Nature spirits, also known as spirits of the green,[1] spirits of nature, and spirits of the forest, are spiritual creatures that originate from the Green.[2][3] They are described as physical manifestations of Nirn,[4]:216 and are tied to the environment around them. They are as unpredictable as nature itself.[2] By one account, the term "nature spirit" is so vague and broad as to be essentially useless.[5] Habitat-specific terms include forest spirits,[6][7][8] timber spirits,[9] woodland spirits,[10] wood-spirits,[11] spirits of the wood,[9] spirits of the jungle,[12] wind spirits,[13][14] spirits of the earth,[15] water spirits or spirits of water.[15][16][17] Some are known as tree spirits,[18][19] spirits of the trees,[20] or fire spirits depending on their appearance.[13][21] Nature spirits are typically associated with Y'ffre or Jephre,[2][22][23] but some are associated with other gods and goddesses that are affiliated with nature, such as the All-Maker,[18] Kyne,[24][25] Kynareth,[26] or even Hircine.[27][28]
Nature spirits are described as "dreams of the Green" and "forces of nature in the bosom of Y'ffre",[29] made real and given form and purpose either naturally or through the will of practicioners of nature magic such as the Druids and the Wyrd.[3][30] Certain greater spirits are said to be a subset of Y'ffre's laws shaped into spirits through nature magic,[31] or to have been bound to a location with a certain task by Y'ffre himself.[32] They are said to reside in all things, rocks, roots, leaves, brooks, the wind, a field of flowers, or even a swarm of Torchbugs, though their will might be difficult to perceive, even for those who know how to listen.[33] According to the Augur of the Obscure, waterfalls house a deluge of water spirits, and each individual stone has its own spirit with its own stories to tell.[34]
Nature spirits that haven't yet emerged into the physical world are said to "slumber" within the Green, druids use a concoction named the "Elixir of Y'ffre's Thoughts", said to temporarily turn the imbiber into a dream or memory also, to communicate with them and exchange knowledge while in that state.[3] When a nature spirit "dies", it returns to its slumber within the Green, ending its current incarnation.[35][32] Vanquished nature spirits are said to reform or reincarnate, eventually.[29][23]
Those spirits that are invoked from the Green to fulfill a purpose can be made to take on a variety of different forms, such as that of a wamasu, gryphon, or a faun.[3][21] In some cases a spirit might choose to manifest itself in a specific form suited to tasks such as protecting local nature from a fire.[36] The purpose for which a nature spirit has been invoked might range from guarding a location to recording and passing on stories however, if a spirit is made to wait for a very long time before it can fulfill the purpose it was given, it can forget itself and grow wild and hostile.[3] Due to this, and how unpredictable they can be, invoking a spirit from the Green through magic is something done sparsely even by Druids, only the Druid King can safely invoke and command even the greater spirits of nature.[32][29]
The emotions and thoughts of mortals are something nature spirits generally can't understand, preventing them from experiencing such things even through the use of magic, but exceptions exist in the form of spirits such as the Chronicle, whose purpose involves passing on the experiences of mortals.[3][32]
Nature spirits can sense and communicate with nature and other nature spirits, something the spirits themselves refer to as hearing their "song". A nature spirit can perceive those things the element of nature it's linked to touches, an earth spirit's "Stonesight" might allow one to perceive all that rests within the rock of the area it's bound to, a root spirit's to hear through the interconnected roots of all plants, and an air spirit's grant knowledge of what is touched by the air. Druids are known to use ritual altars which allow them to commune with nature spirits and share in their senses while doing so.[29][37]
When compelled, it is possible for a nature spirit to merge with a mortal vessel, allowing for its power to be drawn upon, this allows for the spirit's "sight", its knowledge of what the element of nature it presides over touches, to be shared by the mortal. Should the vessel's body die, the spirit will be released, freed of prior bonds to a specific location or purpose.[3][38][37]
