This page lists all the wayshrines in Elder Scrolls Online. Wayshrines serve as Fast Travel points once you find them. They cost gold to be used which decreases over time after using one. However it costs nothing if you teleport from: one wayshrine to another, to a player and to a house you own. The Wanderer Champion perk can reduce the cost by up to 50%.
Wayshrines are sometimes decorated during certain events, starting with the 2023 Witches Festival.
Note: The majority of these links are redirects to nearby locations with the same or similar name. They are listed in italics. Links to Wayshrines with their own page are in normal text.
Aldmeri DominionEdit
- College Wayshrine — Located across a bridge southwest of the College of Aldmeri Propriety. (map)
- Firsthold Wayshrine — Located across a bridge just outside the eastern entrance of Firsthold. (map)
- Greenwater Wayshrine — Located just north of the western side of Greenwater Cove. (map)
- Mathiisen Wayshrine — Located just northwest of Mathiisen. (map)
- Phaer Wayshrine — Located just south of Phaer. (map)
- Quendeluun Wayshrine — Located just south of Quendeluun. (map)
- Skywatch Wayshrine — Located on the western side of Skywatch. (map)
- Tanzelwil Wayshrine — Located on the eastern edge of Tanzelwil. (map)
- Vulkhel Guard Wayshrine — Located at the northern entrance of Vulkhel Guard. (map)
- Windy Glade Wayshrine — Located south of Monkey's Rest in southern Auridon. (map)
- Cormount Wayshrine — Located just southwest of Cormount. (map)
- Elden Root Temple Wayshrine — Located at the Elden Root Temple, on an island in the lake northeast of Elden Root. (map)
- Elden Root Wayshrine — Located in the center of the lowest level of Elden Root. (map)
- Falinesti Winter Wayshrine — Located south of the Falinesti Winter Site. (map)
- Gil-Var-Delle Wayshrine — Located a ways north of Gil-Var-Delle. (map)
- Gray Mire Wayshrine — Located northeast of The Gray Mire. (map)
- Haven Wayshrine — Located in northeastern Haven. (map)
- Ossuary Wayshrine — Located south of the Ossuary of Telacar. (map)
- Redfur Trading Post Wayshrine — Located across the road southwest of the Redfur Trading Post. (map)
- Southpoint Wayshrine — Located east of Southpoint. (map)
- Falinesti Wayshrine — Located east of Dread Vullain and north of Tower Rocks Vale. (map)
- Greenheart Wayshrine — Located east of Greenheart and northeast of Labyrinth. (map)
- Labyrinth Wayshrine — Located north of the Spinner's Cottage and southwest of Arananga. (map)
- Marbruk Wayshrine — Located inside of Marbruk. (map)
- Moonhenge Wayshrine — Located north of Twins Falls Rest. (map)
- Seaside Sanctuary Wayshrine — Located on an island east of the Seaside Sanctuary. (map)
- Serpent's Grotto Wayshrine — Located next to Serpent's Grotto. (map)
- Verrant Morass Wayshrine — Located northeast of Verrant Morass. (map)
- Woodhearth Wayshrine — Located on the outskirts of Woodhearth. (map)
Khenarthi's RoostEdit
- Khenarthi's Roost Wayshrine — Located southwest of the Temple of the Crescent Moons in southern Khenarthi's Roost. (map)
- Mistral Wayshrine — Located at the western end of Mistral, near the Maormer Embassy. (map)
Malabal TorEdit
- Abamath Wayshrine — Located east-southeast of Abamath. (map)
- Baandari Tradepost Wayshrine — In the center of the Baandari Trading Post. (map)
- Bloodtoil Wayshrine — Located southwest of Bloodtoil Valley. (map)
- Dra'Bul Wayshrine — Located south-southwest of Dra'bul. (map)
- Ilayas Ruins Wayshrine — Located just southeast of Ilayas Ruins. (map)
- Valeguard Wayshrine — Located north of Valeguard. (map)
- Velyn Harbor Wayshrine — Located in southwest Velyn Harbor. (map)
- Vulkwasten Wayshrine — Located in southern Vulkwasten. (map)
- Wilding Run Wayshrine — Located east of Wilding Run. (map)
Reaper's MarchEdit
- Arenthia Wayshrine — Located in western Arenthia. (map)
- Dune Wayshrine — Located in northwestern Dune. (map)
- Fort Grimwatch Wayshrine — Located northeast of Fort Grimwatch. (map)
- Fort Sphinxmoth Wayshrine — Located just outside Fort Sphinxmoth. (map)
- Moonmont Wayshrine — Located northeast of Moonmont. (map)
- Rawl'kha Wayshrine — Located in southwest Rawl'kha. (map)
- S'ren-ja Wayshrine — Located north of S'ren-ja. (map)
- Vinedusk Wayshrine — Located southwest of Vinedusk Village. (map)
- Willowgrove Wayshrine — Located northeast of Willowgrove. (map)
Daggerfall CovenantEdit
Alik'r DesertEdit
