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Pact Breton TerrierEdit

Who would not want such a cute Breton Terrier trailing behind them, garbed in the red and black of the Ebonheart Pact? Perfidious fools from other alliances, that's who! Blood for the Pact!
Pact Breton Terrier

The Pact Breton Terrier was first made available during 2021's Midyear Mayhem celebration. Its default name is "Skaldie", after Nordic skalds.

To receive the pet, you need to collect and combine ten Breton Terrier Mammoth Bones while playing on a character that is part of the Ebonheart Pact. In doing so, you will receive a Runebox: Ebonheart Breton Terrier Pet, which you can consume to collect this pet. You can find Breton Terrier Mammoth Bones inside of Pelinal's Midyear Boon Boxes. Alternatively, this pet can be purchased from the Impresario for 00000055 .

There are three separate Alliance Breton Terrier pets, one for each Alliance. The Alliance your fabricated pet is associated with is determined by the Alliance of the character that consumes the ten mammoth bones; Aldmeri Dominion players will receive a Dominion Breton Terrier if they consume ten bones, and Daggerfall Covenant players will receive a Covenant Breton Terrier if they consume ten mammoth bones. This pet is not like the Alliance War Mastiff. The costume for one Breton Terrier does not change if you set it as your active pet on a character from a different Alliance.

Palefrost Elk FawnEdit

Some claim these elk originate from necromantic rituals involving restless spirits. Perhaps, I say. Regardless, these fawns make for delightful companions, though they'll sometimes stare at nothing for hours."—Phrastus of Elinhir
Palefrost Elk Fawn

The Palefrost Elk Fawn is obtained immediately after pre-purchasing the High Isle Chapter. The Palefrost Elk Fawn was available with pre-orders until April 4, 2022. Its default name is "Ghostwatcher".

Pale Pass Mountain HareEdit

Enterprising merchants seek out and capture these delightful little creatures, calling them either "bunnies" or, if the buyer prefers accuracy or a certain level of decorum, Pale Pass Mountain Hares. So cute!
Pale Pass Mountain Hare

The Pale Pass Mountain Hare is available in the Crown Store for 010001,000  . Its default name is "Fuzzlekins".

Pale Pass PonyEdit


The Pale Pass Pony is an upcoming pet. Its default name is "(?)".

Pale-Plume Fledgling GryphonEdit

Less common than the usual variety, the Pale-Plume Gryphons are found only along the seacoast cliffs near the Tower of Dusk in southeast Summerset. Their Fledglings make engaging pets that can be trained to follow their masters even into danger.
A Pale-Plume Fledgling Gryphon pet

The Pale-Plume Fledgling Gryphon is a pet that was available in the Crown Store for 010001,000   from November 8 through 12, 2018. It is now available as an Epic-level reward in Ayleid Crates. Its default name is "Baldy", possibly in reference to its striking resemblance to the bald eagle.

Pangrit NymphlingEdit

"My study of pangrits have provided few clues as to their origin. Their young don't possess the spikes of the adults, and their hide is supple like velvet. I could almost hug one of these smaller versions! Almost."—Sadia Vonius, Student
Pangrit Nymphling

The Pangrit Nymphling is available in the Crown Store for 010001,000   from August 22, 2022 to November 1, 2022. It is also in the Lost Depths Collector's Bundle for 040004,000  . Its default name is "Racket".

Passion Dancer BlossomEdit

Allow the passion of Dibella to lead you in a dance of her choosing and, in return, she may gift you with boon of one of her lively blooms. These frolicsome flowers flourish in the presence of energetic adherents like you.
Passion Dancer Blossom

The Passion Dancer Blossom is an upcoming pet. Its default name is "Ardor's Flowering".

Pearl White Sep AdderEdit

White sep adders are rare in the wild since their distinctive coloration doesn't allow for natural camouflage. They are typically found only in captivity, bred for the shine and luster of their scales and their beautiful novelty.
Pearl White Sep Adder

The Pearl White Sep Adder is available as a Superior-level reward in Mirrormoor Crown Crates. Its default name is "Fangstrike."

Pebble PalEdit

Tired of pets that follow you everywhere? Fed up with feeding them? Step up to Pebble Pal, the pet that's a … rock.
Pebble Pal, your brand new, very best friend

Pebble Pal is a Jester's Festival-themed pet available from the Crown Store for 00500500   from March 21 to April 2, 2019. Its default name is "Rocky".