Most spirits are bound to a specific location, and to a purpose and nature that typically don't change, and won't act in way that contradicts them, a peaceful flower spirit won't fight and an unmoving spirit of stone won't help move crops. A spirit's purpose and nature can become temporarily imbalanced through the use of powerful magic or the destruction of the nature they preside over, placing great strain on the spirit and potentially making it lash out in anguish, however, even if such a change occurs, the spirit's original nature will be restored when it is reminded of it, as nothing can truly erase it. Spirits that lost the element of nature they were initially bound to can be rehoused, the spirit of a lost river might find a new river to call home. Exceptions to the general rule exist in the form of spirits who were invoked from the Green to make choices of their own, and so might not be bound by rigid purpose or location the way most spirits are. In addition, a spirit's purpose can become cloudy when their objectives are fulfilled, in which case they may need to seek a new purpose for themselves.[3][29][2][36]
Should the spirit that's bound to a specific area or part of nature depart, it is possible for another nature spirit to bind themselves to it and take the departed spirit's place. This is said to cause the newly bound spirit to transform and grow to match its new purpose. Such an event occurred when the spirit Frii became the new spirit of Mount Firesong in order to prevent the volcano from erupting and destroying the Systres archipelago.[3][29]
Cultural SignificanceEdit
Nature spirits have a great deal of influence in some of the cultures of High Rock. One of the possible origins for the nature worship of the ancient proto-Bretons is from the spirit Galen, and they would be later dubbed the retroactive moniker "Druids of Galen". Though the Druids of Galen as a single unifying group are now defunct, modern druids are known to are known to consort with nature spirits.[2] Friendships can be established with spirits, or they can also be coerced into doing one's bidding,[39] but this is frowned upon by some druids.[2] Druids can also communicate with[40][41] and form cordial relationships with animals, who can serve as intermediaries between druids and nature spirits.[42] Some nature spirits can take the form of animals.[43][44] The Wyrd Covens are also animists who hold nature spirits sacred, as historically druids and the Wyrd were once the same before a religious schism.[45] The 18th of Morning Star was known as the Waking Day, when the people of the Yeorth Burrowland woke the spirits of nature after the winter, somewhat like their more reverential ancestors, in one of the oldest holidays in High Rock before recorded history.[46]
The Reachfolk hold reverence for numerous spirits, spanning the spectrum from grand to minor. In reality, the number of faiths within the Reach aligns with the multitude of clans that call it home. Among these clans, some may venerate nature associated spirits such as sacred elks or the spirits of a mountain springs.[47] It was customary to thank to nature spirits before felling trees. Subsequently, the Reachfolk often would plant new saplings in the vacant space left by the fallen tree.[20]
Types of Nature SpiritsEdit
Aggression of RootEdit
Aggressions of Root are uncommon nature spirits. According to the Druids, they speak with the voice of plants and protect nature where it feels threatened. They are known for attracting a wide range of dangerous wildlife to any area they inhabit, creating a hazardous environment for nearby residents and travelers. They can command other nature spirits in battle such as Forest Wraiths and Spriggans, as well as vegetation such as Stranglers and creatures such as Fauns. They are capable of speech and have a discordant tone.
One such aggression of root, known as Oakenclaw, took residence in Lake Olo in the West Weald in 2E 582, during the Mirrormoor Incursions. An adventurer was hired by the local Legion of the West Weald to deal with the danger it posed and to warn the locals of the threat. The situation was serious enough that the West Weald Legion issued a warning bulletin stating that Lake Olo and the nearby vicinity are off-limits to unauthorized personnel. Another aggression of root took residence in Haldain Lumber Camp during that period.
A powerful nature spirit from the Earthen Root Enclave, known as the Spirit of Root, was known to take the form of an aggression of root when it was corrupted by the Firesong Circle. When it appeared in this form, it was referred to as the Corruption of Root.