- Aswala Stables Wayshrine — Located northeast of the Aswala Stables. (map)
- Bergama Wayshrine — Located north of Bergama. (map)
- Divad's Chagrin Mine Wayshrine — Located south of Divad's Chagrin Mine, near the main road to Bergama. (map)
- Goat's Head Oasis Wayshrine — Located at the northern end of Goat's Head Oasis, by the foot of the steps to Tu'whacca's Throne. (map)
- HoonDing's Watch Wayshrine — Located northwest of HoonDing's Watch. (map)
- Kulati Mines Wayshrine — Located northeast of Kulati Mines. (map)
- Leki's Blade Wayshrine — Located northeast of Leki's Blade. (map)
- Morwha's Bounty Wayshrine — Located northwest of Morwha's Bounty. (map)
- Satakalaam Wayshrine — Located just outside Satakalaam. (map)
- Sentinel Wayshrine — Located southwest of Sentinel. (map)
- Sep's Spine Wayshrine — Located a ways east of Sep's Spine. (map)
- Shrikes' Aerie Wayshrine — Located northeast of HoonDing's Watch. (map)
- Bangkorai Pass Wayshrine — Located northwest of Bangkorai Garrison. (map)
- Eastern Evermore Wayshrine — Located in eastern Evermore. (map)
- Evermore Wayshrine — Located in northern Evermore. (map)
- Halcyon Lake Wayshrine — Located north of Halcyon Lake. (map)
- Hallin's Stand Wayshrine — Located in eastern Hallin's Stand. (map)
- Nilata Ruins Wayshrine — Located east of Nilata Ruins. (map)
- Old Tower Wayshrine — Located west-southwest of the Old Tower. (map)
- Onsi's Breath Wayshrine — Located northeast of Onsi's Breath. (map)
- Sunken Road Wayshrine — Located just outside of the Sunken Road caves. (map)
- Troll's Toothpick Wayshrine — Located west of Troll's Toothpick. (map)
- Viridian Woods Wayshrine — Located south of the Viridian Woods. (map)
- Carved Hills Wayshrine — Located in southern Betnikh, in the southwest of Carved Hills. (map)
- Grimfield Wayshrine — Located in western Betnikh, in the north of Grimfield. (map)
- Stonetooth Wayshrine — Located in central Betnikh, just south of Stonetooth Fortress. (map)
- Aldcroft Wayshrine — Located in the northwestern section of Aldcroft. (map)
- Baelborne Rock Wayshrine — Located beside the river south of the Baelborne Rock ruins, and just east of the Daggerfall gates. (map)
- Burial Tombs Wayshrine — Located south of the Burial Mounds, halfway between Dwynnarth Ruins and the Tomb of Lost Kings. (map)
- Crosswych Wayshrine — Located in the foothills west of Crosswych. (map)
- Daggerfall Wayshrine — Located at the northern end of Daggerfall Castle Town. (map)
- Deleyn's Mill Wayshrine — Located in the woodland to the north of Deleyn's Mill. (map)
- Eagle's Brook Wayshrine — Located on the main road southeast of Eagle's Brook. (map)
- Farwatch Wayshrine — Located on the higher trail southeast of Farwatch Tower. (map)
- Hag Fen Wayshrine — Located on the eastern coast of Hag Fen. (map)
- Lion Guard Redoubt Wayshrine — Located just northwest of the Lion Guard Redoubt. (map)
- North Hag Fen Wayshrine — Located at the northern end of Hag Fen, west of Spindleclutch. (map)
- Wyrd Tree Wayshrine — Located to the southeast of the Beldama Wyrd Tree, west of Dresan Keep. (map)
- Boralis Wayshrine — Located southwest of Northpoint. (map)
- Camp Tamrith Wayshrine — Located south of Camp Tamrith. (map)
- Crestshade Wayshrine — Located in northern Crestshade. (map)
- Fell's Run Wayshrine — Located southwest of Fell's Run. (map)
- Hoarfrost Downs Wayshrine — Located in western Hoarfrost Downs. (map)
- Northpoint Wayshrine — Located west of Northpoint. (map)
- Oldgate Wayshrine — Located right next to Oldgate. (map)
- Sanguine Barrows Wayshrine — Located south of Sanguine Barrows. (map)
- Shornhelm Wayshrine — Located in northeastern Shornhelm. (map)
- Shrouded Pass Wayshrine — Located east of The Doomcrag on the upper level of the Shrouded Pass. (map)
- Staging Grounds Wayshrine — Located east of The Doomcrag at the base of the Shrouded Pass. (map)
- Alcaire Castle Wayshrine — Located east of Alcaire Castle. (map)
- Bonesnap Ruins Wayshrine — Located northwest of Bonesnap Ruins. (map)
- Dro-Dara Plantation Wayshrine — Located northwest of the Dro-Dara Plantation. (map)
- Firebrand Keep Wayshrine — Located south of the Firebrand Keep. (map)
- Koeglin Village Wayshrine — Located east of Koeglin Village. (map)
- Pariah Abbey Wayshrine — Located east of Pariah Abbey. (map)
- Soulshriven Wayshrine — Located north of the Soulshriven Tower. (map)
- Wayrest Wayshrine — Located in central Wayrest. (map)
- Weeping Giant Wayshrine — Located south of the Weeping Giant. (map)
