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This sandbox is being used to list Elder Scrolls media, sorted by in-universe chronological order. Because of the extensive amount of material set in the Elder Scrolls universe, this list is separated into sections by each respective era and overarching plot.

This list excludes (unless stated why otherwise):

  • Add-ons, DLCs, or patches that introduce content to the base game as complementary gameplay and quests:

Second EraEdit

The Three Banners WarEdit

The SoulburstEdit

Title Time Period Release Date Type Notes
Gathering Force: Arms and Armor of Tamriel 19th of Morning Star, 2E 578 -
First pressing, Last Seed, 2E 578
04/04/2014 ESO Book Included as a part of The Hero's Guides to The Elder Scrolls Online.
Kyne's Challenge: A Hunter's Companion 4th of First Seed, 2E 578 -
2nd of Sun’s Height, 2E 581
The Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamriel 6th of Rain's Hand, 2E 578 -
19th of Last Seed, 2E 581
Included with the physical release of the Imperial Edition of ESO.
Agents and Reagents: The Bounty of Mundus Begins on
2nd of Sun's Height, 2E 578
Included as a part of The Hero's Guides to The Elder Scrolls Online.
The Elder Scrolls Online 2E 582 Video Game
The Elder Scrolls Online: Imperial City 31/08/2015 ESO PvP DLC The events of this DLC are mostly concurrent with the Coldharbour zone storyline in the base game.
  • Although the four books listed above are sorted in chronological order, from when each book starts, the suggested reading order is in reverse:
  • A character encountered near the conclusion of Agents and Reagents later appears early on in The Improved Emperor's Guide.
  • Events that occur during the conclusion of The Improved Emperor's Guide are later mentioned in Kyne's Challenge.
  • As Gathering Force lacks a general storyline and only mentions characters from the previous books, it is suggested to read this book last.

Guilds and GloryEdit

Title Time Period Release Date Type Notes
The Elder Scrolls Online: Orsinium Circa
Late Rain's Hand, 2E 582
02/11/2015 ESO Story DLC Before being patched, a journal entry erroneously suggested Orsinium (and therefore all ESO content released after it) was set in 2E 583.
The Elder Scrolls Online: Thieves Guild 2E 582 07/04/2016
The Elder Scrolls Online: Dark Brotherhood 31/05/2016

The Daedric WarEdit

Title Time Period Release Date Type Notes
The Elder Scrolls Online: Shadows of the Hist 2E 582 01/08/2016 ESO Dungeon DLC
The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind Announcement Trailer 31/01/2017 ESO Trailer Serves as a prequel to the Chapter itself, and is later recalled in Naryu Virian's journal.
Naryu's Journal 06/06/2017 ESO Book Included with the physical release of the Morrowind Chapter Collector's Edition.
The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind ESO Chapter
The Elder Scrolls Online: Horns of the Reach 14/08/2017 ESO Dungeon DLC
The Elder Scrolls Online: Clockwork City 23/10/2017 ESO Story DLC
The Elder Scrolls Online: Dragon Bones 12/02/2018 ESO Dungeon DLC
The Alinor Codex 05/06/2018 ESO Book Included with the physical release of the Summerset Chapter Collector's Edition.
The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset ESO Chapter
The Elder Scrolls Online: Wolfhunter 13/08/2018 ESO Dungeon DLC
The Elder Scrolls Online: Murkmire 22/10/2018 ESO Story DLC

The Season of the DragonEdit

Title Time Period Release Date Type Notes
The Elder Scrolls Online:
The Official Survival Guide to Tamriel
2E 582 26/03/2024 ESO Book Although no year is given for when this was written in-universe, it directly mentions a character in the present tense, later encountered, living and then killed, during the Elsweyr Chapter.
Despite using the term "septims" to refer to currency, this is an error made by the real-world author and does not place this book as having been written in-universe during the Third Era or later.
The Elder Scrolls Online: Wrathstone 25/02/2019 ESO Dungeon DLC
The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr 04/06/2019 ESO Chapter
The Elder Scrolls Online: Scalebreaker 12/08/2019 ESO Dungeon DLC
The Elder Scrolls Online: Dragonhold 21/10/2019 ESO Story DLC

The Dark Heart of SkyrimEdit

Title Time Period Release Date Type Notes
The Elder Scrolls Online: Harrowstorm 2E 582 24/02/2020 ESO Dungeon DLC
The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor 02/06/2020 ESO Chapter
The Elder Scrolls Online: Stonethorn 24/08/2020 ESO Dungeon DLC
The Elder Scrolls Online: Markarth 02/11/2020 ESO Story DLC Originally titled "Darkstorm".

The Gates of OblivionEdit

Title Time Period Release Date Type
The Elder Scrolls Online: Flames of Ambition 2E 582 08/03/2021 ESO Dungeon DLC
The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood 01/06/2021 ESO Chapter
The Elder Scrolls Online: Waking Flame 23/08/2021 ESO Dungeon DLC
The Elder Scrolls Online: Deadlands 01/11/2021 ESO Story DLC

The Legacy of the BretonsEdit

Title Time Period Release Date Type
The Elder Scrolls Online: Ascending Tide 2E 582 14/03/2022 ESO Dungeon DLC
The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle 06/06/2022 ESO Chapter
The Elder Scrolls Online: Lost Depths 22/08/2022 ESO Dungeon DLC
The Elder Scrolls Online: Firesong 01/11/2022 ESO Story DLC

The Secrets of ApocryphaEdit

Title Time Period Release Date Type
The Elder Scrolls Online: Scribes of Fate 2E 582 13/03/2023 ESO Dungeon DLC
The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom 05/06/2023 ESO Chapter
The Elder Scrolls Online: Scions of Ithelia 11/03/2024 ESO Dungeon DLC
The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road 03/06/2024 ESO Chapter