Caenlorn WolfEdit
The Caenlorn Wolves (or simply the Caenlorn) are the sacred ceremonial spirit wolves of the Skaal, a tribe of Nords native to Solstheim who are known for their worship of the island's wolves and bears. These wolves are held in high regard by the tribe's shaman. Usually the Caenlorn Wolves reside in the world of the spirit with the All-Father; they are only summoned by the Skaal for certain ceremonies.
According to the traditions of the Skaal, crimes such as theft or bearing false witness can result in a sentence of either exile or death. Of the two, death is considered the more honorable punishment for a warrior, as it involves a ritual sacrifice to the wolves. In such cases, the Caenlorn Wolves will be summoned so that the accused may be fed to them. The Skaal view this as the preferred way to die, as they believe that the warrior's spirit lives on and is purified by allowing the wolves to consume their flesh. The wolves will then return the spirit to the cycle of life so that the warrior may be reincarnated in a different form. However, some members of the Skaal consider the practice to be barbaric due to the horror and pain involved.
Changelings are rare nature spirits[5] with the ability to shapeshift. They were once prevalent in Valenwood until Y'ffre introduced the Green Pact, resulting in many of them giving up their formlessness to become Bosmer, with those who refused it becoming known as Oathbreakers.[48] Although usually humanoid, a Changeling's powers allow them to assume the forms of many other creatures at will and take on their characteristics.[49]
Forest WraithEdit
Forest wraiths (also known as dray'hoon) are evil nature spirits that are filled with rage and longing, and are said to be embodiments of death.[32][UOL 1][UOL 2] They cannot be reasoned with, and if one has identified you as a threat, it will not relent.[50]
Guardians are spirits of nature that inhabit the vales and forests of Daenia. They are the most famous among several varieties of nature spirits that reside within the region. They are commonly mistaken for ghosts, but this is inaccurate as they were never people, and were born as spirits. Some of those familiar with their nature advocate that they should be treated with respect.[51] Despite being refered to as nature spirits, they are among the extinct Ehlnofey who claim they were once Y'ffre.[52][53]
Guardian SpiritEdit
Guardian spirits are spectral nature spirits found in Skyrim that are associated with Kyne.[43][54] They are often tied to a specific natural landmark, such as a lake, a hill, or a copse of woods. A guardian spirit "haunts" the area it is connected to, and cannot abandon or wander far from the location. Guardian spirits usually take the form of mortal creatures,[43] but despite appearances,[55] these spirits were never mortal.[54] Certain guardian spirits were known to be curious or mischievous with mortals, while others are outright hostile.[54]
Kyne's Sacred Trials are an old Nord tradition, where the participant has to hunt and defeat several specific guardian spirits, known as Kyne's champions, in order to prove themselves as a true hunter and receive Kyne's blessing. The tradition had fallen into obscurity by 4E 201.[24]
Ice WraithEdit
Ice wraiths are magical, lucid serpentine nature spirits purely made out of ice.[56][57][58] They are typically found across Skyrim's snow-blown landscape and mountain ranges but can also be found in High Rock and Cyrodiil's reclusive mountain country, as well as the Sea of Ghosts.[59] They blend in the snow and become nigh invisible to the naked eye. They will then lunge at unsuspecting prey with their entire body and bite them to death. Prey can sometimes get infected with Witbane, a disease that dulls a person's intelligence.[56] Ice Wraiths are among many creatures that are immune to paralysis.[60]
Indriks are incarnate nature spirits[61] that are affiliated with Y'ffre or Jephre, the Forest God.[22][23] These elusive beasts typically roam the Summerset Isles.[62][63][22] though they also appear in small numbers on the Systres Archipelago.[64][65] Some scholars believe that indriks are divine beings:[22] they seem to draw strength from the bones of the earth beneath their hooves.[66]
Marsh GiantEdit
Marsh giants are a giant-like race native to Black Marsh. These manifestations of nature are a form of woodland spirit comparable to spriggans. They are not related to the common giants of Skyrim, but they do share their size and pastoral activities. Their exact level of intelligence is unknown due to limited interactions. However, the Hist apparently have a long and acrimonious history with the Marsh Giants, and urge the Argonians to avoid the creatures if they can.