- Wind Keep Wayshrine — Located east-northeast of Wind Keep. (map)
Stros M'KaiEdit
- Port Hunding Wayshrine — Located due west of Port Hunding. (map)
- Saintsport Wayshrine — Located just outside of Saintsport. (map)
- Sandy Grotto Wayshrine — Located on the northeastern-most point of Stros M'Kai. (map)
Ebonheart PactEdit
Bal FoyenEdit
- Dhalmora Wayshrine — Located due south of Dhalmora. (map)
- Fort Zeren Wayshrine — Located in the western section of Fort Zeren. (map)
- Foyen Docks Wayshrine — Located to the northwest of the Bal Foyen Dockyards. (map)
Bleakrock IsleEdit
- Bleakrock Wayshrine — Located north of Bleakrock Village in the middle of the island. (map)
- Eidolon's Hollow Wayshrine — Located southwest of Eidolon's Hollow. (map)
- Ghost Snake Vale Wayshrine — Located north of the Vale of the Ghost Snake. (map)
- Mournhold Wayshrine — Located in southeastern Mournhold. (map)
- Muth Gnaar Hills Wayshrine — Located north of Muth Gnaar. (map)
- Mzithumz Wayshrine — Located south of Mzithumz. (map)
- Obsidian Gorge Wayshrine — Located southwest of the Obsidian Gorge. (map)
- Quarantine Serk Wayshrine — Located north of Quarantine Serk. (map)
- Selfora Wayshrine — Located southeast of Selfora. (map)
- Shad Astula Wayshrine — Located south of Shad Astula. (map)
- Silent Mire Wayshrine — Located southwest of Silent Mire. (map)
- Tal'Deic Grounds Wayshrine — Located east of the Tal'Deic Fortress. (map)
- West Narsis Wayshrine — Located west of Narsis. (map)
- Cradlecrush Wayshrine — Located northwest of Cradlecrush. (map)
- Fort Amol Wayshrine — Located northeast of Fort Amol. (map)
- Fort Morvunskar Wayshrine — Located south of Fort Morvunskar. (map)
- Jorunn's Stand Wayshrine — Located south of Jorunn's Stand. (map)
- Kynesgrove Wayshrine — Located northwest of Kynesgrove. (map)
- Logging Camp Wayshrine — Located south of Thulvald's Logging Camp. (map)
- Mistwatch Wayshrine — Located just northeast of Mistwatch. (map)
- Skuldafn Wayshrine — Located northwest of Skuldafn. (map)
- Voljar Meadery Wayshrine — Located south of Voljar's Meadery. (map)
- Windhelm Wayshrine — Located in central Windhelm. (map)
- Wittestadr Wayshrine — Located west-southwest of Wittestadr. (map)
The RiftEdit
- Fallowstone Hall Wayshrine — Located south of Fallowstone Hall. (map)
- Fullhelm Fort Wayshrine — Located west-northwest of Fullhelm Fort. (map)
- Geirmund's Hall Wayshrine — Located north-northwest of Geirmund's Hall. (map)
- Honrich Tower Wayshrine — Located southeast of Honrich Tower. (map)
- Nimalten Wayshrine — Located in western Nimalten. (map)
- Northwind Mine Wayshrine — Located south of Northwind Mine. (map)
- Ragged Hills Wayshrine — Located southeast of Nimalten in the southern Rift. (map)
- Riften Wayshrine — Located in eastern Riften. (map)
- Skald's Retreat Wayshrine — Located east of Skald's Retreat. (map)
- Taarengrav Wayshrine — Located northeast of Taarengrav. (map)
- Trolhetta Summit Wayshrine — Located at the peak of Trolhetta. (map)
- Trolhetta Wayshrine — Located north of Trolhetta. (map)
- Alten Corimont Wayshrine — Located in western Alten Corimont. (map)
- Bogmother Wayshrine — Located east of Bogmother. (map)
- Forsaken Hamlet Wayshrine — Located northwest of the Forsaken Hamlet. (map)
- Hatching Pools Wayshrine — Located south of the Hatching Pools. (map)
- Hissmir Wayshrine — Located east of Hissmir. (map)
- Loriasel Wayshrine — Located south of Loriasel. (map)
- Percolating Mire Wayshrine — Located west-southwest of the Percolating Mire. (map)
- Stillrise Wayshrine — Located east of Stillrise Village. (map)
- Stormhold Wayshrine — Located in eastern Stormhold. (map)
- Venomous Fens Wayshrine — Located northeast of the White Rose Prison. (map)
- Ashen Road Wayshrine — Located east of Kragenmoor in southwestern Stonefalls. (map)
- Brothers of Strife Wayshrine — Located north of the Brothers of Strife. (map)
- Davon's Watch Wayshrine — Located south of Davon's Watch. (map)
- Ebonheart Wayshrine — Located in central Ebonheart. (map)
- Fort Arand Wayshrine — Located north of Fort Arand. (map)
- Fort Virak Wayshrine — Located south of Fort Virak. (map)
- Hrogar's Hold Wayshrine — Located south of Hrogar's Hold. (map)
- Iliath Temple Wayshrine — Located north of the Iliath Temple. (map)
- Kragenmoor Wayshrine — Located in central Kragenmoor. (map)
- Othrenis Wayshrine — Located west of Othrenis. (map)