Pedlar Pack PonyEdit

In their travels, the Baandari Pedlars have shown off their pack ponies to the delight of children everywhere. Recently they began selling them, and now children put even more pressure on parents to acquire them.
Pedlar Pack Pony

The Pedlar Pack Pony was available in the Baandari Pedlar Preview Crate that was given out as a daily reward in June of 2019. It was offered as a Crown Gem Exclusive for 0000?  from August 26 to September 3, 2019. Its default name is "Trotter".

Pedlar Pack Senche-Lion CubEdit

To prepare their Senche-Lion mounts, the Baandari Pedlars train them with full gear as cubs. Despite the tack, these cubs pounce and play as kittens do.
Pedlar Pack Senche-Lion Cub

The Pedlar Pack Senche-Lion Cub was available in the Baandari Pedlar Preview Crate that was given out as a daily reward in June of 2019. It was offered as a Crown Gem Exclusive for 0000?  from August 26 to September 3, 2019. Its default name is "Wrigglerump".

Pedlar Pack SpiderEdit

The Baandari Pedlars first used these repurposed mechanized spiders to help retrieve things that got lost in crevices and the like. For the right price, they may sell you one.
Pedlar Pack Spider

The Pedlar Pack Spider was a possible reward in the Baandari Pedlar Preview Crate that was given out as a daily reward in June of 2019. It was offered as a Crown Gem Exclusive for 0000?  from August 26 to September 3, 2019. Its default name is "Master Clack".

Pedlar Pack Wolf CubEdit

Even the pups receive the full Baandari Pedlar tack treatment! These wolf cubs are often seen chasing each other around those seeking wares from the Pedlars, sometimes tripping up customers until they're trained to know better.
Pedlar Pack Wolf Cub

The Pedlar Pack Wolf Cub was available in the Baandari Pedlar Preview Crate that was given out as a daily reward in June of 2019. It was offered as a Crown Gem Exclusive for 00000   from August 26 to September 3, 2019. Its default name is "Tripper".

Pellucid Swamp JellyEdit

A favorite of veterinarians and beast masters across Tamriel, these netches are prized for their clear gelatinous outer membranes that allow students to view its organs from a distance.
Pellucid Swamp Jelly

The Pellucid Swamp Jelly was a potential reward for the Bounties of Blackwood Event. It was unlocked when players reached the 33% threshold on the event's progress bar. Its default name is "Moon Silk".

Peninsula Hermit CrabEdit

Hermit crabs are nothing if not adaptable. Those from the Telvanni Peninsula use hollowed mushroom caps as their homes and serve as ornaments in Dark Elf gardens.
A Peninsula Hermit Crab

The Peninsula Hermit Crab is available as an Epic-level reward in Buoyant Armiger Crown Crates. Its default name is "Fungy".

Phoenix MothEdit

"Druids say the moths are ash made manifest. They leap from the flames of Mount Firesong and flutter away on the breeze. Nonsense! I've seen a moth ignite and then emerge from the coals like a cocoon."—Feather-Brained Teeska
Phoenix Moth

The Phoenix Moth is rewarded upon completion of the quest Guardian of Y'ffelon on Galen. Its default name is "Fireflutter".

Piebald CatEdit

Bretons have a strange practice of letting piebald cats loose in the secret passages of their manor homes. It stems from an ancient, noisy infestation of Sheogorath's never-there beetles. It took years, but the clever felines eventually killed them all.
Piebald Cat

The Piebald Cat is available as a Superior-level reward in Stonelore Crates. Its default name is "Neither-Nor".

Pink Pearl PigEdit

Pining for a perfect pet? Perhaps you're a person who'd prefer a pleasantly playful piglet, pearly-white, pretty, and partial to paladins and protectors!
A Pink Pearl Pig

The Pink Pearl Pig was available to users who gifted 010001,000   worth of gifts to 2 or more people during the month of February, 2019. Its default name is "Fuchsia".

Pink TorchbugEdit

Some followers of Stendarr claim that those who see a Pink Torchbug must perform great acts of charity and mercy by sunset the following day. If they please Stendarr, the pleasant little creature might follow them for a time.
Pink Torchbug

The Pink Torchbug is received via code redemption. Codes for this pet are being given away at raffles during Twitch streams in 2021. Codes have been distributed for giveaways to select ESO streamers and partners, and are also given away during ESO livestreams on Bethesda's Twitch channel. Its default name is "Mercyseeker".