They play an important role in Blackwood's ecosystem by knocking down dead trees, turning the soil and making room for younger vegetation to grow. This encourages the growth of mosses and suppresses the development of invasive fungi. Marsh giants also hinder loggers, contribute to avian diversity and ward off certain predators, such as feral cats.[10]
Nereids (also called water-sprites by the Redguards, or water nymphs)[58] are mer-like, feminine water spirits that live near bodies of water and can often be heard singing an angelic, but transfixing melody. They are known practitioners of water magic, an obscure form of magic, and can either become hostile or tolerant of people's company.[58] Generally speaking, the Nereid are an intelligent-folk that more often than not, protect the land they live on and its denizens, even claiming old ruins as their own haven.
The Leimenid is a variant of nereid that practices frost magic. They resemble the typical nereid, but appear more ethereal and in a frosty mist. They are typically found in cold climates such as the Wrothgarian Mountains, or atop wintry mountains like Scalecaller Peak.[67] They have also been used in the Maelstrom Arena, the pocket realm of the demiprince Fa-Nuit-Hen.[68]
Spriggans, often called nature's guardians,[69] are nature spirits[70][71]:55 that take the form of tree-like female humanoids. They possess moderate intelligence, but despite being revered they are usually hostile towards travelers. Spriggans have their own unique language, which can be learned by scholars and used to calm the creatures.[72] They are usually found protecting secluded glades and groves all over Tamriel, often blending in with the plant life and catching trespassers unaware. Spriggans attack with their long, sharp fingers as well as with their teeth, and have the ability to poison enemies. They have incredible regenerative abilities, resulting in adventurers often having to defeat them several times before they remain dead. If threatened, they can call nearby woodland animals to aid them in battle, and some even have the ability to magically summon black bears.
The Bloodthorn Cult is known to perform perverted rituals that uses Spriggans as a base, twisting the creatures into lurchers, which are wooden golems of multiple origins. This is said to leave them a shell of their former selves.[52][73] In Greenshade, the tribal bosmer see lurchers as gifts from the Wilderking, and "embodiments of the raw energy of the forest".[74]
The gnarls of the Shivering Isles are treelike creatures who seem to have some relation to spriggans,[75] and are sometimes classified with them.[76][UOL 3] They are believed to be caretakers of the Shivering Isles' Root System,[77] and have a truce of sorts with the natural creatures of the Isles.[78]
Wispmothers (sometimes wispfathers)[79] are magical-energy beings thought to be either ghosts, wraiths or nature spirits,[80] and they can be found in the wilds of Tamriel. Killing a wispmother causes all of its attendant wisps and shades to die. Lydette Viliane of the Synod has proposed that they are elemental personifications of snow or mist.[57]
Y'ffre is known to send wisps to herald the storms of Rain's Hand. To see one is to see the promise of new growth, new life, and a new chapter in nature's cycle.[81]
Notable or Unique Nature SpiritsEdit
Brackenleaf is believed to be one of the first trees of Grahtwood. The story goes that when Y'ffre spoke their world-shaping tale, she planted her words in the earth and there grew Brackenleaf. Indeed, Brackenleaf was compared to Elden Root, mentioned as one of many more ancient seeds. Brackenleaf's heart is a sought after relic as legends say the heart holds the power of Y'ffre, the same magic used to create the world. Due to this, it's been under threat since the beginning of time itself, with foes seeking to take its power for themselves. The Outsider is a prominent example of such a foe.