- Sathram Plantation Wayshrine — Located northeast of the Sathram Plantation. (map)
- Senie Wayshrine — Located east of Senie. (map)
- Sulfur Pools Wayshrine — Located southeast of the Sulfur Pools. (map)
- Vivec's Antlers Wayshrine — Located south of Vivec's Antlers. (map)
Apocrypha Edit
- Apogee Nadir Wayshrine — A wayshrine located in central Apocrypha, southeast of Apogee of the Tormenting Eye (map)
- Cipher's Midden Wayshrine — A wayshrine located in central Apocrypha, in the village of Cipher's Midden (map)
- Feral Gallery Wayshrine — Located in northwestern Apocrypha, north of The Feral Gallery. (map)
- Forlorn Palisades Wayshrine — A wayshrine located on the southeastern portion of Apocrypha, south of Quires Wind (map)
- Soundless Bight Wayshrine — A wayshrine located on the southeastern portion of Apocrypha, south of Quires Wind (map)
- Speiran Tarn Wayshrine — A wayshrine located in the central portion of Apocrypha, east of Runemaster's Acropolis. (map)
- Stilled Shallows Wayshrine — A wayshrine located in northwestern Apocrypha, right outside the Portal to Necrom. (map)
- Tranquil Catalog Wayshrine — A wayshrine located on the southeastern portion of Apocrypha, directly north of The Tranquil Catalog. (map)
- Writhing Wastes Wayshrine — A wayshrine located on the southeastern portion of Apocrypha, south of The Sidereal Cloisters (map)
Artaeum Edit
- Artaeum Wayshrine — Located south of the Ceporah Tower. (map)
Blackreach: Arkthzand Cavern Edit
- Arkthzand Wayshrine — A wayshrine to the north of the Library of Arkthzand. (map)
- Nighthollow Wayshrine — Located atop a cliff west of Nighthollow Keep. (map)
Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns Edit
- Dark Moon Grotto Wayshrine — Located in eastern Dark Moon Grotto within Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns. (map)
- Deep Overlook Wayshrine — Located in the southern tunnel of the Lightless Hollow in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns. (map)
- Dwarven Run Wayshrine — Located in the very north of Dark Moon Grotto in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns. (map)
- Dusktown Wayshrine — Located in the northwestern corner of Dusktown Cavern in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns. (map)
- Greymoor Keep Wayshrine — Located south of Greymoor Keep in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns. (map)
- Grotto Falls Wayshrine — Located in Dark Moon Grotto, just west of the door leading to Dusktown Cavern. (map)
- Lightless Hollow Wayshrine — Located south of the Lightless Hollow Great Lift in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns. (map)
- Western Greymoor Wayshrine — Located west of Greymoor Keep on the western edge of Greymoor Cavern in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns. (map)
Blackwood Edit
- Blackwood Crossroads Wayshrine — Situated on the road halfway between Leyawiin and Gideon in central Blackwood. (map)
- Bloodrun Wayshrine — Situated halfway between Farmer's Nook and Bloodrun Cave in northeastern Blackwood. (map)
- Blueblood Wayshrine — Located south of Fort Blueblood. (map)
- Borderwatch Wayshrine — An Imperial fortress in Blackwood, located north of Leyawiin. (map)
- Doomvault Vulpinaz Wayshrine — Located between Doomvault Vulpinaz and Arpenia in the north central area of Blackwood. (map)
- Fort Redmane Wayshrine — Located on a cliff overlooking Fort Redmane in northwestern Blackwood. It is also the closest wayshrine to the Shrine to Nocturnal. (map)
- Gideon Wayshrine — Located across from the Stable Steed in Gideon. (map)
- Hutan-Tzel Wayshrine — Located northwest of Hutan-Tzel in eastern Blackwood. (map)
- Leyawiin Wayshrine — Located in the southwest portion Leyawiin. (map)
- Leyawiin Outskirts Wayshrine — Located slightly east of the northern road out of Leyawiin, east of Undertow Cavern. (map)
- Stonewastes Wayshrine — Located northeast of Stonewastes. (map)
- Vunalk Wayshrine — Equidistant between Vunalk and Plateau of the Traveler in southeast Blackwood. (map)
Clockwork City Edit
- Brass Fortress Wayshrine — Located in the Brass Fortress. (map)
- Clockwork Crossroads Wayshrine — Immediately south of the Brass Fortress and west of the Mnemonic Planisphere. (map)
- Mire Mechanica Wayshrine — A wayshrine located above the Mire Mechanica and west of the Everwound Wellspring (map)
- Sanctuary Wayshrine — A wayshrine located in the western Clockwork City, south of the Sanctuary of Verification. (map)