Plum Swamp JellyEdit

The Plum Swamp Jelly is the rarest of the so-called "Flavor" Jellies, and seeing one is considered by many Argonians to be a sign of good fortune. It's not at all unusual for an Argonian to wear a Plum Jelly's feeler as a "Good Luck Tentacle."
Plum Swamp Jelly

The Plum Swamp Jelly was available exclusively to ESO Plus members for 00900900   from January 17 to January 21, 2019. It returned to the Crown Store from February 21 to February 25, 2019, where it was offered to all players for 010001,000  . Its default name is "Mulberry".

Pocket MammothEdit

Pocket Mammoths were originally bred small in order to make them more manageable as livestock, but in Wrothgar some escaped and began breeding in the wild. However, they're easily domesticated, especially if you get one when it's young.
A pet Pocket Mammoth

The Pocket Mammoth was available in the Crown Store for 00700700   from (?) to June 3, 2017. They are also available as a Superior-level reward in Flame Atronach Crown Crates. Its default name is "Nosy".

Pocket SalamanderEdit

"I don't know, something about being followed around by a tame miniature giant elemental amphibian just seems right to me, you know? Expresses my inner newt." —Dinuviel Darkwater of Rellenthil
Pocket Salamander

The Pocket Salamander was given to anyone who pre-ordered the Summerset chapter. It is a smaller version of the Salamanders seen in the wild. Its default name is "Newton".

Pocket WatcherEdit

"Some keep so-called Pocket Watchers as pets, playing off the name of those Pocket Mammoths seen in Wrothgar. Even at their smaller size? Still not the wisest move. Small Daedra are still Daedra, after all, and thus beyond our ken. "—Warlock Aldaale
Pocket Watcher

The Pocket Watcher is a small green Watcher. It was available in the Crown Store as a Crown Gem exclusive for 00300300  , from October 10 through 24, 2019 and again from June 4 to 8, 2020 with a discounted rate of 00200200   for ESO Plus subscribers. It returned to the Crown Store from March 11 to 18, 2021, where it was offered to all players for 00200200  . Its default name is "Neverdream".

Pony GuarEdit

A favorite household pet in Morrowind, the Pony Guar is a glutton for affection.
A pet pony guar

A code for a Pony Guar pet comes with the purchase of the official guar plush toy (redeemable only on PC/Mac). Its default name is "Coconut".


When young Argonian egg-siblings tell their creche-parents they want a pony, this is what they mean. And now that you've seen it, don't you want one, too?

The Pony-Lizard is a pet that was available as the day 21 login reward for September 2022. Its default name is "Spinemane".

Powderwhite ConeyEdit

Though one Reach clan claims their ancestors bring them messages via these snowy bunnies, the creatures seem mundane enough. That said, it couldn't hurt to have someone's extremely cute and cuddly ancestor helping you, right?
Powderwhite Coney

The Powderwhite Coney is a white rabbit that debuted during the 2021 New Life Festival. Its default name is "Whomper".

The pet is acquired by opening a Runebox: Powderwhite Coney, which has a chance of dropping from New Life Festival Boxes. The Runebox could also be purchased from The Impresario for 00000055 

Prismatic Senche CubEdit

"This cub is special, yes. Beautiful and quite friendly. Not the softest companion, but others have said the same about me."—Scholar Zansora
Prismatic Senche Cub

The Prismatic Senche Cub is available as an Epic-level reward in the Order of the Lamp Crates. Its default name is "Mugarra".

Prodigious Brass MudcrabEdit

These perky metal creations are known to pack quite the pinch. Though their rust-resistant coatings do enable them to enter into water, they're far better at sinking than swimming.
Prodigious Brass Mudcrab

The Prodigious Brass Mudcrab is available as an Epic-level reward in Flame Atronach Crates. Its default name is "Pincer".

Prodigious Crimson MudcrabEdit

"How many times have I told you to keep your fingers away from the claws? Now look at you, knuckles bruised and nothing learned. The crab did nothing wrong. Maybe it's time this one found a more appropriate home."—Overheard on the Necrom docks
Prodigious Crimson Mudcrab

The Prodigious Crimson Mudcrab is available as a Superior-level reward in the All-Maker Crates. Its default name is "Grasper".

Prong-Eared Forge MouserEdit

Prong-Eared Forge Mouser

The Prong-Eared Forge Mouser is an upcoming pet. Its default name is "Earzles".