The ChronicleEdit
The Chronicle, also referred to as the Spirit of Y'ffre's Path or simply the Spirit of the Path, was a revered nature spirit held in high regard by the Druids of the Eldertide Circle. Its primary duty was to preserve their stories and historical accounts. The Chronicle differs from other nature spirits by its emotional depth. It connects with the experiences and emotions of mortals, sharing their feelings through the stories it tells. It was considered among the very powerful Nature spirits, and was well known among the Druids.
Evergrowth and AllwitherEdit
The Evergrowth and its darker aspect, the Allwither, are two nature spirits in the opposite side of the spectrum, a physical manifestation of the cycle of life. These spirits were bound by ancient druids to balance a sacred grove in the Sapphire Coast region of High Isle, where the laws of nature were found to be malleable.
Galen, according to some tales of the Druids was the spirit that walked from the heart of the forest into the midst of an ancient proto-Breton settlement in order to sing the songs of Y'ffre and to teach ancestors of the modern Druids the ways of the Green. Some stories claim that the island of Galen was named in their honor. A variation of this story claims that the "daughters and sons" of Anuiel taught these proto-Bretons of Y'ffre's name.
Jodoro is a powerful Earth Indrik and a spirit of lost nature who inhabited Systres Archipelago. He was one of the three spirits of lost nature who were rehabilitated and taken care of by the Druids of the Stonelore Circle in the Path of the Salt Wind within their sacred site of Earthen Root Enclave.
Lutea is a Nereid, and one of the spirits of lost nature inhabiting Systres Archipelago. She was the oldest of the three spirits of lost nature who were rehabilitated and taken care of by the Druids of the Stonelore Circle in the underground tunnels of Deeproot within their sacred site of Earthen Root Enclave. She possessed a powerful ability to manipulate and control water and ice.
Preserver of GalenEdit
The Preserver of Galen is a powerful Spriggan. It was an ancient Nature Spirit summoned by the Druids in the ancient times to safeguard the isle of Galen.
The Root SunderEdit
Scalded RootsEdit
Scalded Roots, formerly known as the Spirit of Wildflower Grove is a powerful spirit of lost nature who inhabited Systres Archipelago. It was one of the three spirits of lost nature who were rehabilitated and taken care of by the Druids of the Stonelore Circle within their sacred site of Earthen Root Enclave.
Shade of the GroveEdit
Shade of the Grove, also known as Hunter's Grove is an ethereal being that represents the essence of life itself. They inhabit the Hunter's Grotto, a section of the Vateshran Hollows where the Reach meets the Hunting Grounds of Hircine. They are the first champion of Hircine within the Vateshran's Rites trial.
Spirit of AirEdit
The Spirit of Air is one of three powerful nature spirits residing within the sacred confines of the Earthen Root Enclave. Communing with the Spirit of Air was a transformative experience, granting those who dare to venture its relentless honesty and wisdom. This spirit, loud, and incapable of deceit, was known to bestow the knowledge of all spoken words, a gift that unveils both the beauty and the weight of one's own life narrative. It can repeat anything that was ever spoken aloud. The Spirit of Air challenges individuals to confront their past with unflinching courage, while imparting the invaluable lesson of cherishing each fleeting moment in the tapestry of existence.
Spirit of Mount FiresongEdit
The Spirit of Mount Firesong was an ancient nature spirit bound to Mount Firesong long ago by Druid King Kasorayn. When summoned by Lord Bacaro Volorus, it took an appearance akin to a giant ethereal humanoid Iron Atronach.
Spirit of RootEdit
The Spirit of Root (also temporarily referred to as the Corruption of Root) is one of three powerful nature spirits residing within the sacred confines of the Earthen Root Enclave. The Spirit of Root speaks with all the voices of the plants, as plants communicate with each other. The Spirit of Root and the trellis sentinels share a crucial relationship in the protection and preservation of the Deeproot. Trellis sentinels serve the vital role of providing support to the Deeproot, preventing its collapse and safeguarding the Spirit of Root residing within. Connection with the Spirit of Root served as a poignant reminder that even in the most desolate of places, solitude is an illusion, for the voices of all living beings can be heard anywhere. It allowed druids to hear the realm through interconnected roots of all plants. Spirit of Root could command Fauns and graft-root animals.