- Court of Contempt Wayshrine — Located east of the Court of Contempt. (map)
- Endless Stair Wayshrine — Located south of the Endless Stair. (map)
- Everfull Flagon Wayshrine — Located northwest of the Everfull Flagon. (map)
- Great Shackle Wayshrine — Located just west of the Great Shackle. (map)
- Haj Uxith Wayshrine — Located east of Haj Uxith. (map)
- Hollow City Wayshrine — Located in the west of the Hollow City, near the exit to the Shrouded Plain. (map)
- Library of Dusk Wayshrine — Located northwest of the Library of Dusk. (map)
- Manor of Revelry Wayshrine — Located just outside of the Manor of Revelry. (map)
- Moonless Walk Wayshrine — Located west-northwest of the Moonless Walk. (map)
- Reaver Citadel Wayshrine — Located south of the Reaver Citadel. (map)
- Shrouded Plains Wayshrine — Located north of the Tower of Lies in western Coldharbour. (map)
- The Chasm Wayshrine — Located just south of the Chasm. (map)
- The Orchard Wayshrine — Located south of the Orchard. (map)
- Belkarth Wayshrine — Located in Belkarth. (map)
- Dragonstar Wayshrine — Located outside Dragonstar. (map)
- Elinhir Wayshrine — Located north of Elinhir. (map)
- Inazzur's Hold Wayshrine — Located southeast of Inazzur's Hold. (map)
- Mountain Overlook Wayshrine — Located southwest of the Proving Grounds Dolmen. (map)
- Sandy Path Wayshrine — Located northeast of Hel Ra Citadel. (map)
- Seeker's Archive Wayshrine — Located east of the Seeker's Archive. (map)
- Shada's Tear Wayshrine — Located north of Shada's Tear. (map)
- Skyreach Wayshrine — Located far southeast of Dragonstar. (map)
- Spellscar Wayshrine — Located south of the Spellscar. (map)
- Valley of Scars Wayshrine — Located in Upper Craglorn. (map)
The Deadlands Edit
- Annihilarch's Summit Wayshrine — Located west of Charnel Pulpit in the northeast of the Deadlands. (map)
- Ardent Hope Wayshrine — Located east of The Blood Pit in the west of the Deadlands. (map)
- The Blood Pit Wayshrine — Located west of the Blood Pit in the west of the Deadlands. (map)
- False Martyrs' Folly Wayshrine — Located east of the Abomination Cradle in the east of the Deadlands. (map)
- Raging Coast Wayshrine — Located south of Zynoahz's Gaol in the south of the Deadlands (map)
- The Scourshales Wayshrine — Located northwest of Wretched Spire in the center of the Deadlands (map)
- Wounded Crossing Wayshrine — Located south of Ravaged Crossing in the center of the Deadlands (map)
- Wretched Spire Wayshrine — Located east of Wretched Spire in the west of the Deadlands (map)
- Eyevea — Located on a peninsula on the eastern side of Eyevea. (map)
- The Scholarium Wayshrine — Located in the Guild Portal Hub room inside the Scholarium. (map)
Fargrave Edit
- Fargrave Outskirts Wayshrine — Located in the far south of Fargrave City District. (map)
- Fargrave Wayshrine — Located within the city walls, to the south. (map)
- The Shambles Wayshrine — Located in the western portion of the Shambles. (map)
Galen Edit
- Eastern Shores Wayshrine — Located just north of Windwrack Fort. (map)
- Embervine Wayshrine — Located west of Suncleft Grotto. (map)
- Glimmertarn Wayshrine — Located in Glimmertarn. (map)
- Llanshara Wayshrine — Located northwest of Embervine. (map)
- Vastyr Wayshrine — Located in the heart of the city (map)
- Vastyr Outskirts Wayshrine — Located just outside of Vastyr. (map)
- Y'ffre's Path Wayshrine — Located southwest of Y'ffre's Path. (map)
Gold Coast Edit
- Anvil Wayshrine — Located in Anvil. (map)
- Gold Coast Wayshrine — Located along the Gold Road between Anvil and Kvatch. (map)
- Kvatch Wayshrine — Located in Kvatch. (map)
- Strid River Wayshrine — Located west of the Enclave of the Hourglass. (map)
Hew's Bane Edit
- Abah's Landing Wayshrine — Located outside Abah's Landing. (map)
- No Shira Citadel Wayshrine — Located outside No Shira Citadel. (map)
- Zeht's Displeasure Wayshrine — Located in central Hew's Bane. (map)
High Isle Edit
- All Flags Wayshrine — Located at the docks of the settlement. (map)
- Amenos Station Wayshrine — Located in the middle of town. (map)
- Brokerock Wayshrine — Located on a hill east of the mine. (map)
- Castle Navire Wayshrine — Located on the northern road out of the town. (map)
- Coral Road Wayshrine — Located in south central High Isle, between Castle Navire and Steadfast Manor, close to the coral river. (map)
- Dufort Shipyards Wayshrine — Located just south of the docks. (map)
- Flooded Coast Wayshrine — Located in northeastern Amenos. (map)