Prong-Eared GrimalkinEdit

Prong-Eared Grimalkins are widely regarded as having supernatural powers thanks to their ability to appear almost instantly when a container of cat food is opened, and to fit themselves into boxes that seem entirely too small for them.
Prong-Eared Grimalkin

The Prong-Eared Grimalkin is available from the Crown Store for 010001,000  . It first became available on August 30, 2018, and has been in the Crown Store ever since. Its default name is "Earzles".

Prong-Eared Odd-Eyed CatEdit

"Cats with odd-colored eyes see into the depths of those around them. Those with white fur? They see into time itself." —Zamarak
Prong-Eared Odd-Eyed Cat

The Prong-Eared Odd-Eyed Cat is available as a Superior-level reward in Baandari Pedlar Crown Crates. Its left eye is blue, and its right eye is green. Its default name is "Elegante".

Psijic BrassiliskEdit

These rare Brassilisks are powered by blue soul gems brought back from the Psijic hideaway of Artaeum at the end of the First Era by Sotha Sil himself.
Psijic Brassilisk

The Psijic Brassilisk is a brassilisk pet available from the Crown Store for free exclusively to PS4 players between November 7 and December 31, 2017. Its default name is "Psony". The pet's blue adornments are a reference to the PlayStation's blue color scheme and the name is a reference to the company, Sony.

Psijic Domino PigEdit

Originally bred on the Isle of Artaeum, the black-and-white Domino Pig is so smart it can count to five and learn to recognize its name.
A pet Psijic Domino Pig

Psijic Domino Pigs are available from the Crown Store for 00400400  . Its default name is "Darlin'".

Psijic Mascot Bear CubEdit

By tradition, the Psijic Mascot of the order's Ritemaster is always a Bear Cub—but since there's been only one Ritemaster, Iachesis, for over 3,000 years, the tradition hasn't had much opportunity to change. Fortunately, others can befriend them as well!
Psijic Mascot Bear Cub

The Psijic Mascot Bear Cub was given away as a Daily Reward in November 2018. Its default name is "Bearmaster".

Psijic Mascot Guar CalfEdit

The first Guar came to Artaeum when a Psijic advisor to the Tribunal returned from Mournhold with a Pony Guar in the middle of the First Era, and they've been favorites of the Psijics ever since. There's even a glowing Psijic Mascot Guar!
Psijic Mascot Guar Calf

The Psijic Mascot Guar Calf is a pet available in July 2018's Daily Rewards. Its default name is "Glowy the Guar".

Psijic Mascot PonyEdit

This perky but enigmatic equine glows with Magicka through the mystic runes that embellish its possibly-illusory epidermis. Enchanting!
Psijic Mascot Pony

Psijic Mascot Ponies were a potential reward for the Summerfall Event. Its default name is "Glony".

Psijic Mascot Senche CubEdit

"Some say that Psijic Mascot creatures aren't true animals at all, but illusory constructs created by Psijic monks as portable storage batteries of Magicka," says Sapiarch Soraturil. "What nonsense!"
Psijic Mascot Senche Cub

The Psijic Mascot Senche Cub is a pet that was available as a daily reward for July 2020. Its default name is "Mystikitten".

Psijic Mascot Wolf PupEdit

Are the Psijic Mascot pets real animals with an enchanted appearance, or illusory beast companions created from Magicka? The Psijic monks know which it is, but ask one, and all you get in reply is a smile.
Psijic Mascot Wolf Pup

The Psijic Mascot Wolf Pup was given away as a Daily Reward in March 2019. Its default name is "Howland".

Purple DaggerbackEdit

The glowing Purple Daggerback boar is found only in Craglorn in the vicinity of the Spellscar, from which it seems to have absorbed some sort of magical aura.
A pet Purple Daggerback

The Purple Daggerback is a pet available in the Storm Atronach Crown Crates as an Epic-level reward. Its default name is "Pricklypear".

Purple TorchbugEdit

Madness follows the Purple Torchbug, or so some claim. Others believe that those who once held Sheogorath's attention attract these insects. Either way, perhaps Sheogorath's dubious blessing touched them.
Purple Torchbug

The Purple Torchbug was gifted to players who attend an official Elder Scrolls Online community event in 2020. Anybody who watched the ESO Dark Heart of Skyrim Year-End Preview Digital Event (which premiered at on September 19, 2020 at 3PM EDT) with their ESO and Twitch accounts linked received a free Purple Torchbug pet, which was delivered by September 21, 2020. Its default name is "Fickleflutter".