Spirit of StoneEdit
The Spirit of Stone (also temporarily referred to as the Corruption of Stone) is one of three powerful nature spirits residing within the sacred confines of the Earthen Root Enclave. The moments shared with the Spirit of Stone were treasures, each second passing by deliberately, held close and cherished instead of slipping away in haste. By gazing through its eyes, druids could behold sights stretching as far as the Earth Bones beneath the very ground they stood upon. It was known to be able to command Stone Atronachs.
Una the Green ElkEdit
Una the Green Elk is one of the lesser spirits revered in druid culture.
Several items found in the Systres Archipelago were devoted to this lesser spirit. Such items include a collection of cooking pots made of clay that were adorned with the images of Una the Green Elk and small carved figurines depicting the Green Elk.
Urdiir the Guardian (also referred to as the Guardian of Y'ffelon, or simply Urdiir) is a powerful nature spirit taking form of a chimera called from the Green by Druid King Kasorayn. Urdiir's purpose was to protect the sacred seeds, the temple of Y'ffelon, and the Sower. They were described as a wild, fierce, and wonderful guardian.
Windsorrow is a mournful wind spirit who inhabited and haunted the area surrounding the tower of Tor Draioch on High Isle. Although some considered the existence of such a spirit nothing more than myth, many locals claimed to have seen motes of light that blink in and out of sight. They believed that this phenomena was a remnant of the spirit. It was indeed true that the spirit named Windsorrow existed.
Wyrd TreeEdit
The Wyrd Tree is a nature spirit that is physically a gargantuan oak tree that radiates with an unnatural glow. This spirit is located deep in the woods of Glenumbra's region of Daenia in High Rock. There, it can be found on an island surrounded by a lake within a secluded vale, where it that gives life to the land. The Wyrd Tree is ancient, predating both Men and Mer. Its roots stretch throughout all of Nirn, its power touching everything, even the "bones of the world", and conceal secrets from when time began.
The Forest Guardian, a magical brown bear sent by Kynareth
See AlsoEdit
- ^ Nature Spirit and Ongalion's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b c d e f On Nature Spirits — Archdruid Duana
- ^ a b c d e f g h i Frii's dialogue in ESO: Firesong
- ^ The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset Collector's Edition Strategy Guide — Garitt Rocha, David S.J Hodgson
- ^ a b Selene's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Knowledge Gained quest in ESO
- ^ Legends of the Forest — the Sisters Glumm
- ^ Scary Tales of the Deep Folk, Book 3 — Cassia Volcatia, Traveling Scribe
- ^ a b Wood Elf exclamations in Daggerfall
- ^ a b On Marsh Giants: A Study — Fanemil, Associate Dean of Plant Studies, University of Gwylim
- ^ The Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamriel: Valenwood — Flaccus Terentius, 2E 581
- ^ Sirdor's Journal — Sirdor
- ^ a b Pocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: The Ra Gada: Hammerfell — Imperial Geographical Society, 3E 432
- ^ Ember's dialogue in ESO: High Isle
- ^ a b Druid Olivya's dialogue in ESO: High Isle
- ^ In Need of a Bath quest in ESO
- ^ Mistress of the Lake quest in ESO
- ^ a b Skaal Village residents' dialogue about Spriggans in Morrowind: Bloodmoon
- ^ Hireling Correspondence in ESO
- ^ a b Malug's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
- ^ a b Archdruid Orlaith's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b c d Y'frre's Sparkling Steeds — Melobrian