- Garick's Rest Wayshrine — Located at the road junction west of the keep. (map)
- Gonfalon Square Wayshrine — Located in the heart of the city (map)
- Serpents Hollow Wayshrine — Located in central Amenos. (map)
- Steadfast Manor Wayshrine — Located on a hill south of the manor. (map)
- Stonelore Grove Wayshrine — Located east of the grove. (map)
- Tor Draioch Wayshrine — Located southeast of the tower. (map)
- Trappers Peak Wayshrine — Located on the western coast of Amenos. (map)
- Westbay Wayshrine — Located just outside of Gonfalon Bay. (map)
Murkmire Edit
- Blackrose Prison Wayshrine — Located southeast of Blackrose Prison arena in the central part of Murkmire. (map)
- Bright-Throat Wayshrine — Located south of Bright-Throat Village. (map)
- Dead-Water Wayshrine — Located on the eastern side of Dead-Water Village. (map)
- Lilmoth Wayshrine — Located in the middle of Lilmoth. (map)
- Root-Whisper Wayshrine — Located in the southwestern corner of Root-Whisper Village. (map)
Northern Elsweyr Edit
- Hakoshae Wayshrine — Located outside Hakoshae. (map)
- Rimmen Wayshrine — Located in Rimmen. (map)
- Riverhold Wayshrine — Located near the bridge outside Riverhold. (map)
- Scar's End Wayshrine — Located in the southern part of Northern Elsweyr. (map)
- Star Haven Wayshrine — Located just east of Star Haven Adeptorium. (map)
- Tenmar Temple Wayshrine — Located just outside of Two Moons at Tenmar Temple. (map)
- The Stitches Wayshrine — Located just outside of The Stitches. (map)
Southern Elsweyr Edit
- Black Heights Wayshrine — Located south of Black Heights, near Khenarthi's Breath Temple. (map)
- Dragonguard Sanctum Wayshrine — Located in the Dragonguard Sanctum. (map)
- Pridehome Wayshrine — Located south of Pridehome. (map)
- Senchal Wayshrine — Located in central Senchal. (map)
- South Guard Ruins Wayshrine — Located west of South Guard Ruins. (map)
- Western Plains Wayshrine — Located west of Senchal. (map)
Summerset Edit
- Alinor Wayshrine — Located in Alinor. (map)
- Cey-Tarn Keep Wayshrine — Located northeast of Cey-Tarn Keep. (map)
- Eastern Pass Wayshrine — Located in the southeastern part of Summerset. (map)
- Ebon Stadmont Wayshrine — Located west of Ebon Stadmont. (map)
- Eldbur Ruins Wayshrine — Located east of Eldbur Ruins. (map)
- King's Haven Pass Wayshrine — Located east of King's Haven Pass east entrance. (map)
- Lillandril Wayshrine — Located in Lillandril. (map)
- Russafeld Heights Wayshrine — Located southwest of Russafeld. (map)
- Shimmerene Wayshrine — Located in Shimmerene. (map)
- Sil-Var-Woad Wayshrine — Located north of Sil-Var-Woad. (map)
- Sunhold Wayshrine — Located east of Sunhold. (map)
- The Crystal Tower Wayshrine — Located west of Crystal Tower. (map)
- Veyond Wyte Wayshrine — Located in the northeastern part of Summerset. (map)
Telvanni Peninsula Edit
- Ald Isra Wayshrine — Located south of Tel Rendys. (map)
- Alavelis Wayshrine — A wayshrine located on the southeastern portion of the Telvanni Peninsula, north of Alavelis. (map)
- Fungal Lowlands Wayshrine — A wayshrine that is located in central Telvanni Peninsula, southwest of Tel Baro. (map)
- Great Arm Wayshrine — A wayshrine located on the northern portion of the Telvanni Peninsula, southeast of Tel Baro. (map)
- Necrom Wayshrine — Located in the heart of Necrom. (map)
- Necrom Outskirts Wayshrine — A wayshrine located south of the city of Necrom in the Telvanni Peninsula. (map)
- Padomaic Crest Wayshrine — A wayshrine located in central Telvanni Peninsula, southeast of Sailenmora. (map)
The Reach Edit
- Briar Rock Wayshrine — A wayshrine located east of Briar Rock Ruins. (map)
- Druadach Mountains Wayshrine — A wayshrine in the northwestern Reach. (map)
- Karthwasten Wayshrine — A wayshrine found on the side of the road just outside of Karthwasten. (map)
- Lost Valley Wayshrine — A wayshrine located northwest of Lost Valley Redoubt. (map)
- Markarth Wayshrine — A wayshrine in the center of Markarth. (map)
- North Markarth Wayshrine — Located east and north of Markarth. (map)
- Rebel's Retreat Wayshrine — A wayshrine south of Rebel's Retreat. (map)
- The Earth Forge — Located south of the entrance to the Earth Forge. (map)
Vvardenfell Edit
- Ald'ruhn Wayshrine — Located in Ald'ruhn. (map)
- Balmora Wayshrine — Located in Balmora. (map)
- Gnisis Wayshrine — Located in Gnisis. (map)
- Molag Mar Wayshrine — Located east of Molag Mar. (map)