The Season of Fallen BannersEdit

Title Time Period Release Date Type
The Elder Scrolls Online: Fallen Banners 2E 582 10/03/2025 ESO Dungeon DLC

The Stros M'Kai UprisingEdit

Title Time Period Release Date Type Notes
A Pocket Guide to the Empire and its environs Published circa
first half of 2E 864
31/10/1998 RG Book Included as a part of the Redguard User's Guide.
The Guide was written in celebration of the Battle of Hunding Bay, and mentions characters in present-tense, before their deaths in Redguard.
The Origin of Cyrus! Circa
Late Midyear,
2E 864
Comic Book
Tobias's letter states that Cyrus's sister has been missing for three months. Her final journal entry was dated 26 First Seed, 2E 864, which places when the letter was written and received around Late Midyear.
The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard Circa
Sun's Height,
2E 864
Video Game Cyrus arrives on Stros M'Kai "some weeks" after the aforementioned letter was sent out.

Third EraEdit

The Imperial SimulacrumEdit

Title Time Period Release Date Type Notes
The Elder Scrolls: The Arena 1st of Hearthfire, 3E 389 25/03/1994 AR Player's Guide The beginning of Arena as conveyed by the Arena Player's Guide.
The Elder Scrolls: Arena 1st of Hearthfire, 3E 389
- 3E 399
Video Game The Deluxe Edition is the definitive release of Arena as it contains voice-acting and higher-quality cinematics.
The Elder Scrolls Travels: Shadowkey 3E 397 11/11/2004
An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire 3E 398 30/11/1997

The Warp in the WestEdit

Title Time Period Release Date Type Notes
Daggerfall User's Guide: History "Weeks" before 4th of Morning Star, 3E 405
- 4th of Morning Star, 3E 405
20/09/1996 DF User's Guide The beginning of Daggerfall as conveyed by the Daggerfall User's Guide.
The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall 4th of Morning Star, 3E 405
- 9th of Frostfall, 3E 417
Video Game

The Nerevarine ProphecyEdit

Title Time Period Release Date Type Notes
The Elder Scrolls Travels: Stormhold Circa
3E 427
01/08/2003 Video Game Although no year is given for when these games are set, a developer interview suggests they take place concurrently with Morrowind. As one character in Stormhold later appears dead in Morrowind, it's implied these are set beforehand.
The Elder Scrolls Travels: Dawnstar 26/08/2004
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Begins on
16th of
Last Seed,
3E 427
01/05/2002 The GOG release of the GOTY Edition is the definitive release of Morrowind as it is the only release to contain all plugins.
The Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal 3E 427 06/11/2002 MW Expansion
The Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon 03/06/2003

The Oblivion CrisisEdit

Title Time Period Release Date Type Notes
A Pocket Guide to the Empire and its environs, Third Edition Published
3E 432
20/03/2006 OB Book Included with the Collector's Edition of Oblivion.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Begins on
27th of Last Seed, 3E 433
Video Game The GOTY Deluxe Edition is the definitive release of Oblivion as it contains all downloads.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine 3E 433 21/11/2006 OB Download
The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles 27/03/2007

Fourth EraEdit

The Conqueror of MadnessEdit

Title Time Period Release Date Type Notes
The Elder Scrolls: Legends - Isle of Madness Fourth Era 24/01/2019 LG Story Although no year is given for when this Story is set, in-game dialogue suggests it takes place after the events of Shivering Isles.

The Umbriel CrisisEdit

Title Time Period Release Date Type Notes
An Elder Scrolls Novel: The Infernal City Circa
4E 48
24/11/2009 Book Although no year is given for when these novels are set, dialogue states they take place 43 years after the Red Year of 4E 5.
An Elder Scrolls Novel: Lord of Souls 27/09/2011

The Great WarEdit

Title Time Period Release Date Type Notes
The Elder Scrolls: Legends - The Forgotten Hero 4E 175 09/03/2017 LG Story Although no year is given for when this Story is set, events place it during the Great War in 4E 175.
Exile Blades Survival Test Circa
4E 175
30/06/2020 BL gamebook Prequel to Blades.
Although no year is given for when this is set, the first scene states the White-Gold Concordat has "just" been signed.
The Elder Scrolls: Blades Circa
4E 180
12/05/2020 Video Game Although no year is given for when this game is set, in-game dialogue states it takes place five years after the end of the Great War.

The Fall of the Dark BrotherhoodEdit

Title Time Period Release Date Type Notes
The Elder Scrolls: Legends - The Fall of the Dark Brotherhood Circa
Sun's Height, 4E 188
- Sun's Dusk, 4E 188
05/04/2017 LG Story Although no year is given for when this Story is set, Cicero's Journal places it in 4E 188.

The Prophecy of the DragonbornEdit

Title Time Period Release Date Type Notes
The Elder Scrolls: The Official Cookbook Circa
4E 201
26/03/2019 SR Book Although no year is given for when this was written in-universe, it directly mentions characters encountered, living or killed, during Skyrim.
The Elder Scrolls: Legends - Return to Clockwork City Circa
Last Seed, 4E 201
30/11/2017 LG Story In-game dialogue and events suggest this takes place shortly before, and during the early moments of, Skyrim.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Begins on
17th of Last Seed, 4E 201
11/11/2011 Video Game The GOG release of the Anniversary Edition is the definitive release of Skyrim as it contains all Creation Club content without any DRM and full mod support.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dawnguard 4E 201 26/06/2012 SR Add-on
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn 04/12/2012