- ^ a b c Talomar's dialogue in ESO: Summerset
- ^ a b Froki Whetted-Blade's dialogue in Skyrim
- ^ Imwyn Frost-Tree's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Nature's Fury quest in Oblivion: Knights of the Nine
- ^ Hunter's Grotto in ESO: Markarth
- ^ Events of Spirit of the Hunt in Blades
- ^ a b c d e f Druid Laurel's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Cinderstone Kagouti mount description in ESO
- ^ Druid Audrine's dialogue in ESO: High Isle
- ^ a b c d e Elder Pitof's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Druid Ryvana's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Augur of the Obscure's dialogue in ESO
- ^ The Chronicle's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b Spirits of Lost Nature — Archdruid Melie
- ^ a b Archdruid Devyric's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Events of The Stonelore Defense in ESO
- ^ The Only Record of Our Plan — Archdruid Devyric
- ^ Druid Jend's dialogue in ESO: High Isle
- ^ Druid Erold's dialogue in ESO: Firesong
- ^ Wisdom of the Druids quest in ESO: High Isle
- ^ a b c Events of Kyne's Sacred Trials in Skyrim
- ^ Oldefire Elk mount description in ESO
- ^ Wyrd and Druid — Archdruid Barnabe's Discourse with Mainlanders, 2E 553
- ^ Holidays of the Iliac Bay — Theth-i
- ^ Great Spirits of the Reach: Volume 2 — Vashu gra-Morga, Chief Daedrotheologist at the University of Gwylim
- ^ Oathbreakers of Ouze
- ^ The Voice of Ouze's dialogue in Back to Rest
- ^ Druid Gastoc's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Ghosts of Glenumbra — Jean Dutheil
- ^ a b Wyress Ileana's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Guardian of the Earth's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b c Spirits of Skyrim — Isstille the Scholar
- ^ Location of Mudcrab Guardian Spirit in Skyrim
- ^ a b Herbane's Bestiary: Ice Wraiths — Herbane
- ^ a b The Wispmother — Mathias Etienne
- ^ a b c Kyne's Challenge: A Hunter's Companion — David S. J. Hodgson
- ^ Ice Wraiths in ESO
- ^ Catalogue of Weapon Enchantments — Yvonne Bienne, Synod researcher
- ^ Nascent Indrik mount description and appearance in ESO
- ^ Hanu's dialogue during The Great Hunt in ESO: Wolfhunter
- ^ Take Part in ESO's End-of-Year Events & Unlock an Indrik Mount! on the official ESO website
- ^ Events of Wildhorn's Wrath in ESO
- ^ Jodoro's appearance at Earthen Root Enclave in ESO: Lost Depths
- ^ Dawnwood Indrik mount description and appearance in ESO
- ^ Plans of Pestilence group quest in ESO: Dragon Bones
- ^ Maelstrom Arena quest in ESO: Orsinium
- ^ Wilderness rumors in Oblivion
- ^ Field Guide to Spriggans by Phrastus of Elinhir — A guide to spriggans
- ^ The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Official Game Guide — Peter Olafson
- ^ Daggerfall skill
- ^ Elder Scrolls Online - Crown Store Showcase
- ^ Frighten the Fearsome quest in ESO
- ^ Corrupted Spriggans have a similar appearance to gnarls and drop Gnarl Bark
- ^ Legends card category
- ^ Bark and Sap
- ^ The Living Woods
- ^ Wispfathers in Castles
- ^ The Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamriel: Black Marsh — Flaccus Terentius, 2E 581
- ^ Galen Wisp collectible description in ESO
- ^ The Faerie — Szun Triop
- ^ A Scholar's Guide to Nymphs — Vondham Barres
Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.
- ^ Twitch Stream of ESO Live Legacy of the Bretons Autumn Event, time stamp 1:04:46-1:05:10
- ^ Forest Wraith section in Firesong DLC & Update 36 Preview
- ^ Josh Utter-Leyton Isle of Madness Interview
- ^ On the Argonians, the Hist and the War with the Trees - Michael Kirkbride