- Nchuleftingth Wayshrine — Located northwest of Nchuleftingth. (map)
- Sadrith Mora Wayshrine — Located in Sadrith Mora. (map)
- Seyda Neen Wayshrine — Located in Seyda Neen. (map)
- Suran Wayshrine — Located northwest of Suran. (map)
- Tel Branora Wayshrine — Located near Tel Branora tower. (map)
- Tel Mora Wayshrine — Located outside Vos. (map)
- Urshilaku Camp Wayshrine — Located southwest of Urshilaku Camp. (map)
- Valley of the Wind Wayshrine — Located in the eastern Ashlands, on the north coast of Vvardenfell. (map)
- Vivec City Wayshrine — Located in Vivec City's construction camp. (map)
- Vivec Temple Wayshrine — Located on the southeast side of the Temple Canton of Vivec City. (map)
- West Gash Wayshrine — Located in the central West Gash region of Vvardenfell, southeast of Gnisis. (map)
West Weald Edit
- Centurion's Watch Wayshrine — A wayshrine located in northwestern West Weald, between the Leftwheal Granary and Three Points Wayshrine. (map)
- Fall's Path Wayshrine — A wayshrine located in central West Weald, between Eaglerock Ruins and Meridia's Shrine. (map)
- Feldagard Keep Wayshrine — Located on south on the path to Feldagrad Keep (map)
- North Hook Wayshrine — A wayshrine located in northeastern West Weald, between Wendir and Broken Promises Cave. (map)
- Ontus Wayshrine — A wayshrine located in the West Weald, situated between the town of Ontus and the Weatherleah Estate. (map)
- Ostumir Wayshrine — Located on north on the path outside of Ostumir (map)
- Skingrad City Wayshrine — Located in the center of Skingrad (map)
- Skingrad Vineyards Wayshrine — A wayshrine located in central West Weald, in the vineyards north of Skingrad. (map)
- Sutch Wayshrine — Located on northeast on the path to Sutch (map)
- Three Points Wayshrine — A wayshrine located in central-northern West Weald, at an intersection north of Feldagard Keep. (map)
- Trader's Luck Wayshrine — A wayshrine located in southeastern West Weald, on the road to Silorn. (map)
- Vashabar Wayshrine — Located to the southeast Vashabar (map)
- Valente Vineyards Wayshrine — Located directly east of Valente Vineyards (map)
- Wildburn's Edge Wayshrine — A wayshrine located in central-southern West Weald, in the Wildburn. (map)
Western Skyrim Edit
- Deepwood Vale Wayshrine — Located northwest of Dragon Bridge in Western Skyrim. (map)
- Dragon Bridge Wayshrine — Located in Dragon Bridge. (map)
- Frozen Coast Wayshrine — Located on the eastern coast of Western Skyrim, just east of Hordrek's Hunting Grounds and south-southeast of the wreck of The Silver Cormorant. (map)
- Kilkreath Temple Wayshrine — Located near Kilkreath Temple. (map)
- Mor Khazgur Wayshrine — A wayshrine at the entrance to Mor Khazgur. (map)
- Morthal Wayshrine — A wayshrine on Morthal's west side. (map)
- Solitude Wayshrine — A wayshrine in the center of Solitude. (map)
- Solitude Docks Wayshrine — A wayshrine at the docks of Solitude. (map)
- Southern Watch Wayshrine — A wayshrine east of Karthwatch. (map)
Wrothgar Edit
- Frostbreak Ridge Wayshrine — Located north of Frostbreak Fortress. (map)
- Great Bay Wayshrine — Located northeast of Thukhozod's Sanctum. (map)
- Icy Shore Wayshrine — Located south of the Frozen Fleet. (map)
- Merchant's Gate Wayshrine — Located north of Merchant's Gate. (map)
- Morkul Plain Wayshrine — Located northeast of Exile's Barrow. (map)
- Orsinium Wayshrine — Located in Orsinium. (map)
- Shatul Wayshrine — Located northwest of Shatul Range. (map)
- Siege Road Wayshrine — Located on the road northwest of Watcher's Hold. (map)
- Trader's Road Wayshrine — Located north of Graystone Quarry. (map)
- Two Rivers Wayshrine — Located northeast of Zthenganaz. (map)
One-Way WayshrinesEdit
These can only be used to leave their respective locations, not enter them.
Aldmeri DominionEdit
- Eastern Elsweyr Wayshrine — Located inside the Eastern Elsweyr Gate keep. (map)
- Western Elsweyr Wayshrine — Located inside the Western Elsweyr Gate keep. (map)
Daggerfall CovenantEdit
- Northern High Rock Wayshrine — Located inside the Northern High Rock Gate keep. (map)
- Southern High Rock Wayshrine — Located inside the Northern High Rock Gate keep. (map)
Ebonheart PactEdit
- North Morrowind Wayshrine — Located inside the Northern Morrowind Gate keep. (map)
- South Morrowind Wayshrine — Located inside the Southern Morrowind Gate keep. (map)
Dungeon WayshrinesEdit
These can only be used to enter their respective locations, not leave them.
