elimination when all things listed are obtained?
  • Continue to work on progressing High Roller. (ranked-only)
  • Skill Style stuff: Can also solo City of Ash II for other parts. Ones that other people are needed for: Bedlam Veil, The Cauldron.
  • Need Relic of the Sentinel.
  • Need from Summer events: Shimmering Indrik.
  • Farm Necrom Underways to sell 1 million gold for Black Market Mogul.
  • Need to run both new dungeons, do achievement pages.
  • Get all disguise collectibles (use U45 checklist to make sure I have them)
  • Check the Commemorative Mundus achievements.
  • The Ritual Scroll in Nonungalo is now properly readable after the quest is complete. Also get companion books.

Update ChecklistEdit

To-Do List for Updates
Armor Status
Update all new Armor Sets to be filled out with their info, similar to other pages. Make sure they are linked on Template:Online Sets, Template:Online Craftable Sets, and any respective sub-pages, like Overland Sets or Dungeon Sets. Make sure to check for any new Rewards for the Worthy sets, and depreciate the old ones. Yes 
Update Mythic Items with the new Mythics. Update Template:Online Sets and Template:Online Antiquities. Yes 
Quests Status
Update all new ON:Repeatable Quests. Manually update the count. This should include Pledges. If there are pledges, update the dialogue on the Pledge page and Urgarlag Chief-bane's page. Yes 
Create the individual repeatable quest pages. Yes 
Motifs and Books Status
Update Crafting Motifs with the new styles. Create the "[Name] Style (collection)" page. Update Template:Online Crafting Motifs with the new links. Update Crafting Motifs (collection). Yes 
Update Eidetic Memory and Template:Online Eidetic Memory with the zone book list. Yes 
Locations Status
Create the World Boss site pages, the Overland crafting station pages, and Wayshrines. Yes 
Update the following pages for any new Delves, Public Dungeons, Group Dungeons, Trials, Arenas, Striking Locales, Group Bosses, everything under Template:Online Places' section "Locations by Type", Explorable Locations, Quest Hubs, Crafting Sites, Event Hubs (and the Event Exchange page), Gladiator's Quarters, and Wayshrines. Do not do any more than what is listed here. Yes 
Ensure that Delves, Public Dungeons, Group Dungeons, Trials, and Arenas conform to the below commented-out standard of headings. Yes 
Achievements Status
Create the DLC achievement pages. Update Achievements Summary. Update the counts on Achievements. Update fish locations on Fishing achievements using this map Yes 
Update the sub-achievement pages such as Companions Achievements, Tales of Tribute Achievements, Antiquities Achievements, and Crafting Achievements#Styles. Yes 
For achievements with furnishings, remember to use the following:
    • Earning this achievement allows purchasing {{Furnishing Link|}} for your house. It costs {{ESO Price|}} and can be purchased from [[ON:|ON:]] in [[ON:|ON:]].
    • |furnishing={{nowrap|{{Furnishing Link|}} ({{ESO Price|}})}}, with a <br> in between multiple furniture.
Miscellaneous Status
Update counts on Skyshards and Skills. Yes 
Create any new Tales of Tribute pages. Yes 
Look for any new forum avatars. Update Concept Art/ESO Forum Avatars. Yes 
Update the Zone Guide. Yes 


  This user scored 39730 points on the UESPholic Test.