Aldmeri DominionEdit
- The Banished Cells — A group dungeon found at the northern tip of Auridon. (map)
- City of Ash — A group dungeon found in Greenshade. (map)
- Elden Hollow — A group dungeon found under Elden Root in central Grahtwood. (map)
- The Harborage — A cave outside of Vulkhel Guard (map)
- March of Sacrifices — A dungeon shaped around the theme of Hircine's Great Hunt. (map)
- Maw of Lorkhaj — A desecrated Khajiiti temple in Reaper's March. (map)
- Lair of Maarselok — A group dungeon within the mountain valleys of Tenmar, Grahtwood entered from a lake northeast of the Ossuary of Telacar. (map)
- Selene's Web — A group dungeon found in Reaper's March. (map)
- Tempest Island — A small island containing a group dungeon accessible from Malabal Tor. (map)
- Unhallowed Grave — A tomb complex and group dungeon located in the desert wastes of Bangkorai. (map)
- Daggerfall Covenant
- Blackheart Haven — A group dungeon found in Bangkorai. (map)
- Crypt of Hearts — A group dungeon found in Rivenspire. (map)
- Fang Lair — A group dungeon in Bangkorai. (map)
- The Harborage — A cave outside of Daggerfall (map)
- Red Petal Bastion — A group dungeon in northeast Glenumbra. (map)
- Spindleclutch — A group dungeon found in northern Glenumbra. (map)
- Scalecaller Peak — A group dungeon located in Stormhaven. (map)
- Shipwright's Regret — A shipyard located in eastern Rivenspire, east of Fell's Run. (map)
- Volenfell — A group dungeon found in Alik'r Desert. (map)
- Wayrest Sewers — A group dungeon found under the city of Wayrest in Stormhaven (map)
Ebonheart PactEdit
- Arx Corinium — A group dungeon found in southwestern Shadowfen. (map)
- Bal Sunnar — A group dungeon in Stonefalls. (map)
- Blessed Crucible — A group dungeon found in the Rift. (map)
- The Cauldron — A group dungeon in western Deshaan. (map)
- Cradle of Shadows — A group dungeon in Shadowfen. (map)
- Darkshade Caverns — A group dungeon found in southeastern Deshaan. (map)
- Direfrost Keep — A group dungeon found in Eastmarch. (map)
- Frostvault — A group dungeon in northern Eastmarch. (map)
- Fungal Grotto — A group dungeon found in western Stonefalls. (map)
- The Harborage — A cave outside of Davon's Watch (map)
- Ruins of Mazzatun — A group dungeon in Shadowfen. (map)
- Scrivener's Hall — A group dungeon in the Rift. (map)
- Aetherian Archive — A tower in southeastern Craglorn near the city of Elinhir. (map)
- Asylum Sanctorium — A mini trial found within the Reactor District in the Brass Fortress. (map)
- Bedlam Veil — A demiplane and group dungeon accessed from a portal in Wrothgar. (map)
- Black Drake Villa — A group dungeon on the Gold Coast. (map)
- Blackrose Prison — A group-based arena in Murkmire, located southeast of Dead-Water Village. (map)
- Bloodroot Forge — A group dungeon in Craglorn. (map)
- Castle Thorn — A group dungeon nestled in the Haafingar Mountains of Western Skyrim. (map)
- Cloudrest — A city found on the mountain of Eton Nir in Summerset, east of Ebon Stadmont. (map)
- Coral Aerie — An islet located off the northern coast of Summerset, accessed by taking a boat on the beach north of the Veyond Wyte Wayshrine. (map)
- Depths of Malatar — A group dungeon on the Gold Coast. (map)
- Dragonstar Arena — A group-based arena in Upper Craglorn. (map)
- The Dread Cellar — A group dungeon in northern Blackwood. (map)
- Dreadsail Reef — A reef off the coast of High Isle that serves as a major base for the Dreadsails, a group of Maormer pirates. (map)
- Dragonstar Arena — A group-based arena in Upper Craglorn. (map)
- Earthen Root Enclave — An islet located off the southeast coast of High Isle, reached from a ship west of the Coral Road Wayshrine. (map)
- Falkreath Hold — A group dungeon in Craglorn. (map)
- Graven Deep — A region located off the southwest coast of High Isle, accessed by ship from Amenos Station. (map)
- Halls of Fabrication — A part of Sotha Sil's Clockwork City. (map)
- Hel Ra Citadel — An ancient Yokudan fortress in southwestern Craglorn. (map)
- Icereach — A group dungeon on an island in the Sea of Ghosts, accessed by boat from Wrothgar's northern shore. (map)
- Imperial City Prison — A group dungeon found northeast of the Imperial City's Memorial District. (map)
- Infinite Archive — A two-person arena located in a demiplane linked to Apocrypha. (map)
- Kyne's Aegis — A bastion in the Sea of Ghosts, located on an island off the coast north of Solitude. (map)
- Maelstrom Arena — An otherworldly solo arena accessed from Wrothgar. (map)
- Maw of Lorkhaj — A desecrated Khajiiti temple in Reaper's March. (map)
- Moongrave Fane — A group dungeon in the ancient ruins of a forgotten Khajiiti faith. (map)
- Oathsworn Pit — A group dungeon in the northern mountains of The Reach. (map)
- Rockgrove — An Argonian settlement and trial located in the southeastern reaches of Blackwood. (map)
- Sanctum Ophidia — An ancient Nedic temple in northern Craglorn. (map)
- Sanity's Edge — The dreamworld of Warlock Vanton. (map)
- Stone Garden — A group dungeon found in the Greymoor Cavern section of Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns. (map)
- Sunspire — An ancient temple of Alkosh found in Northern Elsweyr. (map)
- Vateshran Hollows — A solo arena in the Reach, south of the Reachwind Ritual Site. (map)
- Vaults of Madness — A group dungeon found in Coldharbour. (map)
- White-Gold Tower — A group dungeon found in the center of the Imperial City. (map)